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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1716, OED Evaluation: Colloquial

‘Customer’, fellow, lad.

And ah, they look at it at such an opportunity and with such eagerness where, you-know, I wonder about that sometimes. "How could they?" You-know, thinking that they're never going to come home, in some cases. But ah, the one chap's name was- was Freeman, that I do remember that had written back and forth to Sean Levine.
Man or boy
But I did remember seeing these letters form men, younger men who was part of this (inc) had gone overseas for the first world war, and Sean Levine just happened to be the chap that they'd wrote letter back home to. And he corresponded with them obviously. And I still have these letters. I shared it with um, Ruby, what was her last name? She lived just back road here.
Man or boy
But that- those buildings eventually burned down. And we felt at the time, there was a young chap that had been working for dad, and he wasn't too happy about life, and they sort of feel that perhaps he took a little bit of his spite out on dad by starting the fires...
Man or boy
Well, I wasn't that excited about seeing him in the office. "What the heck does he want anyway?" Anyway, he advised me not to see this chap anymore, as he was older than I was and he didn't felt (inc) feel that he was good company for me. Well you know when somebody tells you things like that, you're so determined to go the way you're not supposed to go.
Man or boy
I found- I've located cousins down there. I have a cousin, a very interesting chap who I keep in touch with. In fact I'm doing a lot of research now and a lot of genealogy ah- scans of old documents and letters because another branch of the family the name was l'Amoureaux, that's a French name and ah- originally these people were from the Channel-Islands and I'm just trying to get everything straight now in my mind.
Man or boy
I've got some old pictures of that and in fact I met a chap from Venezuela where we lived at down at the pier, ah, and ah told him I had some pictures, he was very interested to see them so I've got to dig them out when I get everything unpacked here.
Man or boy
There's some good- there's a good planning company in town here as-well and of-course the one that the chap that did the Eaton-Centre, he ah- he's also- he's an architect as well as a planner.
Man or boy
We had it there- we had it there and we sold it to Bobby-Vallure, and eventually- it just recently I think it was in the paper, this chap ah- oh it was Tim-Jensen- we rented it out to him for a while and then sold it eventually to Bobby- to Bobby-Vallure.
Man or boy
Yes, eventually he did, yeah. A few people 'round here went there too, and, ah, met a good friend of mine there was a chap by the name of James ah- um- Walter- Walter-A-M-McIntyer- Walter-A-S- his initials were W-A-S, he didn't use W-A-S.
Man or boy
I looked at it- I looked at the initials and the last name. I knew the man. A chap I went to school with.
Man or boy
Interviewer: Well there are quite a few names and quite a few years that have gone by in-between to say the least. So the fam-- I'm sorry. Speaker: Um- A most interesting chap.
Man or boy


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1900, OED Evaluation: N/A

A stuffed-over couch or sofa with a back and two ends, one of which is sometimes made adjustable.

The other fellows from your regiment you-know, would bring your rations over and she'd look after you. You'd lay on the chesterfield while she tended to you. They were very good to us like that you know, very friendly like that.
A couch or sofa
Yes, well that’s where we always had the living room. It has a red linoleum floor on it, and a big chesterfield sat in the middle of the floor and I can’t remember the sideboards and the different things around but it was heavy furniture, but that’s where they lived there. The east drawing room was closed most of the time; they only opened it if they were having a part.
A couch or sofa
But the next day he- no I-guess he came up and somehow he was sitting on the chesterfield and somehow money dropped out of his pocket back underneath this chesterfield cushion and I thought, "Gee, I rather like that chap." You-know, it was- yeah. So I phoned him and I said, "Jack, you left a nickel here and, you-know, I just wanted to tell you." And he said "Oh, I'll come up after it."
A couch or sofa


Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1884, OED Evaluation: N/A

To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).

I chummed with basically the same four girls all through high-school and they're- they're still my friends.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
The ones I- the ones I chummed with did anyway.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Yeah oh- I didn't chum with her or anything 'cause she- she ah had originally gone to another school and- and-that.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Ah, ah yeah, he lived beside ah, he was down beside a small apartment building down there. And we had a- a friend of ours that we chummed with, happened to live next door.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1382, OED Evaluation: N/A

An artificial reservoir for the storage of water; esp. a watertight tank in a high part of a building, whence the taps in various parts of it are supplied.

Water came from a concrete cistern in the basement, pumped up by a little hand pump and the drinking water from two or three wells along the street.
An artificial reservoir for the storage of water; esp. a watertight tank in a high part of a building, whence the taps in various parts of it are supplied.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1425, OED Evaluation: N/A

A number of persons claiming descent from a common ancestor, and associated together; a tribe.

Interviewer: (Laughs). Oh, okay. Hm. You just said you won a lot of competitions for dancing. Where were they held, do you know? Speaker: Well, they were- they were the gathering of the clans. They were held one year in Belleville, the next year in Madoc, the next year in Campbellford, and they just kept going around. And there was people, there was competitors come in from Toronto, as far a way as Milwaukee. Always the forty-eighth Highlanders Band from Toronto. And, ah, it was a- it was a big day in Belleville, the gathering of the clans.
A number of persons claiming descent from a common ancestor, and associated together; a tribe.