A burdensome or costly objective, enterprise, or possession, esp. one that appears magnificent; a financial liability.
Example | Meaning |
I- I- I honestly still- I- at the time I-guess ah um I would've liked to have seen B-C-I just remain open. Um looking back now, how much of that was just emotion and how much do I skew the figures in my own head just to make my argument work versus listening to somebody else's, um should they have closed down the big white elephant out in Quinte-West? I'd probably still say, "Yes," and I'll say that 'til the day I die but ah ah you-know demographically now they're wanting to close a lot of schools so um it's not just B-C-I that needed to go, it's a whole lot of schools and ah Derek-Fauteiul and all the other demographers out there are ah they're right it's- it's a- a whole lot less of us out there, and there's a whole lot less of ah my gener-- or my- my kids' generation now that ah are coming up through the system. |
A burdensome or costly objective, enterprise, or possession, esp. one that appears magnificent; a financial liability. |
Women's Liberation (The liberation of women from inferior social status and all forms of sexual discrimination; a movement with these aims.)
Example | Meaning |
McLeech's have been the same place for seven-hundred years, they weren't all sons you-know. If a girl, the one that married the McLeech-girl, he takes her name, McLeech. That's funny but, that's women's lib and they had it way back in those days. It was only right, too, you-know. You-know it saved a lot of fighting in the family, perhaps them bad uncles would grab for it ... |
Women's Liberation (The liberation of women from inferior social status and all forms of sexual discrimination; a movement with these aims.) |
Example | Meaning |
Well, there was young people's leagues, and- and ah- well we always had social evenings and get-togethers and um like suppers, (inc) team meetings and then the children in the Sunday-school had sleigh-drives and picnics and parties during the year, Halloween parties. |
A church group for teenagers. |
Example | Meaning |
You-know we went to Sunday-school and we went to see (inc) and ah mission band when we were younger and Young-People's when we were in our teens and so church played a- I-think a big part in our lives. |
A church group for teenagers. |
Example | Meaning |
Well um one thing you hear a lot of people say is yous. "Yous guys gonna do this" or "yous guys gonna do that" and I- I kind-of cringe when I hear it. But you- you do hear that a lot. Ah one thing I used to hear is- like this is old Belleville people, and I- I'm not really old Belleville 'cause I just grew up here but people who- you-know generations you-know- I see my wife's here cleaning off the walk, that's nice. |
Pronoun |
Example | Meaning |
...you always tend to get a whole lot of "yous"s and ah "ain't"s and ah sometimes we describe ah ah the local twang as sounding like you've got marbles in your mouth, um- and I've just got a cold by-the-way. |
Pronoun |
A sharp, high-pitched ringing sound
Example | Meaning |
The trick though is the sound because there's always an airplane or a car or-something zinging around so that's been a little bit of a challenge. So anyway, Captain-Meyers, he fought during the revolution, of-course the Americans won and ah the loyalists had to get out. |
Making some kind of sound |