Example | Meaning |
Um- and then I was the first one to leave home. Um- I went to teacher's-college so I did grade-thirteen here and then I left to go to teacher's-college at eighteen. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Interviewer: Where did you go to teacher's-college? Speaker: Ottawa. And it was only one year at the time, eh? Mm-hm. You didn't have to have your degree. So I went from grade-thirteen, teacher's-college one year and then teaching. And we got a job just like that. You went- we went- people came, school-boards came to the ah Ottawa teacher's-college and you picked whatever county you wanted to go to. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Yeah because I didn't go into the high-school. The high-school here in Madawaska-Valley, I'm a first year graduate. I only went there for grade-thirteen. So from ah Saint-Joseph's we went to Stratford I think one year and then- and then we went to Expo. That was our big thing. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Example | Meaning |
... there were kids that met kids from Killaloe or kids from you-know, Palmer-Rapids or Combermere, and they started to go together in grade-nine, they got married in grade-twelve or grade-thirteen, and they're still married today. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Interviewer: Have you ever been to the Wilno-Tavern? Speaker: Oh many times. Many many times. Yeah, yup. Yeah. It's fun to go there and- and ah- I didn't go there so much, 'cause when I was in high-school you could drink at eighteen, s-- and I was eighteen in grade-thirteen, so you could go to the bar when you were eighteen. And ah- but people- we didn't go to Wilno. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
So you'd go down to Martha's on a Friday night and there was a band playing or if it was you-know after school or-whatever and you're in grade-thirteen and you think you're like really wise and philosophical, then you would- you-know there- three or four of you go over to ... |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: Well, I- I sta-- we had- I- I- I did my high-school here in Barry's-Bay. We had a- we had, um- well the grade-school, the Roman-Catholic-Separate-School-Board, then we have ah, Catholic schools, ah, and, um, ah- up to grade-thirteen. And we had a small high-school here in Barry's-Bay, at that time, a Catholic high-school, eh? |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Speaker: So it's, ah, it's a little different because, ah, they already had- had a Catholic high-school up to grade, ah, ten, I guess, and then after that they got the support, you-know, or the funding to be able to go right up to grade-thirteen, and now you don't have grade-thirteen, you, ah- ah, that's co-- discontinued, eh? Interviewer: Yeah, no, it only goes up to grade-twelve. Speaker: Grade-twelve, yeah, yeah, yeah. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
So we had very few lay-teachers, right up from grade-one to, ah- to grade, ah- grade-thirteen. Ah, you, ah, were taught by the sisters, you-know? |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Not, in grade-school, no, but, ah- but, ah- but even grade-thirteen, one of the- the teacher taught all the subjects. All the subjects in grade-thirteen, you-know? |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
From, ah- well, once after I was old enough I became an altar server at the church, and, ah, you-know, was involved in the- in the parish from- from grade- I would say maybe- maybe grade-three right up to grade-thirteen before I left, you-know? I was still- still an altar server there, you-know? |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |