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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1857, OED Evaluation: N/A

A contrivance attached to a reaping-machine to bind up the grain as cut into sheaves; also, a separate machine used for binding up the grain

Speaker: It was a Ford tractor so it wasn't very big. Interviewer: Oh okay. Speaker: And ah, probably about eleven or-something when I drove the tractor and I drive it. Um, I drove it on the- when we were cutting grain, I drove it. Um, the binder would be on, my mom would be on the binder behind running the- the gears on the binder and-that and I drove the tractor.
A contrivance attached to a reaping-machine to bind up the grain as cut into sheaves; also, a separate machine used for binding up the grain
Interviewer: How does that- how did the binder work I don't know. Speaker: Ah, I had a picture of it but it's way off over there now (laughs). Interviewer: Oh no it's okay. Speaker: Yeah, it's for grain. Interviewer: Oh okay. Speaker: You go into the field and cut the grain with the binder in it. Interviewer: So it almost (inc)- Speaker: Makes it into stooks, yeah makes it- Interviewer: Oh 'kay! Speaker: Into stooks, into sheaves, yes stooks is when you put them all together made it into sheaves.
A contrivance attached to a reaping-machine to bind up the grain as cut into sheaves; also, a separate machine used for binding up the grain
And ah, in the fall, you would harvest the grain, and it was done with a unit and the horses pulled it, it was a- it was called a binder, which ah the- you- wha-- ah you raked all the grain up with a hay-rake that the horses pulled, and then ah got the binder, and ah went along and it picked- it picked the grain up and straw, and fed it through the unit
A contrivance attached to a reaping-machine to bind up the grain as cut into sheaves; also, a separate machine used for binding up the grain
I remember my dad ah we used to do that with the grain binder and ah he was always falling asleep because he didn't get enough sleep and ah these grain binders you sat up about six feet on them, six feet off the ground
A contrivance attached to a reaping-machine to bind up the grain as cut into sheaves; also, a separate machine used for binding up the grain