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There are 20 examples displayed out of 986 filtered.

Extended French

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


So I was in grade-eleven and um- wait, September two-thousand-and-one, yeah, starting grade-eleven. So it was this class where, like I said before how I was in extended French. Basically what they did in grade-eleven and grade-twelve was that for some reason, they thought it would be a good idea to like combine extended and immersion French kids together.
Late-entry French immersion programs beginning around Grade 7 or 8 (as opposed to early immersion programs, which may begin as early as kindergarten).

fag hag

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1969, OED Evaluation: Orig. U.S.; Usu. derogatory.

A heterosexual woman who prefers or seeks out the company of homosexual men.

Well I can be a drag-queen but I don't want to be. Like, "I can be the overly-effeminate guy or I can just be really vocal." And so he's the really vocal- i-- if- if straight girls had an equivalent it would be like their fag-hag. ... He likes to collect straight girls, in that sense and be their best friend. It's a little odd that way. Interviewer: Interesting, role-reversal.
A heterosexual woman who prefers or seeks out the company of homosexual men.

family affair

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Interviewer: What about Christmas? What was the s-- way you used to celebrate Christmas? Speaker: Well Christmas is a family affair, and it still is with our family too. We always have Christmas together, uh, and, not always New-Year-s.
An event or gathering involving much of the family.


Parf of speech: Expression, OED Year: 1908, OED Evaluation: U.S.

Fine, splendid, first-rate. colloq. (orig. U.S.). Freq. in phr. fine and dandy.

Certainly, if he 's gainfully employed and learning a trade, that 's fine and dandy with us,
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
So anyways, that was fine and dandy.
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
There 's a Second- Cup place there. Okay. That 's fine and dandy with me, as- I guess- I- it looks the Chinese people run it. I got nothing against the Chinese people eh?
Fine, splendid, first-rate.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1600, OED Evaluation: N/A

Blows or fighting with the fists.

I don 't even know how old he was, maybe sixteen, seventeen, perhaps eighteen, but anyway. Um, and he got into verbal fisticuffs with one of the patrons.
Fist fight
Speaker: I don 't even know how old he was, maybe sixteen, seventeen, perhaps eighteen, but anyway. Um, and he got into verbal fisticuffs with one of the patrons. Interviewer: Fisticuffs? Speaker: Fisticuffs, yes! I like that word. With a patron who was probably fourteen, he definitely younger, but again in that sub-adult-hormonal kind-of phase. And um you-know they were yelling at each other and calling each other names and you could see it and I was behind glass,
Fist fight


Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1911, OED Evaluation: Slang

Used as a substitute for a strong expletive. Usually derogatory

Racoon-tail hat? Like it was either Eatons or The- Bay but it sold two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand of these flipping hats.
Used as a substitute for a strong expletive. Usually derogatory


Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1830, OED Evaluation: colloquial

To confound, nonplus; to flabbergast, puzzle.

So anyway I was getting so pissed after a while so I went back to the guy who was like, the serious drug-dealer at Earl-Haig at the time who was friends with us, which is awesome, and I was like, "Listen this is not cool. It 's like prom-night you-know. I have to be fucked. It 's not even cool." So- and he was messed by that time so he 's like, "Ah, sure whatever," and he gave me another one. So I took half of that. So now this is the equivalent of taking like three caps of E. And I took half of that. So I 'm wandering around and I think I stepped over onto the balcony like maybe half-an-hour later and it hit me like a double-barrel-shotgun to the face. Okay? It was like "Blam! Holy-fuck!" And I was floored after that.
Yeah, 'cause there were like fighter-jets flying over New-York-City, you-know, and that, it shows you just the scope of what happened. One of the things that floored me most was they made every flight all around the world land.
I started to question myself thinking, "How do you know? You- these people apparently were normal decent ever-- and all of a sudden they turned on their neighbour," which totally floored me, "and today sometimes-" Oh I believe it would be no different. We 're- we 're very complicated.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1959, OED Evaluation: N/A

A corrupt version of the French language produced by the indiscriminate introduction of words and phrases of English and American origin.

Like I like- like I find it so amazing, because- not so much in like Quebec-City or like Riviere-du-loup, but in Montreal, the francophones speak perfect French, like it's not like Franglais, like it's not- yeah. Perfect French and perfect English. Like you cannot tell what they are.
A corrupt version of the French language produced by the indiscriminate introduction of words and phrases of English and American origin.

Frigging or fricking

Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1560, OED Evaluation: NA

used as a coarse expletive.

They're probably not even typing, they're probably playing like frigging black jack.
used as a coarse expletive.
Oh. I-don-t-know. I kind-of figured it could start out as an Ellersley party and Id see how many frigging kids actually live on Ellersley.
used as a coarse expletive.
'Cause I- I want to have kids and stuff I want to pass on my seed. But ah you-know fricking- if Im going to marry a woman shes going to be the opposite of my sister Emily.
used as a coarse expletive.
I will bite you in your sleep." You-know have like fricking you- know jazz beat poetry going on.
used as a coarse expletive.
Speaker: Okay I actually-Kay I went up to the place with my Mom and I couldnt park. Couldnt park period. Like there was nothing to it. My Mom tried to give me a crash course in it- tried to teach me how to frigging park the car. Interviewer: Like back it into the slot? Speaker: I couldnt do it. I coudlnt park- I couldnt park the frigging car. I mean I could-.
used as a coarse expletive.
Shes like "Parallel park right here." In the middle of the frigging traffic.
used as a coarse expletive.
Why is there always a shooting and someone always dies at Carabana? Every frigging year?
used as a coarse expletive.