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Grade thirteen

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


I was just finishing my grade thirteen, so I would have been eighteen. And then ah, eighteen, turned nineteen, and then I went to Ryerson.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Speaker: Yeah, well I skipped a couple of grades. They used to skip kids in those days, huh, so I actually finished grade you-know, I guess it was grade-thirteen in those days, right. I- I think I was only just almost sixteen years old. Interviewer: Did you go right to university after that? Speaker: Yeah, went right to university. I was graduated before I was twenty, yeah. Interviewer: In biochemisty. Speaker: Yeah.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
... my friends were all- tended to be achievers, and at that point in time, that's when (inc) one still had to write departmental final exams and there was standardized tests for grade-thirteen. Um our high-school tended to have amongst the highest levels of achievement on those tests in terms of number of- percentage of Ontario scholars and things-like-that ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Well well that- that's what I thought when I finished June sixty-nine my grade-thirteen and I had been saving my money and I decided I'd go to Europe with the money I'd saved for University at that point ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
And um- but anyway the result of that was that it took me four years to do my grade-twelve and thirteen, in those days you had to do nine grade-twelves and uh nine grade-thirteen subjects, so it took me- I maybe could have- I maybe could have squeezed it into three years but I had to raise some money as well so um- 'cause my mother was quite poor and as I've mentioned before my father had died ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
When I started teaching uh, students had to take history, all the way through, up to- not in grade-thirteen but they had to history in grades nine, ten, eleven and twelve, every year and then grade- thirteen was optional but now I think they only have to take one- one history and even along the way so- but taking all those histories, that was part of this sort-of more conservative approach that was in effect at that time you-know ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
It was- Toronto was quite- you-know you were in tech or you were in commercial or you were in the collegiates and if you were in the collegiates- if you weren't going into university you were expected to either be going into some other thing that required grade-thirteen, it would be expected that you would do grade-thirteen and then, you wouldn't necessarily go to university but you would do something of a higher ah level- training. We um- we didn't- community colleges only came in around nineteen-seventy.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
... they still have these Ontario scholars but they used to have- they had a system whereby the province rewarded students with an Ontario scholarship if they got- I think it was seventy-five-percent in their f-- in their grade- thirteen year. And so schools would compete with one another as to how many Ontar-- how many Ontario scholars they would produce in a year.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
... I quit- I was finished with school, Runnymede-Collegiate. I had my junior matriculation and that's all that you went to- the only time you went and took grade-thirteen or senior matric is if you were going to university. And out of the class that I was in, at Runnymede, there would be about twenty of us and only two went to univesity. Very few people went to university.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Speaker: Yeah, it could have been purple for all I knew, yeah. So high-school was interesting. It didn't gel for me until grade-thirteen, when all of a sudden I started taking all the subjects I enjoyed. And so grade-thirteen was the best. Before that, it was just drudgery, especially some of the subjects.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
When I was in university, I got a job with I-B-M. Actually, I remember. I did roofing up in Sudbury of all places. So that was the end of grade-thirteen. I went up to Sudbury and did some proper construction doing roofing and so I'd had a couple of different jobs for this one company.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Interviewer: Sometimes my teachers would give us- give us these spelling tests that would determine where you were, like if you were a Grade-One speller up to a Grade-Thirteen speller, and I was always one of the Grade-Thirteen spellers in, like, Grade-Six. So I could spell the hardest words. Speaker: I can't. Before I spell Grade-Eight words. Well, I don't know. Well, they gave us hard words like Physician. Interviewer: Can you spell Physician? Speaker: Well, yeah. Uh... wait... P-H-Y-C-I-A-N?
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Interviewer: Now were people travelling a lot around-? Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: They were, eh? Speaker: Yeah y-- after grade-thirteen you took the big trip to Europe for the first time, and then after university, you did it as well, but again- right?
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
... and then I went to City-School for grade thirteen which is an alternative school, and that's even further west, like um Westin- and-Saint-Clair.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Speaker: ... in a public-school it was mayhem. Like kids weren't listening, people were getting kicked out all the time, people didn't show up, I hardly showed up actually my last year too but- Interviewer: In grade thirteen? Speaker: Grade thirteen yeah, and twelve. Alternative is kind-of like, they don't care if you show up or not, or th-- not that they don't care but, it's for- it's like an alternative learning kind of thing ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Speaker: I wondered if you would have stayed with your French if you had 've been the grade twelve kid versus ah grade thirteen. Interviewer: Well when I was in grade nine I didn 't- I took extended French and I practically failed that. I didn't fail but I did really badly in it. And then I went into core French and I really liked it.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Which was great education, and it was probably about the time I got to grade thirteen, there was only- there was still only five- hundred, about five-hundred uh students in the school.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
And I belonged to um, I played a- I played all the different sports, I was on the track team, the volleyball team, also got to coach when I was in grade thirteen so ...
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
... after I graduated as well, then it was all- a-lot of it was really awful. Um, but um, so there was religion every day, by the time I got to grade thirteen it was uh- it actually wasn 't mandatory, you could- you could go or- or not.
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).
Speaker: ... I guess the kids that were not dedicated to school wouldn 't be where I was, so it was a different- Interviewer: Different system. Speaker: Different- we were there to go to school, to learn, to go to grade thirteen, go on to University, College, whereas general level you didn't- you wouldn 't- you're goals weren't set as high I guess is the word I mean, not that they didn 't want to go on, but just different you- know, so-
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long).