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I says

Parf of speech: Phrase, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


And I said, "Well, we ordered this, this, and this and this," and I says, "But there's two more boxes." And he says, "Oh, those are Oscar," and put them up in the- put them up.
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: He says, "No," and I says- and I says, "Well but I knew you were friends with him and because he was giving- like, Oscar was buying expensive equipment and giving it to him," you-know, type-of-thing. He says "(inc) you know?" I sort-of went, I says, "Oh, oh this is nice. This is expensive, did you buy this?" He says, "No, Oscar gave it to me," and I went, "Aww!" I says, "Aww, why can't I have friends like that!" Interviewer: Why can't I be friends with a famous singer?
"I say", "I said"
None of the streetlights are working here either," I says, "It must be a system wide- in this- in this area type-of-thing. A system wide power failure type-of-thing in this area." And then I- I go down Highway-ten, I go- at Caledon, I cross over to Heartlake-Road, and go down Heartlake-Road.
"I say", "I said"
Interviewer: They're out. So then you knew- Speaker: And I go, "Okay, this is not good." And I said- I says, "Now what is this?" I said, " So power is out." And all I thought was, "Why is it out? Terrorist? Who did what?"
"I say", "I said"
So she was sitting on the front porch, and she's barely be able to talk and she's doing this, poor- type-of-thing, is poor dear, I says, "there's nothing, unfortunately there's nothing I can do for you until they- until they fix this mess up."
"I say", "I said"
When it blows from the other way from the south, you can hear the twenty-seven. You-know, the Q-E-W type-of-thing. You can- you can hear it now. Um, but when it's- and I hear it. I says, "Streetcar's running!" you-know, "Power! there's no- there's no power here. Streetcar's running."
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: ... and we didn't lose anything. We lost some rockets. Lost a package of rockets. Interviewer: That's it? Speaker: Yeah. People were- I don't know where people got type-of-thing. I don't know what the heck they were doing. "Oh everything had to be thrown out! Oh!" And I says, "What did we lose?" Interviewer: Just don't open your freezer.
"I say", "I said"
I said- 'cause, "What happened?" "I lost my rockets!" "What?" "You know those bright flavoured popsicle things? Well that's what we lost." All my pop-- all my rockets were gone. And he said, "Other than that, you lose anything else?" "No, nothing important. No, no-" I says, "Really, everything else is just fine. Chicken's fine. Pork's fine. No, we're good. Thank you very much, we're good."
"I say", "I said"
I went, "Okay fine as long as it's not me. I didn't do it." I says, "It was- don't- can't blame me for turning the air-conditioner on and sucking all the juice up 'cause I wasn't here," type- of-thing. I was up north and there was nothing running up there. I says, "Except for the water-heater, I was using no juice."
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: ... she's got a property out there and I says, "What the heck is she coming back here for?" Interviewer: I get that all the time. "Why are you here?" Speaker: Yeah, I says- I says, "Why is," you-know I mean, "Why are you here? you're gotta- you're out there and you have a property," which supposedly she's renting out there.
"I say", "I said"
This is the story. I don't know if any of it's true. I says, "Why would you come back here," you-know, not like this is hell or anything, but I says, "Why would you come back here when," but I don't know what the circumstances there are and you-know, it could be a cardboard box for all you-know- I don't know. Maybe she's on the run.
"I say", "I said"
... I vaguely remember the name, and I'm trying to think back and I says, "Were you-" I thought, I says, "Where you the one who thought you were a witch?"
"I say", "I said"
Interviewer: So she's probably not on the run. Speaker: And I- but I says, I says, "Is that the," I couldn't remember 'cause I- they gave- she gave me the last name and I thought, "The name sounds vaguely familiar," and I thought, "Oh yeah," and I says, "If that's the same one I hope there's no hocus-pocus going on when," I says, "We don't- I don't need that," type-of-thing but she still wears a lot of black.
"I say", "I said"
Like, you-know, like eighteen-years-old and you already got two kids, you're not married, and I says, "Gee oh yeah, your prospects are good, aren't they! Looking good up here, type-of-thing yeah?" And they'd come up. They do some- they do as much damage as they fix up, so basically I didn't come out ahead when they leave.
"I say", "I said"
... I said, "I saw all those warning signs with the- when the kid came in, type-of-thing." But I was leery when I- I says, "First of all, you sign a lease," but I says, "You don't get a extended lease, you get one year." I said, "I get you down for one year."
"I say", "I said"
I says, "In eight- in ten months, I'll come and see you and we will go over the property and see what you've done. If all is well and fine, we'll look into giving you an- a renewal of your lease ...
"I say", "I said"
He violated five clauses in the lease in the first half-hour he was there, did damage to the property, which, "Oh that wasn't me. The wind did that. Oh, no, no." I was steaming when I left, okay? It wasn't enough to- you- know, to- I says, "I'll take your money. I'll take your money, but I'm gonna stop working on the house. I'll take your money and you have- there's no hope in hell you're gonna get an extension."
"I say", "I said"
So basically yeah, and I didn't have to pay- I says, "We're not gonna work on a cheque basis." I says, "I'm gonna give you a transit number, and you go to the T-D-Bank and you direct deposit to my account okay?" And of course, he's on time. In fact, sometimes he's early, you-know?
"I say", "I said"
... there's supposed to be no wrecked cars on the property. I don't want any. I had- I had to go through that with one tenant. The fir-- that's the first thing the guy did, put twenty cars on the property. And I says, "It took me a while to," I says, "If it wasn't for his- him wife," she got-- she kicked him out for clobbering her, you-know? Kicked him out, and she got rid of the cars for me, you-know? I says, "Good."
"I say", "I said"
... I said, "I don't have to give you a reason why there's no extension on your lease, no," I says, "you're- you're- two months, your term is up, thank you very much, goodbye, and just hope that you haven't done too much damage." So sure enough, two months, I show up. Well he's not there.
"I say", "I said"