in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.
Example | Meaning |
The um parental expectations were different. Now there 's- well, everyone 's pretty-well better educated and um parents, I think, put more pressure on the school-system and on their own child to be doing things earlier and sooner and faster. |
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Interviewer: ... I mean, like what 's involved with that- that type of work? Interviewer: Yeah, pretty well. Like you- you were- principals go to meetings where the superintendant ... |
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Example | Meaning |
Oh okay, I was ah northwester-- northeastern B-C um Dawson-Creek. ... Was um, oh yeah, um was about an hour east of where we were. A little place called (inc)-Lake B-C um which was quite pretty well 'bout- well b- 'bout the most beautiful place I 'll ever live. |
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Example | Meaning |
Um there were lots of extra curricular clubs um I don 't remember any budget concerns. You-know now they 're all talking about constraints in those days. It pretty well seemed if you wanted to do something, you could- you could find the resources to do it. The school dances and yeah. |
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Example | Meaning |
In the meantime he does computers and he has a friend with a company that he can work for, so he 's doing that. He 's got a couple weeks work right now and he 's working on trying to- so they didn 't- either of them- Linda 's pretty well staying here. She can 't- she doesn 't earn enough money to pay rent so we don 't charge her rent obviously, because it 's not really a rentable space and- and we just charge her board so she- she makes enough money from her book selling ... |
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Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: And then was it more farmland at the time, around there or? Speaker: Ah, no it 's pretty well of course north of uh- north of Salmon, where the East-General-Hospital and McGregor-School are, that was all farmland, and ah, this area where we are now, of course was extremely farmland and railway tracks. We used to come up here on our bikes, and go swimming in the Don-River as I mentioned to you before. But ah, other than that ah- we pretty well- pretty well stayed around- I was in the playground most of the time, playing sports. |
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Example | Meaning |
Uh, Longbranch had a very good baseball team at one time called the Longbranch-Aces, and they were Ontario champions, we had a lot of good athletes in Longbranch then. That was a big spectator sport. But it pretty well died out you-know, with television and everything. |
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... it ran parallel to Thirty-fifth Street, then it ran in beside our house, and then behind it and down uh, Longbranch Avenue uh, crossed Longbranch Avenue, there 's a big white cement bridge there, and then it went down and emptied ah at- in Longbranch Park and it- that ran pretty well all year long. |
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Interviewer: Um, when did it start becoming that you couldn 't swim there? Speaker: Well, um, by the time we were teenagers pretty well, it was getting contaminated. Interviewer: Yeah, right, just from the industry. Speaker: Yeah and there was (inc) like Impatago, and ah then there 's more industry coming in, and so, yeah. So uh, that 's when it pretty well ended. |
pretty much |
Example | Meaning |
Ah Kensington runs between ah Bathurst-and-Spadina and ah and College down to Dundas, yeah. So that whole perimeter through there that 's pretty well the Kensington-Market. |
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Interviewer: Ah so about that, ah do you find that there 's a certain way of speaking here in Toronto or within different communities in Toronto? Or do you find that we all sound the same? Speaker: Ah I think we pretty well all sound the same you-know, except for those that have come directly say the Asians or Russians or Italians and that you-know the- the authentics you-know. |
pretty much |
Example | Meaning |
You-know? You couldn 't do much without your parents knowing about it within a couple of hours time. Whereas now, everyone pretty well keeps to themselves. ... Yeah. Like I 've been in this building twelve-years. I know who the people are and we say "Hi", but we really don 't associate. I don 't mind that. I really don 't. Like I 'm busy now. I 've got my grandchild ... |
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So sometimes, it was very hazardous coming back. And a few kids got killed on the way back. But that was a- big deal was to ah just say, "Hey. Let 's go to Buffalo." And that was all pretty well spontaneous. |
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Speaker: And ah I think that 's about it. I 've written down a lot of stuff but I think I 've pretty well covered it. Interviewer: It 's great! I really enjoyed it. You had lots to say. |
pretty much |
Example | Meaning |
Yeah, yeah and they're metal houses. You can sell them pretty well, oh but all of that down there was the golf course wasn't it, and then a lot of it too belonged to the ah Parkers. |
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Example | Meaning |
So that's about- about's where we live and ah actually we've- I've lived around here all my life pretty well, but I never knew Roy really until I was in high-school and ah we lived ah down um you-know where the (inc) church is really, down the highway? |
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Interviewer: ... was it forest or? Speaker: All forest pretty well. |
pretty much |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: The whole family? You were all interested in tennis? Speaker: Pretty well we were all- yeah my older brother Leonard was a real baseball-star so he didn't play as much tennis as- as Chris and I did, um he was- his summers were pretty well full of baseball-teams and travelling to tournaments and-things-like-that. |
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When we started out ah you went in and then you had a- you had a curriculum but ah you were left pretty-well on your own to interpret it the way you wanted to, and ah um you-know you still had final exams and what not and- and ah you were pretty-well expected if you follow the curriculum and made some changes that ah there weren't an awful lot of people looking over your shoulder. |
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Example | Meaning |
We- my dad worked on the railroad. He was a second man on the railroad and we grew our own vegetables we had an acre of ground here. And that- that's pretty well everything ... |
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