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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1400, OED Evaluation: Originally Scottish

A little or young thing

Well we got that great big building in that little wee corner and they- the money the spent on it, it's not very impressive to me. I-mean I go to the library all the time but um, no parking and there were sites that they had where there would've been tons of parking.
Small, little
You-know, sitting down ah at a bear-bait, waiting for a bear to come, I had those little wee weasels come and run around my feet. I'd be eating a sandwich and share it with them. Watch the whiskey-jacks and blue-jays and chickadees and yeah, nice and quiet.
Small, little
Interviewer: And the four-year old was your dad? Speaker: Yup. And um, and the wife and the wee one.
Small, little
Look at it and fix a wee bit if it's- needs a little bit of landscaping and-that, just keep it up. Mm-hm, I don't touch it.
Small, little
Telephones all different. This here ah little wee- they can see the picture and talk at the same time. Our railroad's changed so much with- they get orders from Toronto, running trains up here.
Small, little
The old people kept you going (laughs) Yeah, somebody said to me- my son plays the gui-- guitar a wee bit, he said "can you play anything?" "No," I said, "I have to work." We were trained to work.
Small, little
And I don't- I can't honestly say if I ever saw it, I think I might have saw it as ah a wee- wee boy and-that but- but I know it was knocked down. But speaking of a- (clears throat) of buildings again, not far from where- where I was speaking of- just up the street, you know where Demarco's is?
Small, little
The kids thought that was quite nice. But ah- I was just a little wee bit disappointed, because you-know, whenever we saw pictures of the water and it was nice and blue and ah. But it was- it was quite- the water was quite dirty when ah- all kind of debris was on it.
Small, little
Actually they are. And I- I- the one thing that I did say this morning is that it made myself a really tight, of course I was little wee skinny-thing, about (clicks tongue), tight skirt, gray- and I could still remember I had to- it was wool and it had to be fully lined...
Small, little
And just down a wee bit on that left hand side as you're going down that way. There used to be a beautiful home in there that Mister-Frederick lived in, they tore it down, put a motel in there.
Small, little
I suppose so, yeah. Well when I'd left- no, no that- I'm jumping ahead of myself a wee bit here. I went to diamond-drilling
Small, little
And Scottish terminology, "wee bairn" and-things-such-as-that that, ah, I grew up, ah listening to. Ah, they never did- my grandmother particularly never did lose her accent completely. Even though she was here for many, many years. My grandfather lost it a bit. My father and ah uncles and- two uncles on that side never had the accent whatsoever.
Small, little
Yeah, you-know it was- i-- I l-- we lived in a little wee house that was maybe- maybe four-hundred-square-feet. It was a tiny little house.
Small, little
So the- so the leprechauns would go through the house and there'd be a trail all the way through and at the end would be ah the treasure- the- the little green box and it would be full of- full of little wee green treasure things
Small, little
And I had- one of my sons was al-- ha-- ha-- al-- had allergies. So ah, there was no pets. The only pet I think we had was a turtle. Was little wee turtles (laughs).
Small, little
Speaker: So the day I quit working she came over, gave me the puppy and gave me all the papers and she said, "She's yours." So she ga-- Interviewer: That must have been the most wonderful experience. Speaker: Yeah. Yeah, she was just a little wee thing. She was just a year old.
Small, little
Yeah, little kids, you-know, they're maybe two, three years old, and they got a little box of Chiclets, little wee candies. And they're going around "Chiclet? Chiclet?" So you give them a penny, and you went to take a Chiclet, and they'd grab it back, "Oh no." They wanted the money but they didn't want to give you the Chiclet.
Small, little
She could with the stuff she went through. But jumping ahead just a little wee bit, we've lost the one native girl.
Small, little
He- he- he did that all through the year. There were two teachers like that, did that to me. And when I got to grade-eight, she was the best teacher I ever had. She little wee, short lady and ah she knew I was having problems so she s-- asked me to stay after school for two nights, two days.
Small, little
Well our bedpan, it wasn't one they put under the- it was- we had a little room ups-- in the- the house there, it had th-- one, two, three- three bedrooms upstairs I-guess and this little wee tiny room like a closest. We had a- like a little box thing with a pail on it with a lid on top like a toilet seat.
Small, little