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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


But for teenagers, our, ah- we belonged to the Young-Pe-- the- the Young-People's-Society of the church.
A church group for teenagers.
And, ah, when our young people's society was going, ah, we also would, ah- some of the group would bring in pots of baked beans and they'd leave them at our house and mother would put them in the oven and the rest of us in the village would take bread and butter, like we'd spread the- we'd slice the rolls of bread and butter up and we would go to, ah, the church hall where we had our meeting, our regular meeting.
A church group for teenagers.
When we were always- I always went to Sunday-School and later, Young-People's and sang in the choir.
A church group for teenagers.
I don 't know. We were in the A-Y- that 's Anglican-Young-People's- that was the young people's group.
A church group for teenagers.
Speaker: I think I didn 't- I certainly went to church and I went to young-peoples and I went- Interviewer: What 's young- peoples? Speaker: Oh young-peoples was the young people's group at church. So I went to church young-peoples. At first to church, I went to Sunday-school and I went to church- young-peoples and I- hmm, I went to the cottage in the summer.
A church group for teenagers.
You-know we went to Sunday-school and we went to see (inc) and ah mission band when we were younger and Young-People's when we were in our teens and so church played a- I-think a big part in our lives.
A church group for teenagers.
And Trinity-Church certainly had lots of groups. They had the young people's group. Keith went to the young people's group for instance.
A church group for teenagers.
Oh, it was just one of those things. We went to Young-People's together and you-know, you'd have a party together and-that-sort-of-thing, you-know?
A church group for teenagers.
And um, then I joined ah the young peoples of our church. And they were teenage and ah- and we had ah groups ah- we would go out to- we had a boat and we would go up the river in the boat some- it was a rowboat so it didn't go too far.
A church group for teenagers.
Interviewer: Were you in any clubs or-anything in high-school? Speaker: Yeah I was in the Baptist-young-People's group and I was in the Drama-Club. Interviewer: The Drama-Club.
A church group for teenagers.
Interviewer: So what did you do for fun? [0:25:16.9] Speaker: Do for fun? Went to dances and-that-type-of-thing. Interviewer: Ball game. Speaker: Used to be what they called young-people's-groups that had met- oh w-- I-think it was once a month. They were church groups.
A church group for teenagers.
I'm six-and-a-half years older than my wife so I was gone when she started. But I met her through a church ah, group that was called in those days Young-People's and she went to United-Church in Manilla, a small church which is closed now and now we go to the United-Church up the hill, it's a large church and that's where I was christened in nineteen-thirty-seven and we were married in her church in nineteen-sixty-four but it's been closed now for about eight years so- Her mother is still living and she's ninety-two and she lives in a house in Manilla.
A church group for teenagers.
And I think that was only a one-year term and, um, being in the minor hockey and the Boy-Scouts and then I was um- um a member of the Beaverton-United-Church women and I was also in the Beaverton Presbyterian church choir and I also, ah- attended the Beaverton and Gamebridge young people's group, um, in the nineteen-fifties, I would think.
A church group for teenagers.
W-- well, we had baseball and hockey. Ah church and young- church and young people's. Young people's group that met once a month I guess. Ah for religious reasons but also for entertainment and enjoyment, which was ah- which was good.
A church group for teenagers.
Interviewer: Ah, Kara, ah thinking about the village being so close, ah, where there chances, opportunities to get together with people your own age? Speaker: Yeah, we had young people's group, when I was growing up. Interviewer: W-- what was that about? Speaker: Well, it was sponsored by the church and just got together and played games and- so on. Interviewer: That's a good way for young people to meet each other.
A church group for teenagers.
Speaker: No no, and we always went um, to Young-People's together. Interviewer: Oh. Speaker: Young-People's- they used to have Young-People's in the church group. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: And I went toyoung-People's in Toronto too so, that was sort of as a common thing and- you-know?
A church group for teenagers.


Parf of speech: Pronoun, OED Year: 1835, OED Evaluation: Regional. Chiefly Irish English, U.S. and Australian


...and I 'm like "Okay you know what? I 'm not that stupid. Okay you don 't want- you don 't wanna be disciplined for fighting. I really don 't care but don 't tell me that you 're play-fighting when you 're knocking each other the way yous were."
Um, well it 's interesting, I uh, I spend my summers up North, and uh, my grammar by the end of the summer is uh- has slipped a great deal, because when you get up North, you start talking, I can 't even imitate it now, catch me at the end of August, but you-know you say "uh l--" you-know the waitresses will refer to the group as 'yous guys', and- and etcetera. Um, uh I uh, I hav-- constantly on the watch for bad grammar...
...and the cost of living is just so high now that- the- the average person right now, your generation ah yous could not survive unless two of yous are working. There's no way that yous could go out and buy a house now and one person pay for it. There's just no possible way, you couldn't do it. Where in my generation, a lot of us did it.
Well, we were- we were very rural community and ah- and we had our own way of saying and ah "ain't" and "yous" and ah all that was quite- quite common and- and quite accepted