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pretty well

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1576, OED Evaluation: N/A

in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.

Um, loved riding a bike, lived on a bike, this was- this was before there was any school-buses and if- when we lived up by the United-Church you ah, it was good going to school 'cause it's downhill pretty well all the way, you can get to school pretty quick, but going home for lunch you had to pedal like the devil and you usually- took you almost oh- ten to fifteen minutes to get there, no matter how hard you tried ...
pretty much
... ah, in the- in the seventies we had a great-big snow-storm in April that everybody all- ... Fourth, fifth, and sixth of nineteen-seventy-five, all of Ontario was pretty-well snowed-in. It was just a spring storm and- and the schools were closed, I remember that.
pretty much
... we had history and science and geography and reading and writing. We had to do our writing exercises- and math. And, um, pretty-well the same subjects as we had today. Um, we had um um gentlemen come around, and he was called a music teacher- itinerant music teacher, and he would come on a certain day each week ...
pretty much
... you'd have some fresh coals, usually in the morning and all you had to do is put a little kindling in and start the fresh fire and by the time the other kids came to school at nine-o'clock then you- you had things pretty well up- up to speed unless it was dreadfully cold. ... But that- th-- that gave a little kid ah, ah sense of responsibility and I felt like a man.
pretty much
That's one thing that- one thing up here in the country that's really- you don't run into a lot of that type of discrimination like I think you might in the more populated areas. ... Everybody seems to be friendly to everybody else, pretty well.
pretty much
Interviewer: Did y-- did you- your dad help you or you put it together by yourself? Speaker: No, I pretty well did it myself. Figure out the instructions.
pretty much
Yeah, lot of money to spend. Lot of gambling, lot of drinking, lot of broken marriages. Real- and the- it was pretty typical of any railroad town because they were pretty well isolated. There was no road in there. There is now but that time there wasn't a road. So you either came by train or plane, float-plane, yeah.
pretty much
Farms were almost all identical then unless it were a dairy farm. ... Otherwise they were pretty well all the same. Yeah. Yeah, every little bit of everything.
pretty much
Well when young- really, until I was in high-school I wasn't around the town that much except as a- somebody's passenger. ... But then g-- when she g-- that's right, we all pretty well stayed where we were.
pretty much
I- I- I played behind the plate (laughs). ... 'Cause the- that was only time you got to intercede with the community pretty well because you're- when you were home on the farm (inc)- he was working all the time so I was looking after the kids, we had six kids-
pretty much
And ah he said "And you never did finish it." ... It was pretty well done but it wasn't quite all done, he had to finish it himself (laughs).
pretty much
And ah we had our own ah sawmill which ah got their own boards from lumber. ... Yeah, the time was pretty well self-sufficient, yeah.
pretty much
Ah we got out at recess at noon hour and that was pretty well it.
pretty much
Speaker: And ah if you wanted to go university they would help- help you there too. The ah- the v-- the veterans, eh? Interviewer: Yeah, so it was all, it was all enlisted men that had been in the war that were in school? Speaker: Ah, well there was a- pretty well although ah if you went to university, you just go- you went y-- you just be amongst everybody else eh?
pretty much
But I never did go to the university at all eh? Rejoined the airforce. ... And ah, but he had to pretty well start over again, I- I ah came back from overseas as a flight sergeant and got ah- when I got to Montreal, I got ah a telegram saying that I been commissioned as a pilot officer, which was the l-- the lowest commission rank eh?
pretty much
Well the four months that we were there. Ah, but ah, I never realized how hungry you could get in four months because, of course the Germans were pretty well starving themselves so they didn't have too much for us at all.
pretty much
And my mother and I went over there to see this ah movie and we ah saw that and the place was pretty well empty. ... Yeah yeah and it was l-- it was empty seats all over the place because people didn't have money to go to see movies very- very- very much I guess, even it was only, say a quarter.
pretty much
He said "Well is this pretty well strictly for Americans but you can stay here for a day or two until you can find a better place there."
pretty much
I had flying boots, they aren't very good for walking. ... And ah he got me a pretty well new pair of American army combat boots.
pretty much
... from the time we got off we figured we weren't going to make it all the way to Ottawa so we stopped at ah- at ah rooming house there and- and the woman kind of looked at us and went, "Four kids?" And one was just baby pretty well.
pretty much