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I says

Parf of speech: Phrase, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Ah, okay, I watched his three kids for long time- couple of years here too eh? And like I says, I- there's so many families around the area that I have- oh yeah I just dropped off and I was known as the babysitter ...
"I say", "I said"
... he came in- he says oh you have a bunch of- now you have good k-- kids and they were just going to fire off al-- run off that platform and I says, "Ah! Ah! Ah!" And they all had- sat down back and they're with their hands folded (laughs). And then he asked what was going on. he says- and I says, "You just tell him what you were doing." And they were throwing apples and that- that was not allowed eh?
"I say", "I said"
... they didn't like thunderstorms. That was when they were younger, I should say, maybe eight, ten years old. And I says I hope there's a big thunderstorm because they'd- they'd have to hug one another to keep warm and (laughs)- and 'cause they were scared of thunderstorm (laughs).
"I say", "I said"
Half-an-hour later she's back scratching, I says, "Go to bed." Then I got up. Next morning she came back and I says, "Go to bed." She never came back. But now, she won't come.
"I say", "I said"
And we always- she had Buckley's. And so I got Sophie raised on Buckley's and she loves it but at first she used to hate it. I says, "You got to take it," I said, "It's the best thing."
"I say", "I said"
I met her at the train station, and ah, just, the figures got more than I could handle. And up she come, so- "Well, what are you going to do?" Well I says, "I got to wait 'til Monday or Tuesday, my turn comes." 'Cause they were coming in from the west in train loads and everywhere else.
"I say", "I said"
She said "Oh!" she said, "We got to-" and I- I says (inc)- So I says, "You go home, and ge-- send as many trucks as you can for cattle 'cause I got- they want them cattle the hell out of here."
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: ... If you want to start, Monday morning." Ah, he says, "There'll be somebody here to count, and you pay him. Interviewer: And what day was- and what day was this? Speaker: This was Saturday. So I says, "Good." So I had to buy a new elevator to run the hay out of the barns onto the trucks. We started loading and I hired two men that come up from home to help me. And we loaded barns day and night.
"I say", "I said"
So he phoned me Wednesday morning, he said, "That catch in the flooring, can you cover it?" And I'd put eleven tractor trail loads into a guy at Richmond. I says "I sure can, no trouble," and down I went and got my cheque and brought it back and ah, here we are. I covered it all and went ahead. Oh, them- them barns of hay did me a pile of good.
"I say", "I said"
So I went in to the bank manager was cheery, "Oh yeah, we'll write her up." Oh, he said, "Just a minute Keith, things have changed." I says, "Oh, what's wrong." Well he said, "You owe us thirty-two-thousand dollars. And we're only taking fifty-percent and you've got to get appraised and your appraisal ain't going to be what you think it is because you were appraised-" what was it?
"I say", "I said"
I come in at the dinner table and I just took to cry, I says, "we've lost her all this time." And she says, "You know Keith, I don't feel the damn bit sorry for you." "I- How do you mean?"
"I say", "I said"
I said, "A hell of a way of looking at it, I lost everything I owed this morning if I didn't have this." And "How you're so smart?" Then I says, "I've got good friends." That night, every other person who was- five of them- phoned me that night and offered to- so glad to help me and give me the money. The whole five of them and I couldn't get a dollar off of anybody here.
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: I went to grade-eleven. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: And that- I know, ah, when I got the final exams, I had failed a bunch of subjects, and I says, "I can't- I didn't fail that one, I know that for a fact." She says, "Why?" I says, "She passed, didn't she?" And she said yes. Well I says, "I copied m-- most of her answers." (laughs)
"I say", "I said"
Ah- I think it's- um, I keep getting that name- she kept saying, "Well, why do you keep getting that name- you can't say that name." I says, "Well, I think it's because you're stressing it so much, like-" I think it's Onaping.
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: In the year two-thousand. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: Everything was supposed to collapse. And my son, they got provisions that- my basement was full of soup and cans and whatnot. I says, "I am not letting anybody frighten me again that way 'cause it didn't happen in nineteen-sixty, it's not going to happen in two-thousand."
"I say", "I said"