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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1300, OED Evaluation: N/A

The last meal of the day; (contextually) the time at which this is eaten, supper time. Also: the food eaten at such a meal. Often without article, demonstrative, possessive, or other modifier.

It's nice, going on the bus and if- you're on you-know the accordion going and people singing and then at the suppers for the Italian-Club, he'd be going up and down, playing his Mamma-Mia, and Old-Rose- what do you call- ooo. I forget (laughs).
The last meal of the day.
Those dance clubs, there you could go and jidder-bugs or what- jigger- bug jidder-bug and you-know, dance and have place to go and sleigh rides and you-know, pancake suppers and yeah, it was always something to do-
The last meal of the day.
Interviewer: Right. So growing up and even to this day was- was fishing, something that was popular in- in your family. Speaker: Yeah. We used to go ah after supper. We'd go to Nighthawk-Lake and we'd have supper and go and sit on a rock with our fishing rods.
The last meal of the day.
Speaker: Way back then. We did what we wanted to do and we'd had walk home. Be back home in time to help with the chores at night. Interviewer: Wow. Speaker: Was always being out feeding the cows or hay and-that before supper. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: And then you come in and had supper and then after supper then you'd go out to milk.
The last meal of the day.
... he got a car from his friend and we drove to Liskeard out to his dad's farm out in Diamond-Township. ... And ah, they had some of their relatives in. See it wasn't a big deal then- ... Getting married. ... And we had supper out there and-
The last meal of the day.
Like we're all good friends, but the- not like a- maybe on a Sunday afternoon, you'd go to an aunt's place and have supper-
The last meal of the day.
... they'd come up and the first thing that it- we'd move from the house here and stay in the cottage- you-see for the summer. And the first thing- they'd come in and say- they'd lift up the- the pot and see- "What are we having for supper ma? And w-- what have you got to drink?", and-everything. I said, "Now, B-U-B- bring your own beer. Bring your on booze, food and you can fight all you want at your own cottage." And somebody said, "That was a stroke of genius."
The last meal of the day.
They come in. They drive right up to the cottage. They unpack. They c-- we invite them- the- the first day we invite them over for supper to sort of- because of the trip and-everything-else. And a couple of days later, they invite us for supper and it just turned out beautifully (laughs).
The last meal of the day.
Seven to seven-fifty and ah it's Sunday from five to six and that's the one that's the iffy time. It's supper time towards the end of the weekend and-so-on, but ah.
The last meal of the day.
... a kid looking in this window- 'cause we couldn't afford to have a colour T-V even though my father owned the store, he could afford to maybe have one T-V in stock and that sat in the window display, so, ev-- every night I'd go out after supper and I'd be- you'd see a hundred people sitting around the window- ... In my dad's store watching this colour T-V.
The last meal of the day.
Oh (laughs) well we had- because there was lots of kids in our family, we made our own fun at home. We- we built snow houses in the yard and play outside until you-know 'til it was time to go to bed practically after supper. We had a yard-light in the yard and in the winter especially I can remember a lot of snowball fights and, you-know, building snowmen and playing outdoors.
The last meal of the day.
And ah, the- I was sitting at the table here a week or- little more than a week ago now. And ah I f-- I threw the food out for the partridge and I- we were sitting at the table having our- having our supper and I- I was a- saw out the window a movement so I turned and looked and it was a fox going right along where I threw the food for the partridge.
The last meal of the day.
Anyway, ah we were down there for two months. And as I said, I would play with Natalie in the afternoon and we would have supper in her private dining room with the governess.
The last meal of the day.
But at that time, you'd go out in the morning, you'd stay all- you'd have your supper out there. And I can still see mother sitting there.
The last meal of the day.
Speaker: But mostly, she would sit there and watch us go in for a swim. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: And ah she would have lunch for lunch and lunch for supper. Interviewer: Mm-hm (laughs).
The last meal of the day.
Speaker: I used to come- on a hot summer like we had now, I would leave work at three-thirty, Shelly would have supper ready and-everything. I would grab everybody here and we would head straight out to Crystal-Beach. Interviewer: Oh yeah? Speaker: Oh man Crystal-Beach was the place. Interviewer: Yeah? Speaker: (Laughs) We'd have our supper there and we'd stay there 'til the flies got too bad-
The last meal of the day.
She lives like a mile down the road from us, so we'll go see her on Sundays for supper.
The last meal of the day.
Ah, we made spaghetti for supper. It was delicious and garlic bread.
The last meal of the day.
Well Val and her sister (inc) stayed at her place, she stood up for us and my brother Hank and ah mother cooked this great, big supper 'cause she was having them all for supper so when we were to go down for eight-o'clock I was- I got- I wanted to get married in the same place she was-
The last meal of the day.
No, they were- they were at our place for the supper that we- (laughs) my mother waited for us. And then they- we all, they went in the back seat with us and (inc) my brother stood up I think (inc). And Monica, she was four years old. She's seventy-four now I-guess.
The last meal of the day.