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pretty well

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1576, OED Evaluation: N/A

in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.

There's only one that st-- well actually she didn't stay. She left and then came back later in life. She was I-- probably about thirty when she came back. But pretty well everybody left. And a lot of my friends were military family. So they moved around a lot.
pretty much
Interviewer: Well ah well he still doesn't know how to ride a bicycle. We ah- we ah tried to teach him once and- Speaker: Yeah. No. You have to learn that yourself pretty well.
pretty much
Interviewer: So were you trapped here in the winter? Speaker: Pretty well. Just walked to school and back and you were trapped, yes.
pretty much
You-know, but- no ac-- actually it was kind of (inc) all the siblings because ah, we ah- it wasn't boring. (laughs) ... Yeah, pretty- we pretty well all got along pretty good.
pretty much
... ah I go quality (laughs) you-know ah- ah I know what my costs is, ah I know how many jobs we can handle and that's what I take and that's what I do. And ah, you-know, it ah pretty well somebody calls me for price on their house and I'm pretty well guarantee I have the job. It- it just the way it is.
pretty much
Yeah, yeah there's one subdivision there that's pretty well English (inc) Richmount, but ah I'd say (sighs) oh three quarters of the people are French yeah, and speak it. Yeah, they also speak English but I mean in their homes they speak French.
pretty much
... when it was built was like the nicest really beautiful high-school, it was all brand-new and you-know at that time and um yeah so those were pretty well what was there.
pretty much
I'm a bad driver (laughs) I'll admit to it, yeah. I'll admit to it. I probably don't pay as much attention as I should (laughs) um North-Bay drivers are pretty well- I'm, I guess growing up here I wouldn't know any better but I d-- I rather drive in North-Bay than drive in Sudbury. I find Sudbury drivers are a lot worse than North-Bay.
pretty much
But he knew his- he knew his stuff the old man. I-don't-know. And I hung there in the big (inc) mills and then we expanded the mill and Aaron left and another guy came and then after that I pretty well ran the whole show 'til after- after that the hoist and the new mills and- and you got to do your own thing you-know ...
pretty much
Interviewer: Did ya- so you must have placed a he-- a heavy emphasis on education with your children then or? Speaker: I told 'em ah- like they got pretty well everything they wanted (clears throat) and ah but- like I'd ah- how many times that on Saturdays and Sundays they never saw me, I wasn't working.
pretty much
And Schumacher, there- there was heavy- heavy Croatian people there eh? ... That's why they have the Croatian-Hall. Which is now- it's pretty well dead.
pretty much
Ah my classmates were all fifteen and sixteen, as you would expect. And ah ah their social-life was much different than mine, and ah ah you-know I was pretty well just starting to date when some of them were getting married. You-know it was ah it was difficult and never ever- it was a lot of social adjustment.
pretty much
Um well, um my niece just got married in ah she got married here and ah m-- we more or less had a reunion then. Just this ah winter. ... Ah pretty well everybody came home for the...for the- the wedding.
pretty much
... we went to one of the theatres in Timmins. We thought, "Oh my gosh, this is really wonderful!" That was the real highlight of our year. I think that was all the entertainment we pretty well had in high-school.
pretty much
And so anyway um yeah, so s-- and he's always lived from ou-- we lived on Commercial-Avenue and he got married and he moved across the street down two (laughs) houses and he's still there. So he pretty well stuck around the same neighbourhood too, so. Anyway.
pretty much
But anyway- like I say, my life wasn't too exciting, but anyway, it was good. It was good. No complaints. And then living up here, well, I'm pretty well used to know everybody that lived on this street. I think now all I know are your grandparents, the lady that lives on the corner there now and a couple of people here and all the rest are all new families up this way now.
pretty much
I felt my husband couldn't- cou- - I- I'm a control freak and only I can get them ready for school the next day or something. But ah, yeah I pretty well, you-know come in late, leave at the bell. And you-know, you can't do that. ... When you work at the board office, or if you move into administration, which I have no desire- ... to do. I can do my own thing and leave.
pretty much
Ah oh, I was talking to this guy. And ah, he said, "Well, I would like to have you support me." I said, "I'm sorry. I'm not going to support you." And I said, "You pretty well have the reasons I made the kind of questions I asked you." I said, "If there's going to be ah any support, it has to be all in writing and that you as a developer are also going to take part in the clean-up ...
pretty much
But she's being supported by this group for single mothers. I can't remember what it's called ah but- I just (inc)- what is it? I don't know what it's called but anyways it's for single mothers and she's doing pretty well actually.
pretty much
Adults usually. And ah when you say anybody that's ov-- (inc) senior citizen, when I have a senior-citizen's-tea, that pretty well takes care of all the (inc)- (laughs) the whole congregation now, it seems to me. But um anyway, I used to be guide-leader.
pretty much