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pretty well

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1576, OED Evaluation: N/A

in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.

... she was sitting on a little chair and she went to get up but there was a big pail of puddy or-something there- ... Right into it, she landed right- pretty well up to her waist and I had to take her out of that.
pretty much
Well- but no, they spent a lot of their time here where- like we pretty well taught them how to ride their bikes, that's how much time they spent here. Um. What else? I can't remember everything. But no, they're- they're- they're with me all the time.
pretty much
Um, water-skiing I cannot do, I tried. ... I ca-- right pretty well, right on my face (laughs). That's about it. I can't tr-- I can't do it. I've tried a few times and I cannot do it.
pretty much
Speaker: ... I just find the people are friendly in Kirkland. ... I had great neighbours. ... Like we pretty well, like you-know, he wants something, he'll come here and get it. If we're in short of something, we'll just go to Carter's and grab his like, you-know?
pretty much
... storm last year but ah we're all in the tent and I remember the winds were bad, I actually thought we we're going to blow our tent. ... But it didn't. It was ah wicked storm, there was quite a few of us too. And we just pretty well ran into the one tent, eh? Um, but maybe because the weight of us all in the tent, it helped. 'Cause I really thought we were going to lose it, our tent.
pretty much
... well my dad died just as I started working. He died in nineteen-sixty, that's when I graduated and started work. And ah, so I was ah, pretty well hit, because he was sick for four years prior to that and he couldn't do anything. He got sick from the mine and his kidneys went and-
pretty much
And it was very interesting, I worked on surface in the mine. I pretty well had to because in those days we had to pay for our school books. And ah, when my dad got ill, we were on welfare, and they wouldn't pay for it so I worked in the mine. And that's how I ended up completing high-school.
pretty much
Ah cutting grass, ah, you-know, tree ah, ah hauling out the brush and-stuff ah everything to do with ah the Ministry I-guess, they use us as just slave labour pretty well.
pretty much
And I got two friends of mine that are really good, I went to school from grade-school right through high-school, I've known them all my life pretty well. And ah I see them standing outside there when I'm driving by the first time, you-know.
pretty much
It was like- so for eight days we hung around the pool, ah we sat and drank margaritas and-everything. It was kind-of cool 'cause the pool itself, you had a- ah, you could have it with liquor, without liquor and- we pretty well run the pool, we were doing cannonballs and- crazy Canadians. It's like "Crazy Canucks!"
pretty much
Well I- I was born and raised in Kirkland-Lake and ah, lived here pretty well all my life except for one year I was in North-Bay.
pretty much
See when we were growing up- in the summer time as a student you could pretty well get a job in underground, eh? Ah, and there was always the danger- 'cause we have rock bursts. In those days, my God they- every time there was a rock burst or a- an explosion the- all the houses in the town would just shake.
pretty much
And right here where this um tin shack is used to be a dance-hall. And ah they had- in the early years there'd be dances pretty well every weekend. They used to have some famous bands like The-Inkspots come up here. And ah, place was just a-buzzing out here.
pretty much
Speaker: Yeah I was p-- pretty well finished and- ... Interviewer: Then when you came out?
pretty much
Interviewer: How many hours or days would it take? Speaker: Well- y-- they could ah, when we have a group of three on each side, you could pretty well get- if you started in good time, you could get over quite a bit of it in a day, and if another day would come, we'd have to go another day ...
pretty much
Ah all wine from all sorts of ah all vegetables, you-know? And ah they'd use that instead of buying liquor. They can use this wine 'cause I know a few cases I've heard of older gentlemen, this lady was really good at making wine and they'd get pretty well ah- ah alcoholed up with the wine and they- they couldn't drive. They had a horse and they'd bring the horse and the horse could get them home, but they couldn't drive (laughs).
pretty much
No, they were pretty well done farming by the time we got married. His dad wasn't in good health.
pretty much
And ah, my dad used to let us off work to go to the strawberry festivals. During the day- during the afternoon. But ah he kept us working pretty well all the time.
pretty much
Mm, so (coughs), the rest of the time I pretty well just skied at Sir-Sam's.
pretty much
Interviewer: Well Dick it's been a real pleasure to talk to you. Speaker: You gone through pretty well all of my Haliburton stuff anyway so-
pretty much