Example | Meaning |
Speaker 2: So the war would be on, nineteen-fourteen to eighteen. So they probably had to give to support the war, eh? Interviewer: Something, seventeen cents to support the war. Speaker 2: (Laughs) That wouldn't even hardly buy a bullet, would it (laughs)? Speaker: Back in them days, it would. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker: I remember that dog today. You-know? Interviewer: That's amazing. You see, that's- Speaker: Well you'd want a story on that? Interviewer: Yeah I do! Speaker: Used to be an Italian worked on the municipality. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Back in them days, they drag the roads out here for the drag. And the old Italian, he said that daddy says, "Your dog is a good you-know?" |
"those days (in the past)" |
Interviewer: That's a long way, how many cows are you herding down there? Speaker: About twenty-five to twenty-six. Speaker 2: And the dog had to keep them from- Speaker: Off the road. Speaker 2: Straying off the road. Speaker: Back in them days, you-know there was no pavement. We went down the Oldovers-Hill not the one you come up. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Interviewer: "How many of our readers will remember Joe-Birk?" Beaver pelts. People- people- Speaker: A trapper. Interviewer: A trapper. Speaker: Back in them days, yeah. Interviewer: Well, can you tell me anything about trapping? Speaker: Like what? Wolves? Speaker 2: (Laughs) Speaker: We snared wolves when we were- oh that was back in sixty-one, I-guess, sixty? Speaker 2: Trapping ah was one of their livelihoods. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker 2: And the house was cold, you-know from that (laughs)- Speaker: (inc) you never had no heat on, well back in them days. You come in here and the bed was just like ice, eh? |
"those days (in the past)" |
My grandfather, an old (inc) lived here in town. He was a Salvation-Army guy. They started the legion hall in Haliburton. I can't tell you what year it was, I think its in the- (inc) up there. They started the legion hall in Haliburton back in them days. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Interviewer: Who's Ned-Surge? Speaker: He's dead long ago. Speaker 2: But now see- Speaker: He was a city slicker. Come up here and brought logs up to the mill. He had a place up here back in them days. He got stuck- cut to build with, eh? I tail-sawed in that mill, I tail-sawed- I was there that day, I was working on the mill when he come up there and took these pictures. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker: And I was invited into the square-dance. Interviewer: Hm, what was that like? Speaker: No different than what we had. Interviewer: Hm. Speaker: Oh we get the same call and-everything eh, back in them days. Interviewer: Do you remember any of the calls? Speaker: Oh yeah. All on the left and the corners all (laughs)- eh Pat? (Laughs) |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker: So the main thing was the- the lumbering then. Speaker 2: Mm-hm. Interviewer: At the sawmills. Speaker: Yup. Interviewer: 'Cause there was a lot of- Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: Good trees up. Speaker: Back in them days it was good timber here. Interviewer: But the p-- the farms didn't do too well. Speaker: No. |
"those days (in the past)" |
We had everything. We never did without a meal, never. Back in them days, you-know meals were hard. |
"those days (in the past)" |
But he never took the chance because you lost a lot of money, that was your bread-and-butter in them days. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker: We used to put ah molasses- had a barrel of molasses- Interviewer: In a barrel? Speaker: Barrel, yeah that's how you bought it in them days. Interviewer: What did you do with molasses? Speaker: You put it on their turnips. Interviewer: (Laughs) Speaker: Oh did they ever smack their chops for that. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Interviewer: Very nice. Did your mother knit that? Speaker: Yup. Back in them days everything was hand knit, your mitts and-everything. Interviewer: I know. Speaker 2: Henry learned how to knit. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: And what kind of work did you do? Speaker: Well we farmed. Ah- I- my job was looking after hens. That was the main thing. And of-course we had no electricity them days you-know, so. |
"those days (in the past)" |
So it was two forty-five gallon drums that had to be filled every day for them pigs and we had to carry it from the well down to the barn, eh? There was nothing easy them days. (laughs) |
"those days (in the past)" |
Eh? Well yeah, he lost a cow. And in them days, you took the cow i-- well it died on him, s-- w-- bloated. So he- they cut it up, they were going to take it down to the fox farm down there at McGill's. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker: They found her, she was out in the grain-field, she'd followed the binder wheel around and Johnny-Calendar found her. She laying dead. She'd pretty well bloated up. Interviewer: Oh-my-goodness. Speaker: So- them days you-know, doc-- it was Connor ah, that looked at her. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker: No. My brothers- he bought us all a pipe too, 'cause you-know them days, you-know you- you smoked ah, tobacco in a p-- chewing tobacco in a pipe. So he bought us all a pipe, my brothers and I, you-know? And if we were over there, he'd give you your pipe to smoke. |
"those days (in the past)" |
Speaker: No I was down in them badlands and I just thinking about that the other day. I didn't know these things them days. They didn't talk about dinosaurs and-so-on when I was young, eh? But I down there and these- what do you call them, hoodians? Hoodans? |
"those days (in the past)" |
Interviewer: Oh so you s-- you would cut logs in the winter? Speaker: Oh yeah. Still do. Interviewer: Still do. Speaker: Oh yeah. Cut wood last winter. Interviewer: So how did you c-- go into the w-- how did you do that in- Speaker: Them days? Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Hasket saw. Yes sir. |
"those days (in the past)" |