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pretty well

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1576, OED Evaluation: N/A

in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.

Interviewer: So you were raised in Cobalt though? Speaker: Ah, I lived my first year and a half in North-Cobalt and then moved here in like ninety-four. Now we live in- in this trailer my whole life. Pretty well.
pretty much
Speaker: Everyone's related. Interviewer: It's just like all family. Speaker: Pretty well. It's just all my cousins and- ... So, it was just small- it was just still really small.
pretty much
Interviewer: Is the drama here worse than Liskeard? ... Speaker: No like you have- there's like two groups of people basically it's just like- like stoners downtown pretty well-
pretty much
Speaker: I drank way before Peter ever did. Interviewer: For a while you and Peter were like inseparable and you- whenever I saw you guys, you were drunk. Speaker: Yeah, pretty well.
pretty much
Yeah you just mess around all the time. That's why I jedi'd pretty well. That's the only reason why I wanted to.
pretty much
I do part of Arthur's job, I can do part of Brandy's job which is you-know part of the invoicing. Um, Arthur does the ah quoting and-all-that. I can do the graphics. Ah, I do some of the binda-- I-mean, you name it, I can pretty well do it in here.
pretty much
I-mean the water's pretty well polluted down there anyways ...
pretty much
Yeah, yeah she was born in Montreal and then when she was about twelve they moved to Cobalt and ah she was pretty well raised there.
pretty much
Oh we were set up. We were pretty well set up yeah.
pretty much
My mom and I were alone, I'm an only child. ... And ah my mother worked in an office and ah we were alone pretty well most weeks together but ah um I can rem-- when there's anything to be done around the house, I did it. No brother.
pretty much
Interviewer: So you pretty much know who's getting married to who in this town, right? Speaker: Pretty well. But nowadays not much- not many weddings.
pretty much
Well it's all pretty well- Slave-Lake is up northern part of Alberta. And ah it's basically all bush, as we call it.
pretty much
And I- I left mining and then I went ah, as a paining, taping, filler guy and I spent most of my life doing that, eh? And ah, until I retired, well I pretty well- I- couple of years ago. But Kirkland-Lake was a busy, busy place when I was growing up eh?
pretty much
Um, it's probably- that's probably what attracts me to this- this community. Um, it- it has ah, like my memories are here and ah, the laughter that I knew in life is- is here so ah, that's pretty well what I- I remem-- like I feel about Kirkland-Lake.
pretty much
It was there when I started. It had already began when I started to play and it ended- I think it pretty well died out in the early eighties, yeah. Yeah.
pretty much
Interviewer: Number of kids? Speaker: No no. No, no, it was pretty well ah, you-know I-think average then. Yeah, yeah, it was good. Yeah, it was good years.
pretty much
Ah, we all pretty well had a good time, in-fact we were rather rowdy (laughs).
pretty much
Now as we wanted- we had like a little fridge that we put the ice in- in the kitchen when you want to keep- well you pretty well had to keep your milk and cream and-everything from going sour.
pretty much
Speaker: They were just kids (laughs). ... Got into mischief and- Interviewer: Yeah? Speaker: What-have-you. Oh they're- oh, pretty well. My boys were very hockey-minded and- ... Good job there was two boys. You-know, been easier- you-know better than having a boy and a girl.
pretty much
It- as you got older and ah, there seemed to be a lot more jobs my day because the older gang was pretty well all gone. ... And ah- as each person got a little older, they went out to work. ... They weren't going to stay in the farm and work for nothing.
pretty much