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Parf of speech: NA, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


I-mean I still got to survive and this town just doesn't- you can't make enough money like for the work that you do type-thing.
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No, no it's not a social type-thing, like ah you-know.
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And she just told me about snakes that would come in and pop up those lids and drink the milk out of it. Families that had young children, babies that mother would breast-feed, and there was one in particular that they woke up one morning and there was a snake wrapped around the baby's face sucking the milk that baby spit up during the night, that-type-thing.
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Boys can do that, but girls wouldn't. Especially if they had to come home at- in the dark, on a bus, public transport. There was always that, you-know, looking after the girl type-thing.
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She always spoke Finnish and Pitta would translate if her mother was talking to me type-thing.
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He is a soft-hearted considerate and doesn't know how to handle it kind-of-thing. So when he'd get off the bus and they'd start on him, he would just keep walking and of course that's the worst thing you could have done with them was to just keep walking and ignore them 'cause then they'd start beating up on him type-thing.
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But there's just the usual run of the mill everyday- I have to admit though, the kids that I've taught have all been decent kids. Like even if they've been cranky kids or- or kids that kind-of get under your skin, there was always a way to handle them type-thing so there was never anything really serious.
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He- you-know, anyone who had any sick animals or-whatever then started bringing them to the farm and he he sort-of was ah a- a bit of a a veterinarian practitioner-type-thing up in ah in Harley for a number of years as well.
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For one of my favourite things, like a recent type-thing, um, Patrick-Greg, you-know?
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'Cause- 'cause that was one of the step in type-things, right?
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From the bank, took a package type-thing.
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but a- but a- if you were going into like a- like an engineering type-thing-
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Just on a contract, you-know-what-I-mean, type-thing.
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Um I was just talking to a guy that sits on the tourism- tourism board type-thing for northern Ontario.
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They had extreme difficulty making it work here because they couldn't convince somebody, for example, that you-know paying ah all these additional fees to um, you-know, to a broker type-thing um where you're getting the same return- rate of return on your money, you're actually ending up with more money at the end of the day by doing- but they don't care because that guy- we like that guy and we've been dealing with that guy and my dad dealt with that guy.
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I remember we had my parents over for dinner and I was feeling like I was having regular contractions which at the time just felt like really bad period cramps and they were like every ten minutes kind-of type-thing.
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And ah, it was a- a ho-- a long low ah bungalow type-thing.
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Ah Barcelona- got to see where all- they did the Olympics in nineteen-ninety-two, see the big soccer fields and all those type-things.
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Just sat- just all the ah- the infrastructure you get to see and all those type-things.
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So like said, pretty well everything that we do, he's- he's pretty much involved, like I said, he's pretty well, yeah, he's pretty well brother- my- my parents consider him like as a stepson type-thing.
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