Example | Meaning |
Painters one time- the guy was painting up- and he's painting you-know- I was watching the young kid he was painting. And I'm looking he's going up up up. I said how high are you going, all up-- (inc) I says "See up there, another ten feet, don't touch that." It's high voltage for a big (inc). 'Cause that's how you go up there and you probably hold onto to it to (inc). |
"I say", "I said" |
But like I says from South-Porcupine to here talking n-- no. But I know down Toronto yeah some guy has a little saying, downtown Toronta or-something. Or that ah or the bus ride it would yell out (in Toronto accent) "Spadina." |
"I say", "I said" |
He looked like something like Perry-Como, except he wasn't that- yeah I- you know Perry-Como on T-V? Oh yeah, nice short hair eh? He was- he was a crooner. Yeah Perry-Commo- oh yeah he was- he had his own show as well. He was a- anyway I says- and we ended up bar-- ah bunking in with an Italian guy. |
"I say", "I said" |
I call them tin-knocker- tin-smith, the guy who put furnace in all-that. She says "You boys getting along pretty good eh? Making your way around pretty good." "Oh yeah." I says. We take the streetcar down and ah you-know. But we saw guys leaving would get a piece of paper. We looked (laughs) what's the paper for? You-know like two hicks? |
"I say", "I said" |
Speaker: They gave you so small wires that incase you hooked up wrong, you won't burn the generators up, you'd burn the wires up. Interviewer: (laughs). Speaker: And how many kids would burn- and I hooked up- and the teacher says "How come these guys hooked them okay?" And I says "I did them in high-school already." (inc) compound, long (inc), short (inc), series mount generators. I did them all. So I had a good training at (inc). |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
There's one nasty moment when we went there one time and we went to the chicken house and I said, "Oh Shauna," I said, "The - the chickens are free, the chickens are free!" And she's going, "What?" and I says, "Yeah, they're running around the back." Well, we went between the buildings. Well the guys were cutting their heads off and chickens were flopping around (laughs). |
"I say", "I said" |
Well, I-mean, the questions were so easy it was ridiculous. So I'd finish my paper really quickly. And his class was so easy. So once I was done and I'd go and- you-know, go up to his desk and then hop on his desk, "Hey, Mister-Brackson," I says ah, "How about me and your son switch places and you-know, you'll be my dad for a week and your son-" |
"I say", "I said" |
And I guess about the fifth or sixth time I walked out of the teacher's class and I went in there and I told Misses-Dawes, and she goes, "Well maybe you should just take a spare. Take another course or-" and I says, "No, I- I want ancient history. Like that's what I want. Like, that's what I like." But she was the only teacher doing that so I ended up taking a spare and dropped the class. And it was because of her. |
"I say", "I said" |
Speaker: And I thought, "Okay, Kyle give me your- your foot." And he's looking at me, "What?" And I says, "Yeah, give me your foot." And then he seen what I was going to do and he pulls his foot away. And he goes like, "What are you doing?" (Laughs) Like, "Don't burn me." And I said, "No no," I says, "You have a bloodsucker on you." I says, "I'm going to take it off." So he goes, "Oh," and he's looking, "Oh yeah, okay." So I- I'd gotten them off his feet and I thought, "Oh my God, what a memory that is." |
"I say", "I said" |
... I don't know if all their stories truthful or not to- to an extent but um I-mean, what are you going to do you-know? He's still my son, I still love him. And I'll told him- I says, "We just move and we try to get her back." And that's all there is to it (laughs). |
"I say", "I said" |
So then I got Kyle and Keri upstairs and I s-- "Write your name." Neither one of them knew what was- so they wrote their name. And I says, "Now write Kyle's name, Keri and Kyle, write Keri's name." So- so they did. Well Keri's left-handed and Kyle's right-handed so obviously, there's a big difference in it. |
"I say", "I said" |