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them days

Parf of speech: Phrase, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: And today the kits are plastic and they just break them apart type-of-thing but- no it's different now, it's a little- it's a little harder now too. Interviewer: Oh. I wouldn't have guessed that. Speaker: No I-think it was harder in them days than it is now. Interviewer: Mm-hm. So when you were growing up you were building airplanes and playing s-- football.
"those days (in the past)"
Speaker: I'm a people person though, anyway. Interviewer: (inc) eh? Speaker: Yeah, but I'm honestly, them days, um, we were more mature than they are now- Interviewer 1: Yeah. Interviewer 2: Really? Interviewer 1: Probably (laughs). Speaker: Oh yeah like the maturity level and responsibility level of ah, children now a days are not the same-
"those days (in the past)"


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1753, OED Evaluation: Colloquial

A slight or petty quarrel; a temporary ill-humoured disagreement; a ‘breeze’; sometimes applied to a more serious quarrel.

Yeah, he's- anyways, we were- I was mixing and he got mad because he wanted to mix for Alan. I said "No, it's my equipment, I'm mixing." So we got a little tiff and we had to get Alan to come and settle it for us, so. I won. I- I got to mix for him. Todd ran away pouting.
A small fight usually between good friends
Interviewer: ...everybody in town ah so sorry- in Swastika knew each other and then was there any- any fights, any disagreements or just- Speaker: Oh well same as always. Just little tiffs and-thing-like-that.
A small fight usually between good friends


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1698, OED Evaluation: N/A

A drawer, money-box, or similar receptacle under and behind the counter of a shop or bank, in which cash for daily transactions is temporarily kept.

Interviewer: When you have your own business it's often like that isn't it? Speaker: Yeah, you- close to the till
Cash register
Because- because he- he does all the dirty work around here, but at the end of the day, he has just as much money as you guys got in the till."
Cash register


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Like you-know, not everywhere- like Sudbury is pretty good, it's like Kirkland too I find. ... Just ah, like I said, everything's so close, like Timmy's is there, like two minutes for me like I take the dog for a walk, we're there, eh? Um, complex everything. Like ah, and the beach, close, everything. I just ah- I just find the people are friendly in Kirkland.
Tim Hortons (coffee shop chain)

Tin type

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1864, OED Evaluation: N/A

A photograph taken as a positive on a thin tin plate:

Well my father used to take tin type pictures. The old days, they were tin type. They were um- the man would stand on the street and he'd have a um a cover over his head and he would snap a picture and immediately develop it and um he- my father used to do it.
an old fashioned photograph in which an image is created on a metal surface


Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1593, OED Evaluation: Colloquial

To walk in a trailing or untidy way; e.g. to walk or ‘trail’ through the mud; to walk with the dress trailing or bedraggled; to walk about aimlessly or needlessly.

With this great big shoulder unit right. I think we were the first ones in town to have a video camera. So he used to traipse this thing around, carry it. So here we are at Esker-Park, ah, I am thirteen, my sister's fourteen, my younger brother's eleven and my dad's taking video...
To move wearily

tramp - 1

Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1395, OED Evaluation: N/A

To tread or walk with a firm, heavy, resonant step; to stamp.

... is built on a- on a mining claim ah, as parcel- a parcel of a mining claim and I happen to look on the- at the book ah, the three miles of gold and ah, it was staked, the- the land was staked. January the eighth, nineteen-twelve. So somebody tramped through this- this part of the- the- the town before it was ever a town ah, ah, almost a hundred years ago or a hun-- so-
To tread or walk with a firm, heavy, resonant step; to stamp.


Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1684, OED Evaluation: N/A

In a tremendous manner or degree; dreadfully; hence colloq. as a hyperbolical intensive: Exceedingly, extremely, excessively, very greatly.

Speaker: Take that red book there and- and ah, that's- that's w-- the year I graduated from- Interviewer: Oh my gosh. Speaker: (Laughs) And that's the school, eh? So you can see that it was a tremendously, but- Interviewer: Still up. Speaker: No it isn't- Interviewer: Oh no I-mean in that picture it's nice.
In a tremendous manner or degree; dreadfully; hence colloq. as a hyperbolical intensive: Exceedingly, extremely, excessively, very greatly.


Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1606, OED Evaluation: N/A

To angle with a running line; also to fish in this way.

Speaker: "Ice-fishing? How do you do that?" "I know we just troll a little." So he says, "Okay okay. So he got one of the guy- Paul-Malone, who used to be- Paul? I think it was Paul, one of the boys from Kirkland here. Was his cartoonist for one of his books he wrote, he said ah- he drew a cartoon of us out in our boat, our regular water-boat on top of the ice. Interviewer: Trolling. Speaker: "Head for shore I think we caught enough" it said the caption above it.
To angle with a running line; also to fish in this way.


Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Ah I haven't seen him in a while. I seen him like once one night. Was like- maybe like a couple months ago. I seen my friend truck-fuck him in the head with a skateboard.
to hit someone with the axel of the skateboard (which is called the truck)


Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1888, OED Evaluation: N/A

To throw or kick (a person, etc.) forcibly out (occas. off)

Speaker: Well pretty close. I haven't stole anything but ah- anyways it was a- it was all fun and games. Interviewer: What happened after that then? Speaker: Well I got turfed out as chairman of the Ontario-Northland-Railway. You-know, needless to say and the ah- the boss ah Ben-Dumars called me in and he said, "Elliot," he says, "You-know, for being an honest-" This is the words exact words, "For being honest and forthright, I'm going to have to ask for your resignation as chairman of the Ontario-Northland-Railway."
To force someone to leave somewhere


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


So you-know (laughs), the littler girls would be you-know, I can't remember if we were apes or actually humans but they would do like really weird things like make us hang from a tree and whip us with a twitch (laughs) like really weird…
A very thin branch from a tree.
Speaker: But I-mean they didn't do anything really wrong except for whip us (laughs) with twitches. Interviewer: What's a twitch? Speaker: A really thin branch off a tree, like really thin.
A very thin branch from a tree.


Parf of speech: NA, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


No, no it's not a social type-thing, like ah you-know.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
And ah, it was a- a ho-- a long low ah bungalow type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
Yeah, I-don't-know- I-don't-know, basically it's just like- like I-don't-know, we don't know enough in K-L either to have like you-know two rows just everywhere and like it's one's just like growing up row and the other one's staying in what you're doing, in the time type-thing you-know?
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
Ah basically when I was getting out of high-school, I was like you-know trying to find myself, I had applied for drum-school and been accepted and then I was unsure if I want to be that or do something a little bit more by the books, you-know, and ah ah here we go with the life in K-L type-thing-
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description