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But that- oh, I don't know, at that time, there was nobody in a hurry. But the neighbour drove into the yard, ah, you always had time for to speak to him, and talk to him, it- it wasn't, ah, and he drove in, they didn't ask him what brought him in there, why he'd came there, it didn't matter. |
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There was no winter milking. Interviewer: Oh, I see. Speaker: Not- not- not ah, very much. Maybe they'd have one cow that you would try and keep for to have a little something milk for the house, but they didn't- they didn't depend anything on winter milk. |
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Ah, you wouldn't think of breaking them before three or four year old, three year old. They wouldn't- three year old wouldn't have to do too much heavy work, he'd just go- you'd to drag him enough for to get him- get him used to the harness, and of what he was supposed to do. |
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Interviewer: Whinnying, or winnowing, something-like-that. Speaker: Oh, the winnow. Interviewer: No no, no, ah- Speaker: Oh, oh, you- you mean for to clean the grain- Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: After it was flailed. Interviewer: Uh-huh. Speaker: Well, they had to wind that. |
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But I've seen the dash churn, though. [0:40:00.0] And some of those dash churns were hooked up for to run with, ah, dog-power. Interviewer: Oh, yeah. Speaker: The same as the old trample. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Um, what would you put the butter into after, ah- Speaker: Butter loom, butter loom (?). Interviewer: And the- it was stored in that? Speaker: Oh no, oh no, that was just for to- to wash the milk out of it, and then, ah, shake some sod on it, or- and you still worked in it, until you got this sod melted. |
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We got, ah, ah, electricity for lights and then we got for it to cook with and, ah, grills and they kept getting bigger and bigger and, ah, women started getting them for to curl their hair and then toasters and, ah- I can't tell you in the- in the, ah, you-know, order that they came in, how they come in, that would be a whole story in itself. |
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Interviewer: Yeah. But, ah, you-know, it must have been very satisfying to- to live on a farm in those days. Speaker: Well, ah, no, there was- wasn't- certainly wasn't the rat race that there is today for to get things done. |
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Interviewer: Um, yeah the- I knew a guy once who had, ah, made cheese and, ah, he, ah- he had very big, ah, muscles running down here he said I guess from- Speaker: Mm-hm. Yeah. Interviewer: Stirring vats of it. Is that the sort of, ah, a system that you- Speaker: Well, I- ah, I don't know too much although we used to- we used to, ah, go in and watch the, ah- they put a rennet in it, something, ah, for to make it curdle and then they drained them- the whey, ah- rennet- I don't know what the rennet is made out of but it's a- they would have to buy that you-see? |
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And they had- had their own gristmill and, ah, ah, if they got a little better they got, ah, first- the first, ah, grain machines they had was put out by, ah, oh, I don't know if it was Massey-Harris or who but little portable would, ah- could grind probably, ah, twenty bags or, ah- in a day of wheat or-something-like-that. It would be four farmers were to go together and they'd buy one of these, ah, on their own and, ah- in order that they wouldn't have to draw their grain for, ah- for, ah- for six, ten, twelve miles to the- to the gristmill and then wait for maybe a week for to get it back. |
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You-know, they'd get together a group of house parties and, ah, they'd, ah, ah, probably- if your house was big enough for to have a couple of square-dances, well you- somebody played a mouth organ or a violin or they'd, ah- this is what they done. |
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There was no such thing as hiring help, ah, it was all, ah, get your neighbours or to help you and they'd come pay you back, you-see? |
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Trout, bass, ah, pike, pickerel. Lots of fish those days, you-know? The people caught them just for food, you-know, they didn't catch them for to see how many they could catch. |
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Well, I remember I was building some- doing some work in the- in the- for a woman that kept tourists here, well that was back in thirty-three I guess. And there was a bunch of- she had a bunch of Americans staying there and they called me over for to measure them. They had some pike thirty-nine inches long. |
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You-see, they make the, ah, cloth first and then they put the, ah- they weave the other colours in. They put- if you want to put roses in- I don't know what's on that chair, whether it's roses or- well, they- they used to do- they'd do these mats out of rags, you-know, these carpets and, ah- and, ah- I see my daughter-in-law down in Saint-Catharines doing them. Boy, they're p-- p-- can be pretty nifty now. You get- of course you buy all the- the stuff for to make it, you-know? And you get the big rug and you work these things through. And that was the way they did. They would w-- they would weave the thing first for to, ah- to- say you wanted to do that chair, the seat in the back, they would make that piece of cloth. |
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Speaker: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. A farrier, you- he just shoe- would shoe the horses, eh? Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: This was the main thing in the old days, of course, how everything was done with horses and, ah, of course in the wintertime they had to be shard-sharp for to travel on the ice and, ah, well, in the summertime of course they usually had a smooth- a summer shoe and a winter shoe. |
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