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pretty well

Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1576, OED Evaluation: N/A

in a satisfactory way; to a considerable extent, largely.

Interviewer: Did you have language problems when you were going around? Like, I-mean was it easy? Speaker: No, um but only because she spoke German so that carried us through you-know Switzerland and Germany, and I spoke Spanish and French and she had a bit of French as well, so that pretty well covered us but it was funny because we would make our attempts to speak the language and read the signs and things-like-that and try and have conversations with people and their language and they would immediately switch over to English.
pretty much
The-Esplanade was pretty well empty other than The-Old-Spaghetti-Factory.
pretty much
Yeah, like new houses here and there, and it 's not very often you 'll see a new house; most of these houses have pretty well been here all along.
pretty much
... one the boys bought this old beat up station-wagon and they were racing around, they hit a pole down there, and nine of them got killed. And I think that 's the worst thing that ever happened to us. ... So I think that was- that was pretty well the end of the drag-racing after that. ... Nine of fourteen. ... The family was never the same after that either so. I think after that, it pretty well all of us kind-of chilled out.
pretty much
... there was one restaurant on the North-West corner of um- wait a minute... was it Saint-Clair? I 'm not sure it was Sain-- I think it was Saint-Clair, and there was a- that was pretty well getting well out, and they uh- Woodlawn-Avenue on Yonge-Street was uh, the city limits at that time ...
pretty much
Yeah, yeah, joined the Air-Force, you- they- if- if you joined up you had the choice pretty well where you wanted to go, you see, if you were sent out- uh the- if you w-- joined the army, you had no choice where you went.
pretty much
... you quite often hear foreign languages in Toronto and I think nothing about it, they 're quite comfortable, you-know, they- when we were young, they were very embarrassed to speak their own language. ... But they- English was pretty well it, you-know? And the- course the- when the government took over and they opened up more, French was compulsory as well, you-know?
pretty much
Interviewer: When you were- when you were learning English do you- was it maybe a bit more strict to speak the right English than maybe your grandkids are today, do you think? SoeajerL Well, actually the- the thing it was- it was pretty well all English, the- if- if you were learning French it was more-or-less when you went on to high-school or university, you-know? You-know, but in the elementary-school, it was mostly just English, you-know?
pretty much
... as I got older I- I went up to Dad's farm, uh Dad's father's farm where his- his uncle was running it of course, it was his uncle's farm then. My uncle's farm, his brother's. And uh, I worked there, pretty well from end of school to the start of school, and it was a- my older brother was there too and uh, he, Larry 's now dead, he was uh- oh how much older than me?
pretty much
Although there are still you-know- this image of the Annex of- is sort-of these upper- upper- middle-class but it 's- there 's still lots of uh flats and- now the rooming houses are pretty well gone but there 's still lots of houses around me.
pretty much
Interviewer: Would you get things if you were bad? Coal? Speaker: Oh, pretty well, yeah. Interviewer: Yeah you 'd get everything.
pretty much
Growing up here, well there was all these um, like, there was no pavement. There was all like, dirt roads and all that, and when- when I became about ten or eleven, I- you used to deliver the newspaper and it was pretty well all fields around- 'round here like, there 's a few houses.
pretty much
We- we (inc) it was- it was really bizarre 'cause there was just some stuff that was too heavy to carry but the movers thought it was the funniest thing because the one end of the truck pretty well was at our house and the back end of the truck was pretty well (laughs inc). They were laughing but I-mean, we had to.
pretty much
Interviewer: Does your daughter stay at home and go to York? Speaker: Not- not anymore, she 's- she moved out two years ago, but uh she pretty well grew up in this area because she- well she went to public-school over at Blythe-Wood and so it 's her community too.
pretty much
My dad taught me to drive b-- before he took sick and then um- as I say, he got sick and was confined to the house, pretty well. About that time, I joined the Navy. It was during the war.
pretty much
Interviewer: Were you good at those races? Speaker: Mm, s-- so-so. ... And then they 'd put an egg on a spoon and run for that, yeah. Yeah, well they- they' ve continued on I think pretty well. Interviewer: They 're simple.
pretty much
Speaker: I went to see the Dead at Copps-Coliseum when I was in high-school and I- that was like- they sucked. Like, they were terrible that night. It was a really bad concert so it 's kind of like, "Eh, whatever," but the out- the outside atmosphere was pretty well- Interviewer: Yeah and everybody 's making their own Phish t-shirts and- Speaker: Yeah exactly. Tie-dye.
pretty much
. Yeah, and here are all these rapper dudes and they 're making all this money, and, you-know, with- I don 't- I don 't know whether they 've had much education. I think P-Diddy or somebody like that, he 's pretty well-spoken when you- when you see him on Oprah or whatever, but, you-know, some of them- and- and they 're just cool. They- the kids want to be like them.
pretty much
Interviewer: Does he run away? Speaker: No, he tries. Interviewer: Have you had it fenced in the whole time that you lived here? Speaker: Um pretty well. Yeah, he used to get out the corner but my friend put a stick in the corner.
pretty much
... it was a- it was a good, very small school. Like there was only one grade for each classroom, pretty well.
pretty much