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Parf of speech: NA, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


So like said, pretty well everything that we do, he's- he's pretty much involved, like I said, he's pretty well, yeah, he's pretty well brother- my- my parents consider him like as a stepson type-thing.
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I-don't-know, I figured like we were in a Sudbury tournament that year and there's- it's one of the bigger tournaments in like ar-- in and around northern Ontario type-thing
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Obviously, w-- waiting times, not necessarily here but within the province, waiting times are awful and even sometimes with surgery you got to wait six months. So it's more basically government accountability, like saying like- like with the C-E-Os or-things-like-that at the hospitals, if you don't meet with- within our goals, we're going to cut your salary or cut your bonuses type-thing.
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Just a lot of like things that are kind-of like okay, well we're- this kind-of came out of the left field, like why is this an issue within the election type-thing, but.
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They were the only ones I actually seen do a good video within my time there. It was kind-of like a Blair-Witch-Project type-thing.
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I came in like- well at the time, like in grade-eight I used to have like that big fucking afro type-thing right?
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Ah, girls wear like fucking stretched out like garbage bags made into like dress type-things, like really slutty dress.
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Second year, it started getting more like the specifics, with like the chemical, biological process that the body- which was like- whatever, it's not going to help me in my profession later on type-thing. Eh?
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Every single process you're going to go through in anatomy (laughs) and like physiology and all that type-thing.
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Yeah, I-don't-know- I-don't-know, basically it's just like- like I-don't-know, we don't know enough in K-L either to have like you-know two rows just everywhere and like it's one's just like growing up row and the other one's staying in what you're doing, in the time type-thing you-know?
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Ah basically when I was getting out of high-school, I was like you-know trying to find myself, I had applied for drum-school and been accepted and then I was unsure if I want to be that or do something a little bit more by the books, you-know, and ah ah here we go with the life in K-L type-thing-
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Or me and my friends or whatever but she was like you-know, kind of not always in the best mood type-thing you-know-what-I-mean?
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I was like, "F you, you flipped my desk," (laughs) in the middle of the room but he got in lots of trouble like after that 'cause that was like his third strike type-thing and ah-
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I turned around and I'm like, "You talking to me or the dog?" type-thing and she's all "You scared the dog," or-whatever and just to the same why he's so nervous, there was huge another bike, like a street-bike coming by on the road and ah her brother's like, "Well, that- your bike scared him, this bike's really going to scare the (inc) type-thing."
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It's actually a big, giant pit in the ground (inc) yeah. It's what mine- miners' shafts or-whatever that caved in from Lakeshore, and ah other than that, there's like- there's lots of like rock-type-things, you-know, you go see these cliffs in Larder, you can actually go jump off the- the board four feet high.
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The only downfall would be is that people talk, people talk everywhere you-know and it's just- basically, like we're in love, he should- he-said, she-said, that type-things, sometimes I have more relevance than-
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So the boss always wanted a stable out there for horses and just a little riding pen or (inc) type-thing and ah he never got to do that ah but-
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Push and pull type-thing and that's Kirkland-Lake, the best way to describe it.
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Came in a cold- in a thermos type-thing but it would be like three feet high and maybe that big around and-
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That used to be a clothing-store. And like working all the way basically down to T-D-Canada-Trust there was almost a store- a decent store too, like clothes, like you-know kind-of like a Walmart type-thing. Um but it was- it was awesome.
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