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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1990, OED Evaluation: N/A

A hooded sweatshirt, fleece, or other garment.

... he just looked at my belt and was like "Take off the belt." I'm like "Okay whatever." So I went and put the belt away, but it sucked because he only singled me out when like there's three other people wearing high- with hoodies, like right beside and I was the one that they- like he picked on. Stupid.
A hooded sweatshirt, fleece, or other garment.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Um, because it was his friends, you-know he'd meet his friends you-know couple of times a week and then go for lessons, they had group lessons and ah their teacher from Halifax was just a- a hooj. She was the greatest person. And ah they were just loving her and- and taking lessons from her so- Ethan went the formal route with violin and we were going to- then Bernie came, he was born in nineteen-ninety-one and we were thinking what are we going to do with him.
Someone with good characteristics

Hot foot

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Interviewer: ...a lot of other generations here in Timmins did have this as well, but we used to say growing up um if we stepped in a puddle on accident and- and water just seeped right through our shoe and sock and our foot just got all wet, we would say that we got a- Speaker: Hot foot. Interviewer: A hot foot? Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: You're no-- you know what? That's ah- you're not the first person to say that to me actually when I said that. I believe missus-Palizeri ah said hot foot as well.
same definition as soaker but an older term
Interviewer: That you'd step in a puddle and you'd say "I just got a hot foot"? Speaker: I got a hot foot, yeah. Interviewer: Wow, okay. I didn't even know that one at all.
same definition as soaker but an older term
Speaker: It's supposed to be a cold foot though (laughs). Interviewer: Right. Speaker: We say hot foot yeah, every time we get wet.
same definition as soaker but an older term

hydro - 2

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1916, OED Evaluation: N/A

Short for hydro-electric adj. (power, plant). Also attrib. In Canada also = hydro-electric power supply. Cf. hydropower n.

And ah- and as soon we got the transformer up and the hydro gives up power, we hooked it because you don't want a transformer sitting idle.
Hydroelectric power.
But when my older kids, when my older cousin went to school they had a tough time because they didn't speak (laughs)- speak English at all- I mean you-know a little bit, not much. ... 'Cause there's no radio. The farm (inc) there's no hydro.
Hydroelectric power.
... if things don't work out, I'm hoping that, like, ah like with ah like a forester or something. ... Like in- in that line, like a- like a- a hydro, or at the da-- like at a power dam. All- like O-P-G, like, they all have lines. That'd be my best bet.
Hydroelectric power.
The trees were producing the food. The water was producing the food. They were probably far better off that the- the poor people here who had to pay for heat and hydro, all those things. They didn't actually need it there.
Hydroelectric power.

hydro - 3

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1916, OED Evaluation: N/A

Short for hydro-electric adj. (power, plant). Also attrib. In Canada also = hydro-electric power supply. Cf. hydropower n.

... I often think, "What about some of these poor people who don't speak English that well? And you pick up a phone now-- and all you want to do is talk to somebody from Hydro or a gas-company?" I-mean, by the time- push a button, one for this, two for that, I-mean, they must get so confused. You-know. By the time you're finished, you just hang up and get a friend to come and help you.
The local hydroelectric company (usually either Ontario Hydro or Toronto Hydro).

I says

Parf of speech: Phrase, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: Yeah I- a guy died on me one night- not me, but I had men working underground. And (inc) and ah these guys told me- he called me up on the phone. He was a shift boss, Gerard. And Gerard says to me "Benedetto, call the ambulance" you-know. And I says- we're taking this guy- called- his name was Andrew. We're taking Andrew out. He was a miner, a drift miner. And he had a bad habit after a blast.
"I say", "I said"
Painters one time- the guy was painting up- and he's painting you-know- I was watching the young kid he was painting. And I'm looking he's going up up up. I said how high are you going, all up-- (inc) I says "See up there, another ten feet, don't touch that." It's high voltage for a big (inc). 'Cause that's how you go up there and you probably hold onto to it to (inc).
"I say", "I said"
But like I says from South-Porcupine to here talking n-- no. But I know down Toronto yeah some guy has a little saying, downtown Toronta or-something. Or that ah or the bus ride it would yell out (in Toronto accent) "Spadina."
"I say", "I said"
He looked like something like Perry-Como, except he wasn't that- yeah I- you know Perry-Como on T-V? Oh yeah, nice short hair eh? He was- he was a crooner. Yeah Perry-Commo- oh yeah he was- he had his own show as well. He was a- anyway I says- and we ended up bar-- ah bunking in with an Italian guy.
"I say", "I said"
I call them tin-knocker- tin-smith, the guy who put furnace in all-that. She says "You boys getting along pretty good eh? Making your way around pretty good." "Oh yeah." I says. We take the streetcar down and ah you-know. But we saw guys leaving would get a piece of paper. We looked (laughs) what's the paper for? You-know like two hicks?
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: They gave you so small wires that incase you hooked up wrong, you won't burn the generators up, you'd burn the wires up. Interviewer: (laughs). Speaker: And how many kids would burn- and I hooked up- and the teacher says "How come these guys hooked them okay?" And I says "I did them in high-school already." (inc) compound, long (inc), short (inc), series mount generators. I did them all. So I had a good training at (inc).
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: I'd um I went as far as grade eleven. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: And during exams, I did my English exam and I knew I'd flunked it, so I just went t-- to the principal and I says, "I quit. I can't do this."
"I say", "I said"
And now there's all the newer families moving, I see more kids on the street now so, it's a little bit more alive now anyway, with all the kids running up-and-down. So I says, "Kind-of nice to see kids outside playing", 'cause there for a while, pretty quiet. Never saw anybody around.
"I say", "I said"
... his name was Sam-Mackenzie and he was a Constable Mackenzie and he just looked at me and he said "For Christ sakes Silvio," he says, "What are you doing here?" I says, "Just having a little fun." And he says, "Get lost!" You-know and he let me go and I said, "Oh-my-God, thank God." And half my buddies got busted that night and charged and because I knew the cop I didn't go in.
"I say", "I said"
When they got out of hand, she used to say like ah "Hey Den the kids are not listening." And all I have to do is speak to them. That- that's it. They n-- knew that I was ah serious just by ah the- h-- I says- ah i-- w-- ah my dad never had to- even have to lay a hand. All he does is look our way and say "That's enough now," and that's it. And they stop. Yeah, basically that's all I used to do.
"I say", "I said"