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to get the strap

Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: That's right. Interviewer: Like "I don't want that," yeah. Okay. Speaker: But I did get the strap once. But at the time we were in the- a one-room school? Interviewer: Oh, okay. Speaker: Like, in that room there was from grade-one to grade-eight.
a form of corporal punishment involving a leather strap being slapped across the hands
Speaker: I didn't get the strap anyways. Interviewer: Oh no, they- they had the strap too, still? Speaker: Yeah, used to have the strap, yeah. Interviewer: Oh, so did you ever get it once, or no? Speaker: I got it once. Interviewer: How was that? Speaker: Ah- it wasn't that bad.
a form of corporal punishment involving a leather strap being slapped across the hands
Speaker: Ah w-- they have some homework for us to do. But we didn't know how to do the homework, we- 'cause our parents were English. Interviewer: Yep. Speaker: So we would go back to school the next day, still no homework done, and ah- and- and then we get the strap. Interviewer: Yep. Speaker: The wouldn't hit us hard, but- but just ah the idea of the strap being in her hands was kind-of- you-know? So it was- so ah- Interviewer: Scary. Speaker: The- finally the ah- in grade-one- I- I lasted all kindergarten.
a form of corporal punishment involving a leather strap being slapped across the hands