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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1300, OED Evaluation: N/A

The last meal of the day; (contextually) the time at which this is eaten, supper time. Also: the food eaten at such a meal. Often without article, demonstrative, possessive, or other modifier.

Um me and my friends are supposed to go out for supper and then they all cancelled on me. And I'm like "Kidding me, my only Friday I get off you guys all cancel on me." And I'm like "What am I going to do? Just watch movies now? That's- that's a fun Friday off." Like jeez guys.
The last meal of the day.
That's the way we eat- eat our spaghetti. I love going over there for supper. I'm like "Make me spaghetti." 'Cause like she makes exactly the way I love it so.
The last meal of the day.
She was in there for four years. She didn't mind it in there too much. I used to go and get her every Sunday for su-- Sunday supper until she fell and broke her hip and then I couldn't get the wheelchair- those stairs. So then I used to go in Sunday noon and have lunch with her.
The last meal of the day.
So ah, we would go get her for- take her for coffee and shopping in the afternoon. And ah, if we had something going on, she would come over for supper and-that, so she wasn't ah- she wasn't, like an invalid.
The last meal of the day.
Oh yes, she liked- she would look forward to the bingos and ah, she ah, enjoyed when they had big ah, suppers, where y-- the kids could come. And w- like, a potluck supper and-that, she enjoyed that a lot. Yeah.
The last meal of the day.
Speaker: No, we went down to Toronto because um- Interviewer: Visiting the kids- Speaker: The kids were there and we went out for supper. No, we didn't! Aveena cooked supper at home for us.
The last meal of the day.
And then we still have a bit of our Italian club left over. ... And we get together every once in a while for a little social with them. There's only about I say twenty, twenty-two that are active. ... And ah we ah go out for supper or we get together and we ah ah bring food in and have just like a social evening, eh.
The last meal of the day.
We used to do the like the Italian food- ... And the Ukrainian halls and the Polish halls, they would do their cabbage rolls and perogies and things like that. They'd come to our suppers, we'd go to theirs.
The last meal of the day.
And it started at Kirkland and the Italian-Club took on that they gave them a certain amount of money because it was not funded at that time. And they gave them a- ah, a certain amount each year, so that was their main project, when they raised money with suppers, or-whatever, steak dinners, and whatever they served. And pretty proud of that.
The last meal of the day.
Their big day was ah, what do you call it, Valentine's-Day? ... And the odd- the red tableclothes and the bottles and the little candle linen and the supper, the spaghetti supper and then the beautiful meals to follow, and that went on for years and years. And this was one way how they raised their monies for this- the- for the ah, challenged children.
The last meal of the day.
They're great cooks and she- they- there- that's a big challenge, they look after- one cook looks after over a hundred meals for supper, one girl.
The last meal of the day.
Speaker: ... of-course you can see that I'm a little bit of a talker, so I get downtown at one-o-clock, I wouldn't get back 'til four (laughs). Interviewer: (laughs). Speaker: Start supper for nine people, come-on, eh? Interviewer: Oh no. So you just- why you just run into people. Speaker: Yeah, eh. They couldn't get away from me. I got them (laughs). No, no, no-
The last meal of the day.
It's nice, going on the bus and if- you're on you-know the accordion going and people singing and then at the suppers for the Italian-Club, he'd be going up and down, playing his Mamma-Mia, and Old-Rose- what do you call- ooo. I forget (laughs).
The last meal of the day.
Those dance clubs, there you could go and jidder-bugs or what- jigger- bug jidder-bug and you-know, dance and have place to go and sleigh rides and you-know, pancake suppers and yeah, it was always something to do-
The last meal of the day.
... they'd come up and the first thing that it- we'd move from the house here and stay in the cottage- you-see for the summer. And the first thing- they'd come in and say- they'd lift up the- the pot and see- "What are we having for supper ma? And w-- what have you got to drink?", and-everything. I said, "Now, B-U-B- bring your own beer. Bring your on booze, food and you can fight all you want at your own cottage." And somebody said, "That was a stroke of genius."
The last meal of the day.
They come in. They drive right up to the cottage. They unpack. They c-- we invite them- the- the first day we invite them over for supper to sort of- because of the trip and-everything-else. And a couple of days later, they invite us for supper and it just turned out beautifully (laughs).
The last meal of the day.
Seven to seven-fifty and ah it's Sunday from five to six and that's the one that's the iffy time. It's supper time towards the end of the weekend and-so-on, but ah.
The last meal of the day.
... a kid looking in this window- 'cause we couldn't afford to have a colour T-V even though my father owned the store, he could afford to maybe have one T-V in stock and that sat in the window display, so, ev-- every night I'd go out after supper and I'd be- you'd see a hundred people sitting around the window- ... In my dad's store watching this colour T-V.
The last meal of the day.
Anyway, ah we were down there for two months. And as I said, I would play with Natalie in the afternoon and we would have supper in her private dining room with the governess.
The last meal of the day.
But at that time, you'd go out in the morning, you'd stay all- you'd have your supper out there. And I can still see mother sitting there.
The last meal of the day.