Example | Meaning |
Ah, okay, I watched his three kids for long time- couple of years here too eh? And like I says, I- there's so many families around the area that I have- oh yeah I just dropped off and I was known as the babysitter ... |
"I say", "I said" |
... he came in- he says oh you have a bunch of- now you have good k-- kids and they were just going to fire off al-- run off that platform and I says, "Ah! Ah! Ah!" And they all had- sat down back and they're with their hands folded (laughs). And then he asked what was going on. he says- and I says, "You just tell him what you were doing." And they were throwing apples and that- that was not allowed eh? |
"I say", "I said" |
... they didn't like thunderstorms. That was when they were younger, I should say, maybe eight, ten years old. And I says I hope there's a big thunderstorm because they'd- they'd have to hug one another to keep warm and (laughs)- and 'cause they were scared of thunderstorm (laughs). |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
I met her at the train station, and ah, just, the figures got more than I could handle. And up she come, so- "Well, what are you going to do?" Well I says, "I got to wait 'til Monday or Tuesday, my turn comes." 'Cause they were coming in from the west in train loads and everywhere else. |
"I say", "I said" |
She said "Oh!" she said, "We got to-" and I- I says (inc)- So I says, "You go home, and ge-- send as many trucks as you can for cattle 'cause I got- they want them cattle the hell out of here." |
"I say", "I said" |
Speaker: ... If you want to start, Monday morning." Ah, he says, "There'll be somebody here to count, and you pay him. Interviewer: And what day was- and what day was this? Speaker: This was Saturday. So I says, "Good." So I had to buy a new elevator to run the hay out of the barns onto the trucks. We started loading and I hired two men that come up from home to help me. And we loaded barns day and night. |
"I say", "I said" |
So he phoned me Wednesday morning, he said, "That catch in the flooring, can you cover it?" And I'd put eleven tractor trail loads into a guy at Richmond. I says "I sure can, no trouble," and down I went and got my cheque and brought it back and ah, here we are. I covered it all and went ahead. Oh, them- them barns of hay did me a pile of good. |
"I say", "I said" |
So I went in to the bank manager was cheery, "Oh yeah, we'll write her up." Oh, he said, "Just a minute Keith, things have changed." I says, "Oh, what's wrong." Well he said, "You owe us thirty-two-thousand dollars. And we're only taking fifty-percent and you've got to get appraised and your appraisal ain't going to be what you think it is because you were appraised-" what was it? |
"I say", "I said" |
I come in at the dinner table and I just took to cry, I says, "we've lost her all this time." And she says, "You know Keith, I don't feel the damn bit sorry for you." "I- How do you mean?" |
"I say", "I said" |
I said, "A hell of a way of looking at it, I lost everything I owed this morning if I didn't have this." And "How you're so smart?" Then I says, "I've got good friends." That night, every other person who was- five of them- phoned me that night and offered to- so glad to help me and give me the money. The whole five of them and I couldn't get a dollar off of anybody here. |
"I say", "I said" |