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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1851, OED Evaluation: North American

A bag or other container used to transport a bundle of goods; a rucksack.

Interviewer: What about that object over there. What would you call that object? Speaker: A packsack? Interviewer: Yeah? What do you think someone from Southern-Ontario would call that?
Interviewer: Let me start you off with a example here ah- what would you call this? Speaker: Packsack. Interviewer: That's right! Speaker: They don't have packsack down south. Interviewer: What is that? Speaker: You say packsack and everybody looks at you weird. Interviewer: It's- they call it a backpack.
Interviewer: Let me start you off with a example here ah- what would you call this? Speaker: Packsack. Interviewer: That's right! Speaker: They don't have packsack down south.
Interviewer: Let me start you off with a example here ah- what would you call this? Speaker: Packsack. Speaker: That's right! Speaker: They don't have packsack down south.
Speaker: Ah no, see, okay, no, I- I still remember schoolbag being said. Packsack however when you take it out on adventure. Interviewer: Oh really? Okay. Speaker: Yes. Interviewer: 'Cause we- Speaker: Like going camping or something like that.
Interviewer: Really? Okay. Um- Speaker: What d-- what do you call it? Interviewer: Packsack. Speaker: Oh, I see. Yeah, packsack. Interviewer: Right. Did your generation call it a packsack at all, or- ? Speaker: Somethings we call it packsacks, eh? L-- lot of time we use the word duffle-bag. Packsack is it- ah like a packsack for hunting you-know like- Interviewer: Right. Speaker: Yeah. We use that for ah that terminology.
Interviewer: I think younger generations and- and- and s-- ah, I think i-- I think even some older generations still called it this, I grew up calling it a packsack. I- and to this day I still call it a packsack. Speaker: A packsack yeah. Yeah. Interviewer: Right, um- Speaker: School bag, that's what we call it. Interviewer: So, did you hear packsack thrown around when you were- when you were younger or with your kids or- Speaker: Not with school bags but packsack was a common word with other things you-know, like if you were carrying- you were carrying something, say on your shoulders, it would be a packsack. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: Or if you went out in the ah bush for something, it was a packsack.
Interviewer: I think younger generations and- and- and s-- ah, I think i-- I think even some older generations still called it this, I grew up calling it a packsack. I- and to this day I still call it a packsack. Speaker: A packsack yeah. Yeah. Interviewer: Right, um- Speaker: School bag, that's what we call it. Interviewer: So, did you hear packsack thrown around when you were- when you were younger or with your kids or- Speaker: Not with school bags but packsack was a common word with other things you-know, like if you were carrying- you were carrying something, say on your shoulders, it would be a packsack. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: Or if you went out in the ah bush for something, it was a packsack.
Speaker: But, ah ah, backpack is what- the only thing I, ah- I've ever heard. Interviewer: Well, your- your children being the age they are now, have you ever heard your children refer, ah- 'cause I know their generation definitely would have had it- have you ever heard them refer to it as a packsack? Speaker: Ah, I've heard the word "packsack", we've always had that word here. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Okay, ah- Interviewer: 'Cause, I grew up talking- calling it that way and even to this day I still call it a packsack, so. Speaker: Yeah. Ah, packsack comes from ah, back in- in the days when ah, before the railway came in.
I-don't-know. I think it's just the use of certain words like Juliet was saying before she left that people just add in "there" or you-know that some people call a backpack, you-know, a packsack.
Speaker: Um, well I refer to it a-- as a backpack ... Um, most of the people in my generation would usually call it that too. There are a few people that would call it a back-sack, or-something. Interviewer: A pack-sack? Speaker: Or yes, pack-sack right? yes I have heard back-sack. It's kind of funny.
A bag or other container used to transport a bundle of goods; a rucksack.
Yeah, I didn't have a packsack or- or a knapsack or a- I had a gym-bag. So it was a gym-bag.
Interviewer: See I grew up with pack-sack. Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: All- all my friends in (inc) called it a pack-sack. And when you go down to Southern Ontario you say pack-sack they look at you like "What the hell is that?" Speaker: Well I- I think that's what I call it is a pack-sack. But then because to me back-pack is a back-pack for going packing you-know? It's not you-know something.
A bag or other container used to transport a bundle of goods; a rucksack.

Penny war

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: Okay. Okay. Interviewer: Just so you know. Speaker: Definitely yeah. Anyways. Well grade twelve's always been anyways. But um yeah he did- he basically does penny-wars and he- I was um I got elected onto O-S-O this year and ah I had to be at the penny-wars like- like um ceremony thing. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: And ah he tries to get people so pumped up for it but it usually- like it usually sucks. Like people usually just laugh at him. Like "Penny-wars! Whoo! I love penny-wars!"
Specific fundraising technique
Speaker: Okay. Okay. Interviewer: Just so you know. Speaker: Definitely yeah. Anyways. Well grade twelve's always been anyways. But um yeah he did- he basically does penny-wars and he- I was um I got elected onto O-S-O this year and ah I had to be at the penny-wars like- like um ceremony thing. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: And ah he tries to get people so pumped up for it but it usually- like it usually sucks. Like people usually just laugh at him. Like "Penny-wars! Whoo! I love penny-wars!"
Specific fundraising technique
Um that- that as well sucks 'cause (laughs) my father- my father is really outgoing and he's very- he's very loud and ah it's kind of embarrassing once in a while 'cause he has this thing called penny-wars. I'd pretty sure.
Specific fundraising technique


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1709, OED Evaluation: Chiefly North American

Any of several (chiefly smaller) kinds of North American pike, as (more fully grass pickerel)

Interviewer: Okay. Do you ah- do you- do you fish in there? Speaker: Um, not a lot. But we do. Interviewer: What kind of fish do you have in the lake? Speaker) Pike, pickerel.
She says pickerel fish and walleye fish are the same thing. People in the south call it walleye and people in the North call is pickerel
Interviewer: Now fishing in Nighthall-Lake where you- Nighthawk-Lake, were you fishing for pickerel or whitefish? But you-know, guessing- Speaker: Hopefully pickerel. Interviewer: Right. But whitefish is very- very common for Finnish ah people to eat. It's- I know- I know lots of Finnish families here that love whitefish so- Speaker: Well I think we prefer the pickerel and we- what's the other one? Pickerel and- Interviewer: Bass, perch, pike. Speaker: Pike. That's a- in- when the water was cold, pike was nice. Interviewer: Fried- the problem with fishing for pike in the summer it's slimy, yeah. Speaker: Yeah, well it- it- when the water's warm, the- they kind of outgrow themselves and- Interviewer: Right. Speaker: But pickerel is nice.
She says pickerel fish and walleye fish are the same thing. People in the south call it walleye and people in the North call is pickerel
Interviewer: Now fishing in Nighthall-Lake where you- Nighthawk-Lake, were you fishing for pickerel or whitefish? But you-know, guessing- Speaker: Hopefully pickerel. Interviewer: Right. But whitefish is very- very common for Finnish ah people to eat. It's- I know- I know lots of Finnish families here that love whitefish so- Speaker: Well I think we prefer the pickerel and we- what's the other one? Pickerel and- Interviewer: Bass, perch, pike. Speaker: Pike. That's a- in- when the water was cold, pike was nice. Interviewer: Fried- the problem with fishing for pike in the summer it's slimy, yeah. Speaker: Yeah, well it- it- when the water's warm, the- they kind of outgrow themselves and- Interviewer: Right. Speaker: But pickerel is nice.
She says pickerel fish and walleye fish are the same thing. People in the south call it walleye and people in the North call is pickerel
Interviewer: Ah, what kind of fish you guys get at the lake? Speaker: Pike, and pickerel.
She says pickerel fish and walleye fish are the same thing. People in the south call it walleye and people in the North call is pickerel