Example | Meaning |
Now he wants to learn how to quilt too, I says when I have my own blanket, then he can learn, eh? |
"I say", "I said" |
And we were walking and then all of a sudden these two big lights come towards you. Well I got scared, I says, "What the hell, who is that?" Well they were smaller, and when you're getting closer they were getting bigger, eh? |
"I say", "I said" |
Yeah, he was- I told him, I says one time I say "Well do you want to bake?" "Okay!" You-know he's so happy that I let him bake, eh? So- Mm-hm. |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
And I said, this has to happen. And he, finally he give in. So then I says, "Okay how does this happen." So we got to connect with the ah- the ah- the township over there right? The council. Approved it and all that. |
"I say", "I said" |
Interviewer: I wonder, will kids still call cabbage 'kapusta'? Speaker: Yes. And look at, right across. So when I say the word, and I always did this to people I says ah, "I want to say- I'm going to say a word, a slavic word. You tell me which ah language I'm speaking." And I'll say, "kapusta" right? And ah they right away will say, oh that's Polish. |
"I say", "I said" |
... I was doing my speech and everything else, welcoming and said, "My home," ah or, "Our home is your home" you-know, all this kind of stuff. And ah, then I says okay it's time to go tobacco, and prime-minister's over there, and I go, and he goes I have (inc). |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
... the Indian- Indian-reserve. Ah, it's the Algonquin-tribe, eh? And so, ah, this one- after the first- first year I was there, there was an old- old- well, one of the ladies there, she was very involved in the community, one of the Indians, and I said to Sally, I says, "You-know," I says, um- I says, "Sally, this is an Indian co-- communit-- community," I says, "You-know," I says, "We should do something to make it more meaningful to the- to the Indian children," and-so-forth, so anyway, I says, "You-know," I says, ah- I says, "Well, we'll try to dress them- the kids- children, ah- in- in the Indian costume," you-know, in their Indian garb, eh? |
"I say", "I said" |
Speaker: ... I says, "Well, we'll try to dress them- the kids- children, ah- in- in the Indian costume," you-know, in their Indian garb, eh? Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: To bring up the- the- the- the- the figures for- you-know, for the- the creche, eh? The creche, eh? And I says, "You-know," I says, "No," so I says, "An Indian community," but, ah- but I says- and I says, "The- the infant should look like a- like an Indian." So she made a nice- I got a- got a doll for her, with- a dark doll, eh? You-know, dark? |
"I say", "I said" |
... she's very good, I me-- sometimes they're very demanding and want all kinds of stuff, you-know, but this- this one, she's- she knows what she wants, and, ah- and I- I says, "You're- you're doing the right thing. You're not making it a great big ordeal where she's going to be in debt for the rest of the-" |
"I say", "I said" |
And then- well, they marry themselves, but they- but they- but, ah- the co-- the consent has to be given, so once I looked up, and, ah, this man's brothers and sister and-so-forth were all laughing. All laughing and I said- I says with a smile, I says- I says- I says- I said, "I notice your brothers and sisters, and everybody in the church are laughing," and- and I says- I says, "you better look at your- I think there's something wrong, ah- you- you better look- look at your shoes, and all it was, both shoes: "h-e-l-p". |
"I say", "I said" |
... Monseigneur-Mark, I was- he was- he was- went out for a walk, and then I came along, I was driving by and then he sa-- I says, "Do you want a drive?", and he says, "No," he says, "I can walk faster than you can drive." (laughs) He was quite the character. |
"I say", "I said" |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker 2: And you've had that girl since she was born. Speaker: Yeah, yeah, since she- and she'll be twenty-three so I have her tomorrow. That's why I says tomorrow, then it's not a good- wasn't a good day for that. And then now with all the grandkids eh? I have the- we have the grandkids, eight of them, nine of them. |
"I say", "I said" |
After- what it happened that the neighbour had an aneurism and the daughter had a little boy and ah, the poor little guy was shuffled from one aunt to the next aunt and they were already older and they couldn't- he was crying for them all the time so I says well let me try i-- try- bring Bobby here and I'll t-- I'll see what I can do. It was like second nature and the boy was happy and every since then I had k-- I- and he stayed here 'til- for about three years ... |
"I say", "I said" |
Ah, okay, I watched his three kids for long time- couple of years here too eh? And like I says, I- there's so many families around the area that I have- oh yeah I just dropped off and I was known as the babysitter ... |
"I say", "I said" |