Example | Meaning |
... she says, "Would you like to go see- I've got a brother," she says, "Do you want to meet him?" I say, "Oh yeah, okay, some day." So one Saturday afternoon he called me and he says ah, "Do you want to go out?" And I says, "Well," I says, "Well, okay." I says, "Meet me at the telephone office." And I told my mom, I says, "Well, I'll go out with him. If I don't like him, I'll be home early." Well, I guess I didn't come home too ear-- too late- too- yeah (laughs). |
"I say", "I said" |
Speaker: ... I confess I had some difficult customers. Speaker: Oh yes. I- Interviewer: Did you have any? Speaker: Oh I had one that ah, he swore at me and I says, "Thank you, have a nice day." (Laughs) |
"I say", "I said" |
... I gave him two dollars for coffee. And he didn't say nothing, "Wa wa wa." So we were just sitting, and this other guy comes. He says, "Ah, yous wouldn't have a cigarette, eh?" I says, "You know what, we just gave it to that guy." He says, "Ah, to him, he's so miserable!" And I said, "I gave him two dollars, too." "Oh," he says, "I could have used that." |
"I say", "I said" |
He came home what night- he would never go anywhere. And he came home one night, says, "We're going on holidays." I s-- "Oh. Where are we going?" He says, "Acapulco." I says, "You-know," I says, "That's the hottest place to go," and I said, "You don't like the sun." "I don't care," he says, "I'm going." So Monday morning I was right there, right away, getting tickets, eh (laughs)? So after that we went every year. |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
And ah I went in there and the next day I'm having lunch in the- in the- in they- w-- what they- owner's wife said ah, "You're wanted on the phone." I said, "Oh." I said, "Who is it?" She says- I says, "Not Gabby is it?" "No, no it's Gabby." That's my wife. So I went in and went into the phone in- in the office there and ah it was Jacob the ah- the mayor of ah of Haileybury. And he said, "I want to see you." |
"I say", "I said" |
And this guy- and this is all on the phone. I never said it publicly. The next thing- that was one session and they- about a month later there was another one. He phoned again, you-see? And I says- and I jokingly said, "Ah," I said, "You-know I'll just-" I said, "You-know what I'll do?" I said, "I'll buy the- the Indian chiefs off with a case of goof." |
"I say", "I said" |
Speaker: To- in and out of town, for a cup of coffee. I says, "I got to have my people fix." That's what it is. Interviewer: So when you go- come in to town, you meet up with people that you- |
"I say", "I said" |
And the other lady says, "Oh isn't that nice." She says, "That's so thoughtful of you." She said, "I hope that people- when you get to be that age that they will remember to visit you." And I said, "Madam if I have to be- come in here," I says, "I'm going to get a little pill and I won't be in here before I come in this place." (Laughs) |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
I said, "I- I don't mind getting that pay working for you, but not for the two of you." He says, "Well we'll talk about it." I says, "Doctor-Berkley, you're a sweet-heart, but you'll never get around to talking about it." (Laughs) Which was true, I knew he wouldn't. |
"I say", "I said" |
Speaker: And she says, "Too bad we can't get ah it'll be like the love-boat." I says, "Yeah, I know what we can do." So I got a roll of toilet-paper out of the bathroom. I says, "Well take this." She says, "What are you going to do?" I said, "You'll see." (Laughs) |
"I say", "I said" |
And ah then we just ha-- had a wonderful time and then we went to ah dinner on King-Street and were walking along King-Street towards the theatre, and I says, "Come-on, go in- we'll go into the Royal-Alley, it's a real old theatre," He- I said, "You'll like to see it." He said, "We can't do that." |
"I say", "I said" |
It doesn't matter where you go you always meet somebody from Kirkland-Lake." And the girl sitting in front of me turned around and said, "Who's from Kirkland-Lake?" I said, "We are." She says, "My mother went to high-school in Kirkland-Lake. Her name was Alison-Henessy." I says, "She was in my room and so was your aunt Martha. And never mind that I work with your cousin-jorge at the health-unit." (Laughs) (inc) he couldn't believe it (laughs). |
"I say", "I said" |
She says, "Oh you're from Kirkland-Lake." She says, "Do you know so-and-so." I said, "I sure do." I says, "It's a small town you-know?" You know everybody pretty much. Especially working where I worked like at the health unit and at- |
"I say", "I said" |