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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1716, OED Evaluation: Colloquial

‘Customer’, fellow, lad.

There's some good- there's a good planning company in town here as-well and of-course the one that the chap that did the Eaton-Centre, he ah- he's also- he's an architect as well as a planner.
Man or boy
We had it there- we had it there and we sold it to Bobby-Vallure, and eventually- it just recently I think it was in the paper, this chap ah- oh it was Tim-Jensen- we rented it out to him for a while and then sold it eventually to Bobby- to Bobby-Vallure.
Man or boy
Yes, eventually he did, yeah. A few people 'round here went there too, and, ah, met a good friend of mine there was a chap by the name of James ah- um- Walter- Walter-A-M-McIntyer- Walter-A-S- his initials were W-A-S, he didn't use W-A-S.
Man or boy
I looked at it- I looked at the initials and the last name. I knew the man. A chap I went to school with.
Man or boy
Interviewer: Well there are quite a few names and quite a few years that have gone by in-between to say the least. So the fam-- I'm sorry. Speaker: Um- A most interesting chap.
Man or boy
So the guys said ah "You got a wheel-barrel, I'll wheel you over." And so, we did. And ah (laughs) we got ah over there and they- the other chap wasn't too happy about us being there. So we left and we come home.
Man or boy
My girlfriend and I were trying to hitch-hike home from Timmins and ah this car drove by and I said "Uh-oh, he'll be back." I recognized the chap. He ah- sure enough he rounded the block and Annie and I got in the back seat. And I said, "I'm going to marry that guy, the one who's sitting in front of me."
Man or boy
Yeah. Well that was the summer I had the job in a drug store. And they ah there was a chap came in- kept coming in, and I knew he had a crush on me and I couldn't stand him.
Man or boy
He's not ah- I know for a f-- ah the- the chap that does the McDonalds here, he's the manager of ah three of them. He's a good friend of mine and ah he- he- he's doing quite well as a manager…
Man or boy
Well, ah the (laughs)- this one time ah- well there was- it was funny it- it- it- it- it was kind of you-know- we had a- a chap that ah used to do maintenance in the m-- in the mall.
Man or boy
One chap in particular by the name of Daniel-Koo who ended up at the University-of-Toronto in the school of dentistry.
Man or boy
Yeah, she'd married a chap from Peru. Oh it's a lot of it's in that book. Um and had three children and then she married- they separated and she came back to Kirkland-Lake and she met- married a chap from here, who I stood up for, for when she got married and I was- we were really- Richard and I were really happy about that because there was a good union.
Man or boy
Another chap too that's ah one of the younger fellas, he didn't go or get overseas but he was an American and- and ah ah when the Korean-War started, he didn't go back to the States. When the Korean-War started, he had no service in the American army so he was drafted. And he was killed in Korea.
Man or boy
No, I was alright in that because of their correspondence, I was pretty good- pretty good in the formal- formal grammar English. Ah one of the other chaps too, they had an English department, he had his thing for killing time before
Man or boy
What ah what did we do? The only guy I- one- one chap I had to throw out of there because he was- he wanted out, he was taking- he was fifteen and wanted out of the thing, so I finally threw him out physically.
Man or boy
Yeah, well I'll tell him that and ah- so there was a- chap came that had- where did he meet him?
Man or boy
All of this food arrived and we couldn't possibly eat it all. But ah he wa-- he was a really fine chap. And was- what was I going to say. Something else about them.
Man or boy
And the chap with me had been in Elliot-Lake too and he said "Rick," he said, "Don't touch a thing 'til I go and ask and make sure. His memory's so bad, he could have forgot." About two in the afternoon.
Man or boy
I was taxiing up to ah Monteith-Prison-Farm taking drugs for the drug store and the chap with me was full of questions. He said, "What kind of trees are those on the road?" I said, "Those are Balm-of-Gilead there and they're birch there."
Man or boy
No. This- this chap came over here and met this girl, he went back to England with a- with the army. <4> Uh-huh. <023> Went a- I believe through to India for a little while.
Man or boy