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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1300, OED Evaluation: N/A

The last meal of the day; (contextually) the time at which this is eaten, supper time. Also: the food eaten at such a meal. Often without article, demonstrative, possessive, or other modifier.

Yeah we come home and he sits there and meows, meows, meows, wants your attention, he doesn't want supper, he wants your attention? And then he rolls over the floor couple times until you pick up and pet him.
The last meal of the day.
So I got home from having the blood test and the phone was ringing it was the hospital. "Don't have any supper and get back down here by seven-o'clock." And I said, "That sounds like an operation." And she says, "Yes, you're full of white blood cells."
The last meal of the day.

Take to task

Parf of speech: Expression, OED Year: 1546, OED Evaluation: N/A

to deal with or tackle in the way of fault-finding or censure, to call to account about a matter

She did not approve and in front of my grade-ten class took me to task for being a not quite sure what she had in mind. And there always has to be somebody to spoil your fun. But oh that was exciting. My grandfather laughed because he had been not just a barber at times, but also a barber shop singer, barber-shop-quartet, and he sang in the old Griffin Opera theatre down here.
To scold or reprimand someone
Being able to be silly and noisy and out on the street because during my teen years Mother tried to push me out of the house because of my difficulties with Father and often two or three gals would be making too much noise on Front-Street and we had a- a police officer friend at that point and he took me to task for it. Wanted me to be better behaved.
To scold or reprimand someone


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1386, OED Evaluation: Chemistry

(Alternate spelling of tartar) Bitartrate of potash (acid potassium tartrate), present in grape juice, deposited in a crude form in the process of fermentation, and adhering to the sides of wine-casks in the form of a hard crust, also called argal or argol n.1, which in the crude state varies from pale pink to dark red, but when purified forms white crystals, which are cream of tartar.

This boy he was a tarter, his name was Jake-Moore and um he- I used to take the kids down you-know to when they registered and he wanted to go into mining engineering and the professor said, "now why are you thinking of mining engineering?" He said one of his best friends was going into mining engineering.
Someone who is stern or strict perhaps
She was really an old-tarter but (laughs) you learned.
Someone who is stern or strict perhaps

Tea dance

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1885, OED Evaluation: Canadian

a social gathering held by Indians, so called because in the early days the Hudson's Bay Company contributed tea, bannock, etc.’

But you see even in like in high-school at- at B-C-I, they had dances, what they call tea dances, and they'd get a little orchestra in, in the gymnasium and everybody would dance.
Type of formal dance
I don’t know. I s-- I can’t even remember if we had one at B-C-I. We used to have tea dances after school but I don’t remember what we used for music. Must’ve been a jukebox or-something.
Type of formal dance


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1897, OED Evaluation: N/A

A public social meeting (usually in connection with a religious organization) at which tea is taken.

Interviewer: Did you ever go on a church picnic? Speaker: Yes, every year they had a Sunday-school or church picnic, every year. But the big event in Cushing was the winter one called the Tea meeting and that was something we all looked forward to. It was a great event because people came from many miles around even came from Montreal, not only one or two to entertain but to attend the supper. Interviewer: What would they do at a Tea-meeting? Speaker: Well, first of all they would have a grand supper.
A public social meeting (usually in connection with a religious organization) at which tea is taken.
Interviewer: Ah what kind of work would the Lady's-Aid do? Speaker: Oh they had all kinds of ah um- they used to had bazaars and tea meetings and-all-that-kind-of-thing.
A public social meeting (usually in connection with a religious organization) at which tea is taken.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1777, OED Evaluation: N/A

The driver or owner of a team; a teamer.

And he had his first job in Dawson-City, in that area working as a, oh what was it, I must remember now, ah, assis-- assistant- a team- assistant to a teamster, I think that was it, assistant to a teamster.
The driver or owner of a team; a teamer.
He was assistant to a teamster initially and then he got him an old prospector. He said, "any job I could get" you-know. ... Imagine, now if he'd stayed with the assistant to the teamster job, he mightn't have seen that twenty-thousand-dollars.
The driver or owner of a team; a teamer.

Tent it

Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1856, OED Evaluation: N/A

To abide or live in a tent; to encamp; spec. of travelling circus folk. Also to tent it

During the summer? Went camping all the time. Family camping. We had a- we went- we tented. We had to use tents for a while and that was in Deer-River
Camp using a tent.

the States

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


James-Melton for instance. He was the principle tenor of the Metropolitan-Opera, and he sung all over the world and we had him here in little Belleville and the year we had him, he had two engagements in all of Canada. All the rest of the engagements were in the States or Europe or- or South-America, but he had two, two engagements for Canada and Belleville was one of those two (inc). Well, he was the top-notch.
The United States of America
When I'd think about it, I used to say, "whatever brought me to this dump" I said, that's what I used to call it. I'll never know because I went to Toronto, I went to Montreal and I could have gone to the States. Well I had this agreement with this couple that paid our fare out and I didn't know whether I could be mean enough to toss them up. But no, I paid them back. When I paid them back I didn't care.
The United States of America
I have never yet seen the kids go to bed hungry nor go to school with ragged clothes. I must say, continually say, Canada has been very very kind to me. People say to me why didn't you go to the States, why didn't you go here, why didn't you go another place? Well, I might have done better. I was too, I don't've been to the States, you know what it's like. Everything's gone haywire over there.
The United States of America
He was looking for something from which he could make cutlery and that was one reason he was working with different metals and process made a metal which was much too hard for cutlery and he had been working on that in the States and that (inc.) His work was known to the Deloro researchers and that was why he was invited to Deloro to continue his work with cobalt. ... So it was an accidental discovery you see.
The United States of America
Speaker 2: Well they did, they landed in the States, somewhere I couldn't tell you where. Speaker: Yes, I have heard tell that they came with the United-Empire-Loyalists. Speaker 2: Well, I don't know about that, but... Speaker: They originated in England but they did come to the States, that's the story I heard. Speaker 2: Well, I will tell you his wife was expecting a baby and they stayed there until after the baby was born and then they came on across to Canada.
The United States of America
Speaker: ... used to come to church and- Interviewer: What church? Speaker: Oh, Saint-Thomas'. Come in and see her come in and sit down and she was used to come- she was down- oh I guess she was, I guess she was- it seems to me she was down around in- way down in the States anyway, around Mexico or someplace and she came back home and she had her two children with her.
The United States of America
They all seemed to head for Canada. Very few went to Australia, some went to Australia you-know, Broken-Hill, Australia but not too many, mostly to Canada and the States, an awful lots went to the states to Pittsburgh, the steel works. Andrew-Carnegie was a Scots fellow and he had them great big steel works and an awful lot of Scotsmen went to get jobs with him, with Andrew. He was a multi-millionaire.
The United States of America