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Bush whacker

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1809, OED Evaluation: U.S.

One accustomed to beat about or make his way through bushes; a backwoodsman, a bush-ranger.

Well bush-whacker normally is just a lumber-jack. No, he's- he's- he was a cutter in the bush. You-know the guy that (inc) on stuff and cut the- usually and then it was mostly the four foot pulp-wood as they call it eh?


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


I re-- kind-of realized that the- the maybe salary was what? Thirty-five or so and- and ah bush-work and the-rest-of-that is not ah- is not one to last too long on
Employment without fair pay or benefits.

Call on

Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1603, OED Evaluation: N/A

To invite to come on, allure, incite; fig. to encourage the growth of, bring on.

'Cause this one frien-- my one friend- when he was calling all on his brother. So he just came in with his hat- Interviewer: He was what- he was what? Speaker: Calling on his one friend's brother. So- but this kid like who was calling on my friend Matthew. He was afraid that he had like AIDs or-something. So he wrapped over his hat over his hand and just went up to him and just started hammering him.
To challenge to fight.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1931, OED Evaluation: U.S. slang.

carnival; also, a person who works at a carnival.

Ten minutes later, there the carney walks by- just puked all over him by accident.
A person who works at a carnival.
Speaker: But some of the carneys- they'll rip you off if they have the chance. Interviewer: Really? Speaker: My friend dropped his wallet and the carney stole it on him. Then he ended up fighting the carney afterwards.
A person who works at a carnival.
'Cause he- he went on that spinny thing that dropped out. And the carney just went by- picked it up.
A person who works at a carnival.
Yeah. I was like, "Good for you man. Don't let no carney rip you off."
A person who works at a carnival.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1716, OED Evaluation: Colloquial

‘Customer’, fellow, lad.

One chap in particular by the name of Daniel-Koo who ended up at the University-of-Toronto in the school of dentistry.
Man or boy
Yeah, she'd married a chap from Peru. Oh it's a lot of it's in that book. Um and had three children and then she married- they separated and she came back to Kirkland-Lake and she met- married a chap from here, who I stood up for, for when she got married and I was- we were really- Richard and I were really happy about that because there was a good union.
Man or boy
Another chap too that's ah one of the younger fellas, he didn't go or get overseas but he was an American and- and ah ah when the Korean-War started, he didn't go back to the States. When the Korean-War started, he had no service in the American army so he was drafted. And he was killed in Korea.
Man or boy
No, I was alright in that because of their correspondence, I was pretty good- pretty good in the formal- formal grammar English. Ah one of the other chaps too, they had an English department, he had his thing for killing time before
Man or boy
What ah what did we do? The only guy I- one- one chap I had to throw out of there because he was- he wanted out, he was taking- he was fifteen and wanted out of the thing, so I finally threw him out physically.
Man or boy
Yeah, well I'll tell him that and ah- so there was a- chap came that had- where did he meet him?
Man or boy
All of this food arrived and we couldn't possibly eat it all. But ah he wa-- he was a really fine chap. And was- what was I going to say. Something else about them.
Man or boy


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1900, OED Evaluation: N/A

A stuffed-over couch or sofa with a back and two ends, one of which is sometimes made adjustable.

Interviewer: Was there any like words that like people used to use back in the day, like chesterfield for couch that they don't use anymore- Speaker: Oh sure, yeah, chesterfield, yeah.
A couch or sofa
I'm sorry I couldn't (laughs) be more of a help with that word, chesterfield. My dad uses weird words though sometimes. He'll- he'll use big words and he'll just slip it into everyday conversation.
A couch or sofa


Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1983, OED Evaluation: N. Amer. slang.

Free from anxiety or stress; relaxed, calm; easy-going, laid-back. Also as a general term of approval: excellent, admirable, ‘cool’.

Yeah, he's my favourite. I-don't-know, he's just so relax and chill about everything.
Free from anxiety or stress; relaxed, calm; easy-going, laid-back. Also as a general term of approval: excellent, admirable, ‘cool’.
What no? Um, my parents are actually very, very chill, very chill. Um, they are- they discipline when discipline needs to, but like they're pretty much like they're not like, "Don't go out of the house blah-blah-blah," you-know?
Free from anxiety or stress; relaxed, calm; easy-going, laid-back. Also as a general term of approval: excellent, admirable, ‘cool’.
They're so chill, they're funny. You would get along with my dad.
Free from anxiety or stress; relaxed, calm; easy-going, laid-back. Also as a general term of approval: excellent, admirable, ‘cool’.
Um, so normally I have a hockey game in the afternoon, one or two on Saturday and then Sunday, I- it's normally just a chill day so I normally like go out Saturday night, you-know, get my freak on (laughs).
Free from anxiety or stress; relaxed, calm; easy-going, laid-back. Also as a general term of approval: excellent, admirable, ‘cool’.