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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A

part of a stove used for heating water

Speaker: We heated our house with wood. Interviewer: Yes. Speaker: And cooked with wood, ah, in a cook stove, ah, first, ah, just, ah, a thinly cooked stove latterly, ah, it was, um, our- w-- the type that we called a range which had a warming closet up above and a reservoir at the back of the stove where you could heat water. Ah, ah, our washing was done- we had- first of all we did not have a cistern for catching the soft water from the roof.
part of a stove used for keeping food warm
Speaker: Well there was a- like a heating closet up so far, it went up probably two feet and then there is this closet that would be about uh, well the width of the stove and would be uh, I'd say a foot each way and- Interviewer: Mm-hm. What was it used for? Speaker: For, like, a warming closet, you could put- Interviewer: Yes. Speaker: And uh, see the stove pipe would ride up through that- Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: And there was a- there was a- a little door that- that you had put up and then you'd put it down or you could put it up at- the length of the thing.
part of a stove used for keeping food warm
Speaker: They've moved out of Carleton-Place but I understand they're still w-- making stoves. Yeah. Interviewer: Ah- tell me something about the stove. What did it look like? What parts did it have? Speaker: It had a warming-closet. It had- Interviewer: Where was that? Speaker: Up on top of it. It had a- um- reservoir on the right-hand side of it for heating water. And it was a very good stove prized very highly by my mother.
part of a stove used for keeping food warm
Speaker: We kept it nice and clean and the- the uh, sort-of chrome legs they were shining and uh, stood above the floor, you-know? Interviewer: Mm-hm. What was the use of the back of the stove, did it have any uh, uses? Speaker: Well, just at the top of the back of the stove, we had a warming closet and um, if we wanted to keep food warm well, we would put it up there.
part of a stove used for keeping food warm
Speaker: Making the stoves. Yeah, the Findlay stove, eh? I-guess- Interviewer: Yes. Yours was not a Findlay, as far as you know. Speaker: I don't think so, it was a heavy stove. Then when we had the fire in thirty, we bought another stove and ah, it had the tank and everything, and- and the heating- or warming closet and everything, but it was lighter, it was more of a tin stove, you-know. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: Heavy tin. Interviewer: The original one was a heavier stove? Speaker: Oh, it was all iron, yeah.
part of a stove used for keeping food warm
Well, it was- had a white trim, some white on the warming closet, and trim on the tank, white enamel I guess you'd call it, and ah, then it- the rest of it was tan and black. But six lids.
part of a stove used for keeping food warm
The- we had a wood stove. We had the two girls down the morning, sit them up over the warming closet, one on each side the stovepipe, you-know? To get in, yeah? Joseph would have the fire going and- Interviewer 1: So you remember more of the good times by the sounds of it.
part of a stove used for keeping food warm

water glass

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1835, OED Evaluation: N/A

An aqueous solution of sodium silicate, a colourless glassy substance which solidifies when exposed to the air and is used for pickling eggs, and numerous industrial purposes. Also: (more fully potassium waterglass) an aqueous solution of potassium silicate used similarly.

Speaker 2: They used to put their eggs in some kind of slimy stuff (laughs)- Speaker: Water-glass. Interviewer: Slimy stuff? Speaker: Water-glass you-know, that's where you put your eggs in a crock. You ever seen a crock? Interviewer: They- Speaker 2: Those pottery things. Interviewer: Yeah. You put the eggs in there? Speaker: No, you put the water-glass, mix this stuff with the water and it was called water-glass. Interviewer: And what was the stuff? Speaker: Water-glass. What was it called. Interviewer 2: Hm. Interviewer: And what was in it? And that would preserve the eggs? Speaker: Yeah you'd keep your eggs from fall right through 'til spring. Interviewer: Really? Speaker: And you had to reach down in there and it was like jello.
An aqueous solution of sodium silicate, a colourless glassy substance which solidifies when exposed to the air and is used for pickling eggs, and numerous industrial purposes. Also: (more fully potassium waterglass) an aqueous solution of potassium silicate used similarly.

Water up

Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1000, OED Evaluation: N/A

To give a drink of water to (an animal, esp. a horse on a journey); also, to take (cattle) to the water to drink.

But that was a stop-over for the horses. There was a water-trough there with the water run into it out at- on- on a spring all the time, and that's where they stopped and they got the- they watered up the horses.
To give an animal water


Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1400, OED Evaluation: Originally Scottish

A little or young thing

And I remember when I was a wee little girl, the storekeeper, oh he liked to get us to do things for him and we carried wood out of his cellar and he gave us a bull's-eye candy.
Small, little
No, it wasn't really a trademark it was just her own...but sometimes I'd sometimes you-know a butter print it's a little wee bit more than a pound into it and when you're putting a print and sell the print, you don't get paid for the extra over because it's in a print so people quit putting it in a print.
Small, little
Longbranch is very nice down by the lake. Had nice big old homes and but ours was a tiny wee one so, it was- but a big piece of property.
Small, little
That was a hotel band. Like a resident band. But um, and the one little bands because as I say when we were teenagers and went to Huttonville and to Brampton and those dances, they were local bands of people and they- but they were good. They were full eight or ten people. They weren 't little wee ones.
Small, little
Not too much, unless you- Maybe, ah, a few candies and an orange and ah, um, maybe a new pencil or a balloon or um- possibly a little wee gift, you know, that ah would be something like a um, a clip that you 'd put on your- on your, ah, lapel or something- like-that- You-know that-that had a little saying on it.
Small, little
There wasn 't that, and we would be lined up- lined up and then they- they put that skyline in. Well, you used to have to have tokens and pay, like, pay like, little- little wee small little tokens. Like it wouldn-- maybe ten cents or something. Wasn 't expensive. Not the way you pay- pay for in The-States you-know.
Small, little
And the Plymouth had just a little wee dent, 'cause in those days, they made them darn solid. I mean, there was a lot of steel in them. And yeah, he hit- the whole fender came off his car.
Small, little
Yeah, that 's- that 's what happened. 'Cause I mean the- the river 'cause- that little itty-bitty dribble that you see underneath Hogg 's-Hollow and around that area, that little wee dribble, the um old York-Mills bridge, which you can s-- you can see if you go across, is still there.
Small, little
Yeah, yeah. That used to be the fashion, there were a lot of cabins and stuff you could rent, yeah. We went up to Bert-River which is- well it 's a town, it 's a wee little town.
Small, little
What was that called? That was right on the corner right where the great big bayside school is now. There was a little tiny wee country school and north on that road there was ah ah quarry where you could go swimming. Did you know that?
Small, little
It’s a little- just a little wee town. And he was a farmer and drover. Tric-- truck cattle to Toronto and-that-and-that, and he got a share in it. So there was ten of us altogether.
Small, little