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Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1491, OED Evaluation: Scottish

prevented by stress of weather from making or continuing a journey.

"Do you mind the time- do you mind the time when such and such a thing happened?" And ah, and then I heard him use the expression storm-stayed which I'd never heard which I'd read about in the- in Peter-Gzowski.
Prevented by weather
He was telling a- a story about one time, he went somewhere and got storm-stayed. I was just totally amazed that I've never heard the word before and then all of a sudden it was just being used in normal conversation.
Prevented by weather
Well Peter-Gzowski ah, on C-B-C had um, ah- he wrote books about his morning show and one of them was on the topic of storm-stayed and- and of course people phoned in from all across the country. And I was reading that book and then a week and a half or maybe two weeks later, uncle-Jimmy dropped in...
Prevented by weather


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1710, OED Evaluation: N/A

as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.

Interviewer: Yeah? Did you ever get in trouble for something you never did? Speaker: Don't think so. I lived through school without getting a strap.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
Interviewer: Now you said the stra-- they had the strap in those days. What was that like? Speaker: Not- not- if you were a delinquent, you just got sent to the principal. In high-school, you graduated from the strap so- Interviewer: You graduated from (laughs) the strap. Speaker: Yeah.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
Interviewer: ... I heard a story that you were up that tree smoking. ... Speaker: He got lots of straps eh, he got the strap nearly every day.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
We were having a nice smoke out there. And the teacher caught us. ... So she's giving us the strap and a talking-to, and the whole business.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
... as far as I know we liked that teacher, Miss-Nevin- Amelia-Nevin. We liked her, she was good, but she ah, gave us a strapping every day, Ross-McTavish and I. Just to- I-think it was to cow the young lads and the rest.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.


Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1735, OED Evaluation: N/A

To beat with a strap or leather thong.

... as far as I know we liked that teacher, Miss-Nevin- Amelia-Nevin. We liked her, she was good, but she ah, gave us a strapping every day, Ross-McTavish and I. Just to- I-think it was to cow the young lads and the rest.
To beat with a strap or leather thong.


Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1710, OED Evaluation: N/A

as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.

Speaker: Oh yes, there was thirty of us or-something one day, all got the strap. ... (Laughs) We went skating and the fellow's watch that he had was no good. It stopped. And we were very late at getting back to school (laughs).
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
Interviewer: Now what do you remember about school days? Speaker: Well, you- you were thinking I got a strap a lot, yeah. Interviewer 2: (Laughs) Interviewer: Ah (laughs)- well did you? Speaker: No.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
Speaker: But back then if you didn't behave, you got the strap. ... Interviewer: And what- what offence would ah, result in a strap. Speaker: Well if you were misbehaving or, you-know?
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
So it was, you-know, the older kids and being an on-looker, you were guilty as being there. So anyway we came in and of course everybody had to take their turn and go in to see him. I remember coming in and I can see the strap sitting on the desk and ah, he- he said to me, he said, "I know you weren't involved in this but I can't do anything but I have to punish you the same as I did the other children." So he said, "What I want you to do is hold out your hand, I'm not going to hit you, I'm going to hit the desk, but I want you to yell like you've been hit and go out and rub your hand like you had got punishment."
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
We had a man teacher and it was nothing, the boys got the strap, even in high-school.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
... one of the women had lunch- lunch with, she taught high-school in North-Bay and she was saying about giving a strap. And I can remember, you-know. We had a man teacher and it was nothing, the boys got the strap, even in high-school.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
Discipline was- was good, you-know? Nobody spoke out of line (laughs). ... And the strap was used. I never got it, at least I don't remember getting it. I shouldn't say that because maybe I did. But I don't think I did. I was too scared. ... I knew- I knew I'd get another when I got home. My father used the strap. He could never catch Jill but I was smaller and so when- if we were both in trouble, it was I who paid.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
I think we had a lot of attractive women in our neighbourhood actually. ... Um sort-of r-- auburn hair and um just a very- very calm, very relaxed manner about her um and I'm not sure if she ever had to give anybody the strap or not. ... Maybe once or twice. ... You knew the strap was available. Um there might have been once or twice ah some of the older boys got into trouble.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.
Interviewer: Would she make people stay after school? Speaker: Oh yeah. Interviewer: Yeah? What would happen then? Speaker: Never got the strap. Never got the strap. Got warned that it was there if we need it.
as used for flogging. Hence, the application of the strap as an instrument of punishment.

Stubby orange

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: NA


We went into (inc), the two of us and we were sitting there talking and ah having ah ah I had a stubby orange and she had a- I forget what she had.
A type of orange flavoursed drink that came in a short(stubby) bottle.
Interviewer: Now you mentioned earlier that when you went into one of the restaurants, you had an orange stubby. What was that? Speaker: That was at Chinaman's. Interviewer: At Chinaman's. Speaker: Mm-hm, orange- Interviewer: So what kind of sof-- soft, other soft drinks did they have? Speaker: Well you don't see it around anymore, orange stubby. It was in a little bottle about- oh, about that high. And it just come up and then ah, like i-- it went in like this and straight up. (inc) little stubby orange we always called it.
A type of orange flavoursed drink that came in a short(stubby) bottle.