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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1812, OED Evaluation: N/A

The action or behaviour of a tom-fool; foolish or absurd action; silly trifling.

Oh yeah, well, yeah there was a lot of people. I-don't-know if there'd be five hundred ah there was a lot of I-don't-know there was probably a good hundred fifty or-something-like-that. And there was tents and bonfires and tomfoolery I-don't-know just messing around and having a good time, like it was ah it was fun, it was like a carefree night where you have that license from everybody. It almost seemed like a license from the entire society just to get drunk and act- act like a dummy.
The action or behaviour of a tom-fool; foolish or absurd action; silly trifling.

Tough go

Parf of speech: Expression, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


And he started farming and it was a very tough go for them. Then they started working in the bush.
A difficult time


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1973, OED Evaluation: Canad. colloq.

A case of twenty-four bottles or cans of beer.

Interviewer: Is there any- is there any spet-- specific lingo or words that you think are ah unique to Northern-Ontario or the Timmins areas that come to your attention? Speaker: May Run. Nobody knows what May Run is. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: Okay. Maybe they know what a box of two-four is after you've gone to university (laughs).
Speaker: ... the mid-sixties, there was no alcohol allowed for ah sale at any dances or-anything-like-that. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: During prohibition- well it wasn't total prohibition, but it was- you couldn't- Interviewer: Right. Speaker: Have a dance and have booze out. So, the guys would buy a case of two-four, put it in the back of the car, throw a coat over it, and then during the evening they'd say "I'm going out for a cigarette." Well you knew the guys were all going to have a beer.

two-four weekend

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Funny, now that you say that, now I just remembered. From what I understand ah May Run is actually a Northern-Ontario, Timmins term as well. ... Because they say two-four weekend down south.


Parf of speech: NA, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


In fact a couple of my friends, I still socialize with on a regular basis, so living in the community and keeping those ties is easy when you- you're kind of home-grown type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
And do well in life. And you-know, I- I looked at that, like, "You-know, that's a good way of looking at it." It's like the good-lives-model type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
Um I'd go to Carleton and I would take sociology and just take all my classes and write everything, like, with a criminology background-type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
So it's actually a harm-reduction strategy in Ottawa ah right now- like harm-reduction, reduce harm type-thing to give crack-kits to users.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
Like random organized student trips type-thing. Um but it's more difficult, 'cause I don't drive, right?
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
I remember being excited about m-- ah just being in- in- in- in castles and seeing army-related type-things.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
So I don't- I wouldn't say I- I saw any- any real discerning type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
So it wasn't- and we didn't have the funds t-- available to us to go, you-know, well we go to a Wonderland-type-thing or this.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
You-know, different cultural type-things.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
Speaker: Because, again, "Laugh-my-ass-off" here is the same as "Laugh-my-ass-off" in Vancouver. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: Okay, so those- those area-type-things. Now whether they ah t-- whether they actually talk that same way- like, you might get- you end up with that slang where- I've heard slang here that I haven't heard there.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
And she just told me about snakes that would come in and pop up those lids and drink the milk out of it. Families that had young children, babies that mother would breast-feed, and there was one in particular that they woke up one morning and there was a snake wrapped around the baby's face sucking the milk that baby spit up during the night, that-type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
Boys can do that, but girls wouldn't. Especially if they had to come home at- in the dark, on a bus, public transport. There was always that, you-know, looking after the girl type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
She always spoke Finnish and Pitta would translate if her mother was talking to me type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
He is a soft-hearted considerate and doesn't know how to handle it kind-of-thing. So when he'd get off the bus and they'd start on him, he would just keep walking and of course that's the worst thing you could have done with them was to just keep walking and ignore them 'cause then they'd start beating up on him type-thing.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description
But there's just the usual run of the mill everyday- I have to admit though, the kids that I've taught have all been decent kids. Like even if they've been cranky kids or- or kids that kind-of get under your skin, there was always a way to handle them type-thing so there was never anything really serious.
Tag used when giving a sometimes imprecise description