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Parf of speech: NA, OED Year: 1910, OED Evaluation: Colloquial. Originally United States.

1. With the. The best kind, the highest rank; a state or example of excellence, fame, etc. to hit the big time: to become notable or famous. 2. To a great degree, on a large scale; extremely

Speaker: Yeah so now it all looks like any other street anywhere else in Toronto! That- that 's what I can tell you I 've noticed is changed big time, just the um the retail.
A lot - intensifier
Interviewer: Wow. Did you enjoy your mini-bike? Speaker 1: Oh yeah. big time. Yeah
Very much - intensifier
Interviewer: There 's a difference that ten years makes. Yeah oh for sure! Speaker: Oh yeah, big time.
Used to show agreement
Speaker 2: See I never went with these guys we had our own family ones. Speaker 1: Playing poker. Oh yeah big time.
Used to show agreement
Interviewer: Wow. So you must have seen a huge difference. Speaker 2: Yeah huge. Speaker 1: Oh yeah. big Time.
Used to show agreement
Interviewer: People were maybe more relaxed back when you were younger so they weren 't as stressed out over traffic. Speaker 2: Yeah. It 's true. Speaker 1: Yeah. big time.
Used to show agreement
Interviewer: Both your mothers didn 't work? Speaker 2: No. Speaker 1: No. Interviewer: Do you think that was a benefit? Speaker 1: Oh yeah it always yeah big time. Speaker 2: My mom worked after my dad died. 'Cause I was only- I was only six years old so. Speaker 1: And my mom started back working when we both got in the school. Grade- Interviewer: G
Very much - intensifier
Speaker 1: Students have more rights than the ah teachers do. Speaker 2: Yeah which is wrong. You-know? Speaker 1: Yeah. big-time.
Used to show agreement
Interviewer: Was that a huge innovation? Speaker 2: Yeah it was huge for sure. Speaker 1: big time.
Used to show agreement
Interviewer: So what 's there now where the frozen pond was? Speaker 2: Houses. A lot of houses. Speaker 1: Houses. big time.
Used to show agreement
Speaker 2: It was the norm. Like it would be nothing to drive down the street and go somewhere with a beer in between your legs. Or something-like-that you-know? Speaker 1: Oh big time. I remember my parents going down driving to the cottage always a dozen beer for the yup. Have a few beers for the drive to the cottage.
Used to show agreement
Interviewer: Do you ah go to the dentist? Speaker 1: Oh yeah, yeah. big time.
Used to show agreement
So I think originally, they rented our upstairs and my two sisters were born at the time. And then when I came along, it was a single family dwelling, so- Interviewer: Things changed. Speaker: big time. Big time.
Used to show agreement
Interviewer: And what about Queen-Street? Like what was that like growing up? Has it changed? Speaker: Huge. It 's changed. big time. Um I can remember like the- the- the stores, of course, were much- I can remember some dinginess when I think back.
Very much - intensifier
Speaker: And yet, this is what- what- what we experience. Interviewer: So is that a pro--? I mean- Speaker: It can be. big time. We have numerous times.
Because it takes away living money. And I find that- that we 're starting to struggle big-time. So we 'll- when my husband retires, this will not be where we 'll stay. And so that 's another huge effect of market-value assessment.
Very much - intensifier
Speaker: Oh yeah, I mean the development in this city is- in the city it 's- itself yeah, big- big time development like, I saw the, the Bata-Shoe-Museum go up.
A lot of - intensifier
Uh Reuter is the- is the British um service, and of- it 's gotten in- starting in the eighties, it 's gotten into- big time into uh business information. And it 's the world leader
In a large way - intensifier
I remember being so impressed because we had this equipment and we used to put on a newscast that went closed circuit throughout the campus, so it was good- it 's good training, like that and- and our we had- our instructors were generally professional people so um, Sheldon-T who recently retired from the C-B-C was the- did- did our thing for that, and he was great, he- I remember one- the day they topped off the C-N-Tower with the radio antenna uh- they- we went and covered it for the Ryerson um station, and he was covering it f-- with the um C- B-C so, it was a chance to go to a big time news conference and um, you got a lot of um- you-know a lot experiences and things that you wouldn 't normal- normally get and- such as that in those days they served liquor at news conferences (inc) our cameraman got drunk and, I had to work the camera plus do the sound and every- anyway it was, kind-of nightmare but- but um- but yeah, yeah it- yeah, yeah I have good- good memories of Ryerson and- and uh- and the experience.
Very much - intensifier
Interviewer: So- that 's a lot of ah seniority and- Speaker: Yeah it 's oh yeah it 's big time. It 's big time. But you-know-what? You gotta love your job too and that 's what I tell my kids.