in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.
Example | Meaning |
We- my dad worked on the railroad. He was a second man on the railroad and we grew our own vegetables we had an acre of ground here. And that- that's pretty well everything ... |
pretty much |
Interviewer: Did you make any good friends during that time or? Speaker: Oh yeah, everybody pretty well is- you guys are friend. |
pretty much |
Interviewer: Yeah, what kind-of music and-stuff were at the dances? 4> <051> Well, we were pretty well- ah back in the country. We were pretty well inter-- interested in square-dancing. Yeah. And uh- and the waltzes and-stuff-like-that. But ah- I- you- that stuff they do now a days I wouldn't do it. I'd break my neck. |
pretty much |
Interviewer: Was it always like local bands and-stuff or? Speaker: Oh pretty well yeah yeah. |
pretty much |
Well I used to help a bit. I don't help out now. Help out when my wife- she was in - pretty well in charge of the snacks (inc) it was her that got the- the new one built and- and she was pretty good at the bingo games we had too. Kind-of looked after them a bit so- |
pretty much |
Interviewer: Is that what people did? They just went to go see the train or? Speaker: Oh pretty well. And they'd visit a bit- well they- they might get a bit of knowledge or bit of B-S floating around. |
pretty much |
Well just- just the people who- in the village they more or less just had to sit and watch it burn for no fire trucks or- and the train came down- ca-- came back down and they used the fire-hose from it to try to put some-- but it was pretty well all burnt then. |
pretty much |
Interviewer: So fire was a big problem (inc) I guess. Speaker: Yeah- yeah like there was no such thing as fire protection then. If- if a guy's house burnt down they just built it again. Interviewer: Did the community really come together or-something-like-that (inc) Speaker: Pretty well yeah. And the saying in those days used to be building barns eh? They'd have a big- all people from miles around came to- for this barn raising eh, it was a big day. |
pretty much |
Interviewer: Has it always been this like quiet and peaceful and? Speaker: Well pretty well. Well when the- they used to have a saw-mill over there and a saw-mill down here. |
pretty much |
Well just the shortage of timber. Yeah. And it wasn't economical to cut logs and they would put any half-decent logs were pretty well all cut by then. |
pretty much |
Example | Meaning |
And ah, it- it was tough for a single lady raising three kids. Especially, we weren't very hard to- to raise- we were very- into everything. We got into more trouble ah- and actually we pretty well raised ourselves because mom was busy working just to make a living ... |
pretty much |
... and what happens is ah if people eat certain parts of- of- of a cow that had B-S-E, they would get sick and they would probably die. So that pretty well shut down the market for cattle. And everybody that was in farming for the last three or four years, they had a very tough time trying to make a living because the prices of your animals went down almost a half. |
pretty much |
Example | Meaning |
You just had to make sure that none of the buildings around it went up in flames too kind-of-thing. But that was been the most case with any fires you went to. They're pretty well fully engulfed by the time you get there. |
pretty much |