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Bikers Reunion

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: And they bring like roses and care packages to each of the patients like (inc) like bikers cry, like these people you never expect and they just like start bawling, like it's a really emotional- 'cause what Bikers-Reunion is all about, is battling cancer. Interviewer: Oh okay. Speaker: Because I guess Brian lost his mother and brother to cancer, not sure, to- Interviewer: Is Brian the (inc)? Speaker: Yeah, the- who started it, Brian-Pine.
An annual cancer research fundraising event in New Liskeard, in which shows, auctions, and a motorcycle raffle are held.
Interviewer: Do you feel like our community isn't as close as it used to be? Speaker: Well I think that here, the community's really good. You-know, they- they pull together and- and it's really nice. They certainly um a lot of volunteers especially for the Bikers-Reunion you-know? Interviewer: Yeah, mm-hm. Speaker: Yes, they ah don't have trouble getting people to volunteer.
An annual cancer research fundraising event in New Liskeard, in which shows, auctions, and a motorcycle raffle are held.
SPeaker: But ah anyway, yeah the Bikers-Reunion so we haven't really taken part in it. We can- Interviewer: (inc). Speaker: Walk better when it first started and we would walk down and- and go around and actually he- Interviewer: I worked out of the (inc). Speaker: Yes you did, uh-huh.
An annual cancer research fundraising event in New Liskeard, in which shows, auctions, and a motorcycle raffle are held.
Interviewer: So do you like Summer-Fest then? Speaker: Um, I found as a kid, I liked it a lot more but it's- it's kind-of a fun event now, I guess when you're sixteen, there's the Bikers-Reunion too, right? Is that part of Summers-Fest? Interviewer 2: Yeah. Speaker: Summer-Fest (laughs). I- I-mean- like, that's pretty fun. They normally have cool things like that guy who was flying.
An annual cancer research fundraising event in New Liskeard, in which shows, auctions, and a motorcycle raffle are held.
Speaker: Or keep that trend going, actually staying outside for the whole summer when there are these stupid bikes outside making noise 'til like three-A-M. Interviewer: Aw. Speaker: Also what annoys me about it is that the first year that they had it, it was still called Bikers-Reunion. These people haven't met before like that's not a r-- Interviewer 2: (Laughs). Interviewer: (Laughs). Speaker: They should have had a better name for it (laughs) but anyways- Interviewer: (Laughs) "These people haven't met before."
An annual cancer research fundraising event in New Liskeard, in which shows, auctions, and a motorcycle raffle are held.