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out West

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1834, OED Evaluation: N/A

Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.

Interviewer: Did you go to school anywhere? Speaker 75: Oh, yeah, I went to K-L-C-V-I and then I went out west. I went to Nanaimo-University. ... In B-C, on the island.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Interviewer: I was talking to Cleo Warner just yesterday- ... And he said he was a caller for, I think, line-dancing or- Speaker: Square-dancing probably. ... Cleo Warner, yeah out in (inc), no- no he's out west of the school isn't he. Mm-hm, I know who you mean, yeah.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
He and his cousin um, Jake-Mitch, his second cousin learned carpentry, um in Scotland. They came out together. Months before mother and the two children, came out on the boat. They ended up- arrived in um out west, next to Edmonton. What's the name of the place. Not Athabasca.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Kat-Free was very active in volunteering and so-on. And I think she is currently out west, if she's still living. I-don't-know.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
... I was married in nineteen-forty-one. October the eleventh, nineteen-forty-one. And we went right down to Barrie because he had just got his pilot license out west. And he came, proposed to me on the seventh step of the- on the seventh day, which was his birthday in May.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Easiest way is to go south and then go do the (inc) Toronto- do Toronto, Quebec, and then go out to Labrador, Newfoundland. And then kind-of tour all the way back up and try going up, out west. Ah I've never seen or I have seen the Rockies but I've never been there. So I haven't been to that part where Vancouver is.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
... anyway, they lived in North-Cobalt and he got his cattle ah- or horses it was he got from out west and they come in a box cars and we lived right by the- w-- one side of the railroad track and the station's on the other side of it. ... (inc) go over there and- and ah watch them unload the horses and- and we played horse (laughs)
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
A lot of them went to work for the phone company Northern-Telephone, they were hiring then, stuff-like-that. A lot of guys- at that time there was this big movement out- to- to go out west. ... To the oil fields of Alberta and a lot of went a-- and a lot of them are still out there. Left in high-school and never came back and they're still there.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Interviewer: That's crazy. I can't believe you can do that. Can you go s-- you can go to school for that kind-of thing? Speaker: Yeah there's like- like computer graphics in like Montreal. There's some here. Some like out west in like British-Columbia.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Like his father used to own it and they he sold it to an American company, but he still has an interest in it or works for them or-something. Then ah, Andy used to go um, out west and work you-know? And Carlota went out one year too or maybe two years and um, like if they go out west they make a lot of money and there a lot of perks you-know, they got all their room and for meals and-everything free, you-see?
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
He was about thirty-eight years old then. Before that he was out west.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Interviewer: And where were you born? Speaker: Ah, I was born out west ah in ah a little place called Veteran in Al-- Alberta. ... It's on the border- almost on the border of Saskatchewan.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Interviewer: Did you have any brothers and sisters? Speaker: Yes, I had one sister. She was born before I was out west.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
That ah she ah- they had a school there and um- so ah- and then she um- she didn't teach out west because ah ah she got pregnant before too long. ... And ah ah they wouldn't let pregnant women teach-
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
But ah you were talking about Facebooking, I think- I think there's probably some good aspects to it too, I'm not going to deny that. You-know a lot of people will learn more about what's happening all around them- ah down south, out west and- and we'll become more of a- one society. ... So I think it'll start to level, so you won't have as many differences between the south and the north and-that. It'll- It'll become more equal and people will understand each other ...
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
And ah, some cousins have moved out west but there's still a few in town so we're all still really close. Yup.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
Then she went to Sudbury, took some courses there. Graduated from the R-P-N program there, I think. And then came back and finished her R-N school here. And then ah she moved out west for a job in nineteen-eighty and then I think married my dad then.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
No, not vacations, I have gone skiing. Um I'm alright at it, not the best. ... And like I can do black-diamonds here but out west, I'm- ... Like at Rouyn-Noranda.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
The-Family-Herald, it was a magazine that come in the mailbox from out west it seemed, somewheres. ... But it had everything in it. It had ah, recipes and quilting and news and all-kinds-of-things. And we used to get that all the time. That was the one paper I always l-- looked forward to.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.
The special horse I remember was- I out in (inc) in nineteen-forty-eight. Ah in those days, people went on a harvest or- the eastern farmers were hired to go out west to help the western farmers. ... With the harvest. I was out- I was sixteen years old when I was out there. ... I was supposed to be eighteen. I kept telling a bit of lies here and there.
Originally: in or to the territory to the west of the early American settlements; (in later use) in or to the distant West of the United States. Also in extended use: in or to the western parts of Canada or Australia.