Example | Meaning |
A lot of people think "Oh it's all over." It's not over yet. I was just talking to someone on the phone because they just went through an incident and I told them I says "You-know something, everybody thinks that the white-hoods and the sheets are gone. They're not. They wear three-piece-suits now (laughs) and sit behind a desk" you-know? You-know and- and look innocent. |
"I say", "I said" |
Yeah, let's call Arnie. he's black, he has a lot of information about blackness you-know? So ah, which is great. I'm glad they recognize but as I- I think you heard when we were at the ah at the ROM and I says "After ah- after February we'll still be black. You-know? And the phone still works" you-know. |
"I say", "I said" |
... you-know a lot of people have said "Arnie, why's it you always hire black kids? There's always a lot of kids out here" I says "Yeah but they don't have the same options the black kids don't." And I'm in the- I'm in the position where I can give them that option and I intend to whether you like it or not you-know? |
"I say", "I said" |
And I had to go up by I mean I got kicked in the ass and doors slapped in my f-- slammed in my face. I says "Ah no, no, you c-- I'm here, you're not gonna get rid of me" you-know? But- but one of the- see there's another factor that you have to understand too. Because of the colour of my skin, because of my features, 'cause my mother was white ... |
"I say", "I said" |
... there's this one guy up here on Queen-and- Lee he- he sits there and he's been there for about two years if not longer now. Same position, same hat, same hand out. The other d-- and every time I go by he mumbles something so the othe-- So I says, "Let me just go walk a little slower." And he as mumbling as I walk by, he said "W-- why don't you give a white person something?" I says "Oh shit," I- I says "I just keep my mouth shut and keep going because this poor man." |
"I say", "I said" |
... give it to my son who's in University and struggling to get an education," you-know? I had to go to the bank yesterday 'cause he phoned and I said "You need some money?" He said "No, no I'm okay dad" and I could tell by the tone. I says "Okay I don't have much either but I'm going to the bank and I'm gonna put a hundred dollars in your account" |
"I say", "I said" |
She's got four my other son, my eldest son who's in- in Red-Deer Alberta, he's an R-C-M-P officer and so that those four that got shot the other day? Very close to him. And I called for two days and there was no answer. I says "Oh shit!" And so finally on the news, they finally gave the names and I says "Oh thank God!" And he- he finally called me. He was in Banff. He and the family had gone to Banff 'cause they had- he had had a vacation and they went there for a week or so you-know? So I was- I was really I couldn't sleep. |
"I say", "I said" |
Like Ronald my son the R-C-M-P officer he wanted to ah play guitar. He loved guitar. I says "Okay." I bought him a guitar and I set him up for lessons. He took three lessons and decided to quit. I said "Okay. Don't come to me anymore, you're on your own. You want lessons you go pay for them yourself" you-know? |
"I say", "I said" |
And I told the rest of the kids "You wanna play? You gotta pay. And you gotta study. Otherwise I'm not doing anything for you." "But dad, you didn't go to school and study!" I says "Oh it's different then, we didn't have any school." All we had was the ah Conservatory-of-Music which was on University-and- College. And jazz was the devil's music and all they taught was classical music you- know? |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
He was like thirteen and they're there, "Okay. They've started to attack Iraq." And I thought, "Oh my God. What do I tell this kid?" And he's just staring at the T-V and I says, "Hey, come on. Let's go skating. Let's just- don't you worry about that." You-know? That kind-of-thing. |
"I say", "I said" |
He said, "Should I come in?" And I says "Yeah. Why?" He says, "Well, there's- this is horrendous." And I said, "Well, who's there with you?" And he said, "Well, I'm just at home. Should I bother coming in?" And I said "Well, rather than being home alone, yeah, come on in." He was terrified. |
"I say", "I said" |