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Parf of speech: NA, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


Um I was just talking to a guy that sits on the tourism- tourism board type-thing for northern Ontario.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
They had extreme difficulty making it work here because they couldn't convince somebody, for example, that you-know paying ah all these additional fees to um, you-know, to a broker type-thing um where you're getting the same return- rate of return on your money, you're actually ending up with more money at the end of the day by doing- but they don't care because that guy- we like that guy and we've been dealing with that guy and my dad dealt with that guy.
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I remember we had my parents over for dinner and I was feeling like I was having regular contractions which at the time just felt like really bad period cramps and they were like every ten minutes kind-of type-thing.
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Ah Barcelona- got to see where all- they did the Olympics in nineteen-ninety-two, see the big soccer fields and all those type-things.
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Just sat- just all the ah- the infrastructure you get to see and all those type-things.
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So like said, pretty well everything that we do, he's- he's pretty much involved, like I said, he's pretty well, yeah, he's pretty well brother- my- my parents consider him like as a stepson type-thing.
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I-don't-know, I figured like we were in a Sudbury tournament that year and there's- it's one of the bigger tournaments in like ar-- in and around northern Ontario type-thing
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Obviously, w-- waiting times, not necessarily here but within the province, waiting times are awful and even sometimes with surgery you got to wait six months. So it's more basically government accountability, like saying like- like with the C-E-Os or-things-like-that at the hospitals, if you don't meet with- within our goals, we're going to cut your salary or cut your bonuses type-thing.
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Just a lot of like things that are kind-of like okay, well we're- this kind-of came out of the left field, like why is this an issue within the election type-thing, but.
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They were the only ones I actually seen do a good video within my time there. It was kind-of like a Blair-Witch-Project type-thing.
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I came in like- well at the time, like in grade-eight I used to have like that big fucking afro type-thing right?
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Ah, girls wear like fucking stretched out like garbage bags made into like dress type-things, like really slutty dress.
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Second year, it started getting more like the specifics, with like the chemical, biological process that the body- which was like- whatever, it's not going to help me in my profession later on type-thing. Eh?
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Every single process you're going to go through in anatomy (laughs) and like physiology and all that type-thing.
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Came in a cold- in a thermos type-thing but it would be like three feet high and maybe that big around and-
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Um, just normal like things you would do in normal life, they wouldn't allow it. Like, absolutely no drinks in class type-thing and-
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Um, it's pretty much the same thing sort of as a- like a fire drill type-thing.
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But ah- yeah and then we actually got to go into Greece for a little bit for a couple days and ah, that was interesting just because Macedonia and Greece didn't get along and I didn't know this until I- we went there, um, there- Greece is trying to make sure Macedonia can't be part of the European-Union for whatever- I'm not sure why. I think because, um, Greece doesn't recognize Macedonia as a country type-thing
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Um, so our room normally would just be two beds and then like the desks are built into the wall type-thing and then um, the wardrobes are built into the wall-
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1711, OED Evaluation: NA

An open portico or light roofed gallery extending along the front (and occas. other sides) of a dwelling or other building, freq. having a front of lattice-work, and erected chiefly as a protection or shelter from the sun or rain.

And ah we didn't go in for a lot of treats then so his family left a bottle- a big bottle of pop out in the veranda to cool and they forgot it.
An open portico or light roofed gallery extending along the front (and occas. other sides) of a dwelling or other building.