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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1400, OED Evaluation: Originally Scottish

A little or young thing

And of course if we were busy doing something we didn't like it, we'd chase him and I re-- I recall one time, I chased him out in the horse part of the barn. He went up between the horses. Well I give the horse a wee jab with a fork and the horse would jump forward
Small, little
Where the quilt barn, well that was our farm. Well of course our house was just down a wee bit. Well we had to walk into town.
Small, little
And then there's this little- little-wee rock-cut before fairly large corner, and there's the old homestead, but you can hardly see it anymore and the new houses up on top
Small, little
Interviewer: That must have been- Who was? Joan? Speaker: Yeah, she was Beaver-Leader. Interviewer: Beaver-Leader. Speaker: That's the little wee kids.
Small, little
Yeah she um she um lived on Lakeshore property and ah I was on- lived on Main-Street then and we used to go to school together and she came up to here on me. You-know she was just a little wee thing and she um we were good friends- we're still friends. I don't- I- she hears from me at Christmas and I hear from Christmas sort-of-thing and I don't know.
Small, little
Speaker: You-know scared the shit out of me- Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: I was just a little wee kid.
Small, little
I was married at twenty-one. And I lived in this little wee wee house. And then I had my son and um I worked at Westing-House, which was in Swastika too.
Small, little
t w-- it- all in the thing. I married a school teacher and I lived in a little, wee house two doors down from that street and then we moved into Chaput-Hughes. You know where Chaput is?
Small, little
Interviewer: Does he speak Italian? Speaker: A little wee bit. Not um- mostly understanding than speaking.
Small, little
Yeah he was ah- he was good. We had a good dad. He loved little wee children. As we got bigger, why, he got a little impatient with us (laughs) but who wouldn't? But little kids- now when I think back, he had all the patience could be.
Small, little
And he helped build the (inc) of this bridge over here. Ah, the little wee deep going to Southern-New-Liskeard here?
Small, little
Eh, ah no, but the first time, I tried it, there was just like a little wee hill and I was nervous of that, and the first time I went down, yeah, I fell (laughs). But ah, no, it was really- now I'm a lot better (laughs).
Small, little
ery close to it. Ah virgin pine is- is- they're- they're just- they're straight up and they're only wee few limbs atop. You can drop it down and you got a log right like that and um I always look for tho
Small, little
Anyway, the coyotes come in the area. Then they were so scared the coyotes would get their dogs- they'd some wee pets. So they got their hired man, see if he could get permission to go and hunt where the coyotes were.
Small, little
It's just ah s-- small heaps of hay and then you'd move ahead and make another coil. And then when it dried a wee bit, you'd throw it on to the wagon and bring it to the barn (laughs). But she even done that. Some, not very much for she'd five kids to look after.
Small, little
Interviewer: What kind of berries did you get down there? Speaker 1: Strawberries. Speaker 2: Them little wee things.
Small, little
We had everything. Chicken. Anything your wee heart desired was there.
Small, little
He said, "No you need the- you need the practice," he said, "You need to practice because I- I don't intend to raise pigs." So, okay so I- I done the operating and ah- I done operating on wee pigs, lots of people.
Small, little
My mother raised- she raised three pigs up at the farm before she left the farm. She had- she had three wee pigs, she called them Faith, Hope and Charity.
Small, little
Oh yes. Anything I know about fixing anything or like y-- (inc) animals, shouldn't be telling you this but to castrate a wee pig, I got that from my dad.
Small, little