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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1400, OED Evaluation: Originally Scottish

A little or young thing

There's something about raising a wee chicken that I just love to listen to them peep, and peep, and peep.
Small, little
She was oldest. She was a great girl. She still is. She's only a wee short thing but she's...
Small, little
So this chap in and he said, "Lady," he said, "You're not standing up," Well I said, "I'm only- I'd-" little wee glass of this- looked like eggnog but it was brown. So I- I had that and I said I'm going down to the shores to wait. So I thought will they come before the scow comes in?
Small, little
Lawrence and- and ah, him come- down into the bush there and met a wee black dog here and he went down into this groundhog's hole. (inc) this is where the- the old lady had her cubs down in there.
Small, little
Oh dear. Up in the wee loft f-- try-- trying to fill it with hay, you-know. The- you're far- d-- a hand up into the m-- into the- a hole up- in the loft and they had the (inc) and back a little piece to fill up the end, the back end.
Small, little
Otherwise, you know if they were wet and sweating and you feel sorry for them and- and you'd maybe wash their shoulders down. Some of them would be starting to scald a wee bit where the shoulder on the r-- collar- maybe was them down a bit. With a tractor, well I- I enjoyed it.
Small, little
So our other son, he was gone him around in a wee wagon. And when he seen them coming over just galloping their best. They were heading for the barn.
Small, little
Yeah there were- the team that I had, the- there was ah- I was cutting hay and ah, wh-- the- the- the wee little mare, she w-- she was- she wasn't the- she was a little j-- jittery
Small, little
Yeah, more than once, yeah. Wee foal ah kicked me. The mark of each hoof was right on my legs there.
Small, little
Move off to a wee bit to the side of the trail and you sit quietly by- by a tree or-something.
Small, little
Oh the wee black dog and he wasn't afraid of anything.
Small, little
The groundhog come- come out of the field and then- and he got- he in there and got a hold of that. Well the wee mare got a- a fight about that.
Small, little
And the bull was snorting and he- was he ever coming. And there was a wee hole like that. And I just threw myself in it and he ate the fence when I went through. That was once. But there was lots of times.
Small, little
Those people just kind-of wanted to sho-- to show me things. So I was only (inc) well to listen. Wee bit of it rubbed off you-know here and there.
Small, little
And I went to school and this other wee girl come down the road the other direction. And when she got to school in the morning, her wee hands were just about frozen. She had no mitts. So I gave her my mitts.
Small, little
Speaker: When I come home, mother says, "Where's your mitts?" She went to put them to dry. I said, "Well I gave them to this- the name of the wee girl." I said, "She had no mitts and her hands were freezing and I had pockets." Gosh (chimes), mother never said, "Go and get the mitts." She just sat down and knit another pair. Interviewer: (Laughs) I love that. Well that's a good story. Speaker: Yeah. Just never said anything about it. She knew the wee girl needed the mitts and she just knit another pair. So, it was a- it was a different world.
Small, little
So he built a wee rack up (inc) so they went up the stairs and built a rack like a wee place where they could go up and sleep.
Small, little
Ah, some I would imagine, you'd milk them in less than five minutes maybe but some of them might take a wee bit longer.
Small, little
The same old guy would come down and they'd be seeing them and his hands jammed right in his pocket taking wee steps, you knew he was in real bad humour.
Small, little
So she brought it. And we fed the little pig, and I'd let her hold it. I said, "You just hold it and let the wee pig suck it." She thought that was great. She never- that's- we got her off the bottle.
Small, little