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out West

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1834, OED Evaluation: N/A

Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.

Yeah I'd really like to take my family you-know to the west. It's a nice ah- the west is nice, the mountains and there's lots to do out west.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
You-know that was one thing I remember when we were out west it was- and I don't do it now but it was- eh was a big thing. Everybody a-- after they were done saying whatever they were gonna say it would be eh.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Ah had close friends ah, one went to college and then went to work for the bank, and he lives still in Toronto. We see each other a few times a year. Um, a lot of the other ones ah had high-school. A lot of them went out west, um, most of them came back though, after you-know, five years or-whatever. Interviewer 6: What was the attraction out west? Speaker 75: Oh, even in a- in ou-- in our day at that time, ah, Alberta and Calgary and-stuff was- was going through a- a boom as it is now, um, they went out there for ah- ah an old- ah the one fellah wanted to go out for ah mining ...
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
And ah, this week we're going to Costa Rica, actually. But we have definitely have plans to go to Europe. Ah like to see ah you-know S-- S-- Spain, England, Ireland, Scotland, um, the funny thing is too I- I've got to make it out west to Canada. I've never been out western Canada or eastern Canada.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
... the ski-season directly after that which was an- an ah El- El-Nina year of ninety-nine, which was similar to the year we're experiencing this year, in ah the record amount of snowfall that ah not only we've been having here in Belleville, but also out west so. It was a good year to be there.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Interviewer: Did your father continue with Canada-Cement? Speaker 77: Yes, he did and he went out west, he was superintendent of the Winnipeg plant and later he was superintendent of the Egg-Shell-Plant in Alberta.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
At one time they were battalion- member of the battalion, but I- I was very happy because they treated me like a member. In fact I was out west in two-thousand-and-four see my brother who lives in High-River and ah I was also asked to give a toast at the- one of the dinners we had for the battalion out there, so I was very pleased to do that.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
My grandma, my mom's mom ah is from out West. Ah she was- she grew up in an orphanage out there and she's- I ah- Native, Native. And he was Dutch so interesting mix (laughs).
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
No, stuck around here most of my life. Pretty well all my life. That was the only time, you-know. Like I been out- I been in the States like Pennsylvania and different places. Ah I've gone out west several times. Went out to Fort-McMurray three different times, not working but visiting. So, the only place I haven't been is east-coast. That's one of my next trips one time. Go see the east-coast.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
... I wanna do marine mammal rehabilitation and rescue so- that's what I wanted my degree for, so I gotta move out west (laughs).
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
They're building a new one, I-guess out in Calgary or-something now, so- but yeah, Guelph and one out west is like the only schools in Canada that you can go to vet-school for. But yeah, it's very competitive.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Interviewer: Are you looking for jobs here? Speaker: Mm-hm, anywhere in Canada. Um, not- not- not s-- really in Ontario, not really looking anywhere in Ontario. I'm looking mainly in um, British-Columbia, out we-- ah, out west mo-- mainly just British-Columbia though. And then out east and then Northern Canada, like Northern Manitoba or-
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
But, in Canada, for me staying in Canada, jobs and where I'd want to live would be British-Columbia. Jobs- a lot more jobs are out east than out west but, I would rather live out west, I've never been, so I wanna go. Mm-hm. mfeletti
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Interviewer: Right right um and you-know- I- like I-mean people tend to leave here a lot to go to like, you-know. Speaker: Yeah they either go to like Toronto, Ottawa or they go out- out West.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Speaker: I often get told that Canadians are loud. Interviewer: Really? Speaker: Yeah by like- we had this Australian ah- my friend he's a-- was out west out tree planning wh-- he was with this Australian chick and she's like "I just found you Canadians are really loud you-know like just like in your face all the time." (imitates accent)
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
But yeah, and then- then she moved out west and we- I see her about once-a-year so-
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
And ah, Davey-McCallum, who works- he's a journalist I-think for a hip-hop magazine out west. Anyway, he's just- they're both like um, M-Cs, um, both pretty good, different styles.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
There was one young lad, a cripple, that lived in Martin-River. He got hurt out west and he lived there for a while, maybe that's- yeah there was a Reichert there. But he's moved back to Powassan.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
They called me once and I swear to God I said to them- actually 'cause I was thinking about it. I just got home from- was out west working and just got home and the guy- I get a hold of his people- I got the money now I can probably pay you a big chunk of it off you-know?
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
He says you go there for three years and you pick your spot. 'Cause he was stuck one time in Newfoundland. You can- you can be sent up to Yukon. Or you can be out west 'cause over there don't got O-P-P eh? ... You can be stuck in Winnipeg or some other- god-forsaken Northwest-Territory.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.