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pretty well

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1576, OED Evaluation: N/A

in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.

... like there has been tourists that want to go up and see the place and-everything. It's ripped down. It's no longer there. They ripped it down. Like they got rid of it. ... And um, all it was a little cabin in the woods. Like that's pretty well all it was.
pretty much
'Cause they're brain washed so they won't talk. ... And nobody knew that's- like they knew something was weird. There's a bunch of girls living with- you-know pretty well one guy.
pretty much
There was three of them, two of us. Pretty well two of them because they were all older yeah. So two of them and three then three of them. So there was ten.
pretty much
Second year we had same deal, it was pretty well the same team. We came in runner-up and then this year coming, it's gonna be a whole different team because people work and can't come up and st-- and you-know stopped coming because they get older.
pretty much
Um yeah and we've ah- how it has changed, we've lost our saw-mills and like where the men pretty-well all worked around like here, they didn't have to go out of town like to work. And there was ah a quarry here too. And like it's gone so yeah.
pretty much
And ah my kids pretty well ah- like the younger ones went to the school over here.
pretty much
Oh yeah there was the- the big fire yeah that burnt. Yeah it burned us, I forgot about that store and ah some houses yeah. But I think everybody pretty well you-know had- got somewhere else to live so. Yes.
pretty much
And um in the city I feel that people like tend to fall through the cracks and that- like you-know here you-know things are closer like pretty well if you live in Lindsay you can walk anywhere you-know to get to where ever you need to go if you- if you have to you know and-that.
pretty much
It was a good book, she's a good writer. Like I really like her- Catherine-Cookson. Like her books too and ah- oh yeah lots of different ones. I pretty well read anything ...
pretty much
So a lot of people- and I was one of the last to get on the bus too because like where- where we lived, like on this side of Burnt-River it's a- ah I was well pretty-well the last to get on and-that.
pretty much
He just had that knowledge of the sounds of wood and-so-on that he- he could ah mostly identify pretty-well any piece of painted furniture.
pretty much
That- oh we had a- we had a good mixture of ah of kids from ah our area was from the ah ah north side of East-Moira-Street around in a fan around to encompass pretty-well um I-guess everything down to Campden-Road.
pretty much
Ah yes, just up the river from Meyers-Mill, it's behind the Bellwood-Creameries. So ah it wa-- it maintained about three to five feet o' water all- pretty well all summer it'd get da-- low but ah you could swim right from one side right across the river.
pretty much
I-guess there were three schools- three major schools around and this one was- well it felt pretty well packed when I ah, went there.
pretty much
Saw-mill's all gone. The only thing left is the old burner, 'cause we used to burn the bark and wooden chips and-stuff. Yeah. But it's all pretty well new people up there.
pretty much
It was a bad infested drug area, it's getting pretty well cleaned up now. Around the hospitals used to be the rich people's area, now it's Thibeault-Hill. It's rich people live up there now, yeah (laughs). As far as the drug-infested areas, they're pretty well scattered here and there. But it's like every other thing. (inc) Crime's not as bad as some of the bigger cities but it's here.
pretty much
No, stuck around here most of my life. Pretty well all my life.
pretty much
Interviewer: Yeah. I've heard some people describe the like Sturgeon-Falls' French as ah Franglais? ... Have you heard that? Speaker: No. But I have an idea of what you're talking about, yeah. ... And that's pretty well the way it is all North too. S-- guess Sault-Saint-Marie's got a lot of French, babe?
pretty much
... and (clears throat) so he worked for that organization in a book-keeping capacity. So it was ah generally always ah white-collar jobs and always- pretty well always related to book-keeping. Um and- and some sort of small office management.
pretty much
... like there aren't really a lot of like local slang words that I really think are a North-Bay thing, you-know. I think they're pretty well you-know like all over the province at least you-know like- unless you know of something I don't know about, you-know, like I-don't-know.
pretty much