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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1300, OED Evaluation: N/A

The last meal of the day; (contextually) the time at which this is eaten, supper time. Also: the food eaten at such a meal. Often without article, demonstrative, possessive, or other modifier.

... the car driver that brought the hunters up had slept most of the day because he'd been driving all night. So he'd stayed at the house, so I gave him supper and I said, "Come on I'll take you on a tour of the town."
The last meal of the day.
And ah they were working at the mine and ah after supper, when ah on the thirteenth of December, yeah, I ah I- I'd been in labour all day, but it wasn't anything. It was only bad- bad enough that I couldn't do the dishes or I couldn't do the washing or I could tidy the house.
The last meal of the day.
... I'd get up in the morning and be gone before anybody's up and I'm gone down to the bush and, you-know, nobody- nobody says anything. I know that I got to be home at five-o'clock for supper, or else, you-know- ... I'll get a kick in the arse. And ah that's it. That's the way it goes.
The last meal of the day.
Jeremy was quite an accordion player and-everything-like-that. But in those days, the hotels had to close from six to eight. And they- you-know, they had to close and so everybody came home for hot supper at six so supper was at six for must people.
The last meal of the day.
Yeah my dad grew up on the farm. He would have to ah- everyday after school he would walk home, work 'til supper, and then they'd get called in for supper and he'd have to eat supper, go back to finish up his chores on the farm, and then he'd have maybe and hour or even half an hour for homework and go to bed.
The last meal of the day.
Interviewer: He'd come home at night. Speaker: Come home and have to do that and then go home at seven-o'clock and have supper. Interviewer: Gross. Speaker: So, it was hard- Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Yeah.
The last meal of the day.
So he remembers having to go home every Friday night, do his farm work, have supper, finish up, and then run down the hill 'cause he lives down on the Radley's-Hill, it's a really steep hill.
The last meal of the day.
Speaker: And out there they call lunch dinner, and then supper supper. Interviewer: Oh. Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: So they don't have lunch. They have dinner. Interviewer: Oh. So it goes breakfast, dinner- Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: Supper. Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: And what do you call them here? Speaker: I call them lunch and supper.
The last meal of the day.
Interviewer: So you don't use dinner at all? Speaker: Well I use dinner sometimes. But it's dinner or supper. Like dinner and supper's the same thing. Interviewer: It's totally the same to you, or would you- is there a time when you would use one and not the other? Speaker: I-think dinner for more, like, formal dinner and then supper's just every day. Interviewer: Like going out for dinner? Speaker: Yeah. ... Yeah, I say "Going out for dinner." Interviewer: Oh, okay. ... And then supper's just every day. Speaker: Yeah.
The last meal of the day.
Speaker: Um, I was looking for a job this sum-- because I worked at the hospital doing, um, supper trays, like you get the trays ready for the patients and then you deliver them and clean them. Interviewer: Oh nice. Speaker: Yeah, so- Interviewer: Trays for what? Speaker: Oh, supper. Interviewer: Oh, oh! Sorry, oh. Speaker: Yeah, so- for the patients in the hospital- Interviewer: Yeah.
The last meal of the day.
So anyway, we drove back, got there, got all our- all our stuff ready and then went and had supper. And they made these like cheesy buns.
The last meal of the day.
Interviewer: That's what you remember about your trip to England. Speaker: That's what I- well the supper plus- Interviewer: (Laughs). Speaker: I almost fell asleep in my bowl of pasta. I was like this.
The last meal of the day.
When I was younger, I really don't remember much of what we did. I have a picture of us kind-of sitting outside on our patio and eating supper with our little trays that had the cups spot in the hol-- like the separated areas and-
The last meal of the day.
Interviewer: Tell Jingwei to do it and she'll- Speaker: Go for supper at ah- Interviewer: What time do you go for supper? Speaker: At five. Interviewer: Uh-huh, so it's four-thirty now. Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer 4: So we should probably let you go to supper very soon. But we can come back again and talk to you?
The last meal of the day.
Yes, Martha-Straighten. She's ah five-six-seven, four-three-nine-seven. She'd be going to supper now. Interviewer: Right. Well can give her a call. And you can mention we were- Speaker: I'm looking to see if you're wearing a wedding ring.
The last meal of the day.
... while I was still teaching, I would come home at four-o'clock sharp and get- bolt in my supper and then be out 'bout- by 'bout half-past-four and ah I'd leave my wife at one end ...
The last meal of the day.
My father had a good job, he got a good salary and he didn't stop living or-anything and ah, yet people would knock at the door once in a while, and "Any work I could do to get in my supper," you-know? Or you- "Could you spare a dollar?"
The last meal of the day.
... we had so much fun there, we were bordered on ah Long-Lake, which is a beautiful lake and the public beach was you-know, within you-know a two minute walk from my grandmother's farm, so we would finish a day of haying and we would go swimming until supper. But some of the funny stories would be, you could never put your rubber boots in the morning without dumping them out first and making sure that- ... Well you would have, you-know, a dead mouse, you would have a snake, you might have a bat ...
The last meal of the day.
... after my gruncle died, I ah- she fell into this depression. I would get off the school-bus everyday and go to her house and make her get up and make her eat her- eat supper, and sit with her and talk with her and keep, you-know, just keep motivating her to keep on- she only lived like three doors up from us. But everyday I saw her until I went away to university. So, um she was a big part of my life.
The last meal of the day.
On the weekends, we hardly ever have- well, we always have someone eating supper with us, that's not part of the family.
The last meal of the day.