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pretty well

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1576, OED Evaluation: N/A

in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.

Yup, like Bobcaygeon now is pretty well all retired people in the city so it's- it's a senior's community pretty- pretty well I guess.
pretty much
I've lived here pretty well all my life so I pretty well know a lot things like a lot of other people don't know but.
pretty much
Yes ah- Yeah, pretty well everybody was basically- I can't remember any differences, we were pretty white-Anglo-Saxon-protestant guys.
pretty much
... and they used to go to Peterborough ev-- pretty well every Thursday night to these meetings ...
pretty much
... ah every farmer was into a mixed farming operation pretty well, with a few cattle and pigs and-so-on and-whatnot so they had to have a place in the summer to dispose of their surplus milk.
pretty much
They had The-National-Post, The-Globe-And-Mail, and The-Toronto-Star and quite often The-Toronto-Sun. So I'd go and read the news in one or two and the editorials in the rest of them and you pretty well get the pulse of what seems to be bothering the people that can write anyway if you read the ah- ah letters to the editor in the editorial. But there's an awful lot of people that can't or won't write ...
pretty much
... filled and staffed by people who came from larger centres and came down here sole for ah their real-estate for big dollars and had reasonably good pensions and come down here to ah- ah at a lower cost of housing and living and so on and ah- ah they have pretty well taken over the operation of- of many many things in the town where I ah- ah their typical approach is, "oh I just love Lakefield, is it ever nice. It's such a relief to get out of Toronto or Oshawa or Scarborough or Hamilton. Oh it's just wonderful ...
pretty much
We- ah the identity and the need for the local involvement ah isn't there and we're ah, we're too close to- to Peterborough and we're just really a- a suburb of Peterborough with ah ah ah- and that, I'm- I'm pretty well feed- I played in an awful lot of athletics in Peterborough and in hockey and ball and was quite renowned in that. So I know all kinds.
pretty much
It was three owners in that, and he- her husband was one. And they lived right in that little white house before you come to the church. On the right-hand side there, white. Where the little kind-of a restaurant or-something or was it beside there. So that pretty well takes care of them.
pretty much
... she worked in the office. And of-course he- he bats it for a while on the farm when he first moved there and that's where he met her when be in getting feed you-see? So they were great surprise that she would marry a farmer. So that pretty well takes care of that I think. That part of it.
pretty much
... and then he's going to summer school, just to get tuned up a little bit. And that pretty much takes care of them for the moment. So they get done school, they'll be going to college naturally and- and ah that pretty well takes care of them.
pretty much
Yeah he's got a great head of hair. Yeah, yeah. So that pretty well- let me see- I can't think too much more of what ah what they done you-know.
pretty much
Interviewer: Would you take a deer pretty much every time too? Speaker: Pretty well yeah.
pretty much
Interviewer: So ah what's the range on the shot-gun? Speaker: Shotgun? Oh I'd say from here 'cross the highway. Pretty well you might be lucky depends what you're using, if you use slugs then that's ah um a slug is a round ball about that big ...
pretty much
Interviewer: ... it seems like you have to do ah yard work all the time. Speaker: Oh yard-work and maintenance you-know things that you don't have to do, but oh you've got to keep the place looking good. Yup. Interviewer: And do you have any other hobbies ah that you- Speaker: That pretty well takes care of it.
pretty much
Interviewer: ... we're pretty much good for time, unless there's anything else you'd like to add or- or ah- Speaker: Oh i think that ah pretty well does it ah Jonathan. ... No I think that pretty well covers it and we're ah we keep in pretty good health ...
pretty much
... apparently, population of Florence is five-hundred-thousand people, however between the months of April and October, there's approximately one-point-seven-million people in the city, so there's over a million tourists in that city pretty well at all times, right? But you'd never know.
pretty much
Interviewer: 'Cause you said you really liked elementary school. Speaker: Yeah I did. I think the school's you-know probably pretty well the same. It's you-know improved if nothing else. It's definitely not worse.
pretty much
And ah so we've lived here ever since Holly was one and she was born in seventy-two so- yeah yeah so we've- we've pretty well like raised the kids here. John built this house, like he- he built it all by himself and ah yeah.
pretty much
Interviewer: Do you bike with the same people? Speaker: Pretty well yeah. Interviewer: Oh okay. Speaker: Pretty well. Well we have the- our big group is a big group. There's probably- well there's probably fifty or sixty people on the list. Now they don't all come all the time and-that.
pretty much