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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1919, OED Evaluation: N/A

Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.

So I joined it in ah fifty-six in Barrie. But then when I went ah back out west, I never followed it up. And then when I come back to Borden, the Legion in Angus said "Come on join, you're a legionary, you can help us out." So I joined again. So my time in the Legion only starts in ah s-- ah sixty-nine- no it's sixty-seven, yeah, sixty-seven it starts. Interviewer 7: Hm. Speaker: But I've enjoyed the Legion. I've had many jobs there. Ran the bingo for years. Ran the fifty-fifty-draw ah for years. I'm a life member now. (laughs) Don't do much around the Legion.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Interviewer: You have beer. Speaker: Eh? Interviewer: You have beer around the Legion. Speaker: Well, (inc) come in and have a social play cards. Interviewer: Oh yeah, you're a euchre in- you play euchre, (inc), and um rum- is it rummy?
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
... ah one time in particular I was in a public-speaking-contest. ... I think I was in grade four or five. I won for my class, then I won for the school, then I went to the regionals, and I did not place in the top three at the legion, but I remember the principal, Harry-Baumer, he came up to me and he gave me a scholastic-bar saying, in his mind, I came in fourth.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Speaker: You know where the um teacher's-college used to be? Do you know where the (inc) is on First and ah Ferguson? Interviewer: Oh so close to the Legion? Speaker: Yeah okay. Ah (inc) is there, the Legion is there and then there's a great big- big building that's partially glass now. Interviewer: Right next to the Legion. Speaker: Yeah that's- that was the old teacher's-college at one time.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Ah right now I'm working at the training carousel as a volunteer. Ah which I enjoy that 'cause I enjoy kids. Interviewer: (Laughs). Speaker: So, which is nice. Um ah I ki-- I'm a legion member. I like coming down to the legion, I like what legion stands for, that's why I joined the club. I met ah a lot of good people, like your grandfather and ah many other guys and ah- like- in general North-Bay is just a- a great place to live.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Ah we've had some athletes ah ah that did well and went down south to- to the bigger track meets and-that. I also was a sports-officer. And that contains of ah different sports that we have ah in the legion. Like we ah, for example ah, we have crib tournaments ah we have ah eucher um curling- we used to have curling. And like- just you-know, fun things and this is throughout the branches in our district.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
And ah, I also was a special-events-chairmen. And that had to do with ah big ah- big ah- ah things. Like the heritage festivals we'd have. Ah, legion ah w-- we would march to that. Legion also would put on the- ah helped with the carnival. We had- w-- we called our club, the Beaver-Club. And ah, it's- it's basically dancing and having fun and ah- the carnival was at one time one week but it ended up to be ah a month-
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
That's the winter carnival and then we'd have- like we'd call Legion-Week. Ah that would be a week ah of like celebrating ah what legion's about and-what-not. Okay. What it stands for and ah also we'd have a Halloween party. We'd have Saint-Patrick's-Day party. Oh it's basically a lot of fun- all the guy-- everybody gets together, members get together ...
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
But I was kind-of- they were kind-of shocked that we didn't do it. Yeah, I don't know why- I don't know what happened, they said d-- I said nobody approached or asked me or asked me if they- Interviewer: Nobody in the entire legion or- Speaker: No. No nobody in the legion at all so I figured they- they had cut it off. But I don't know whether we're doing it next year.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Speaker: Oh yes. Nanny and Papi spoil them rotten. That's what they call us, nanny and papi- papi Interviewer: (Laughs) How appropriate. Speaker: Yeah. Yup. Interviewer: Think they're going to join the legion when they get a bit older? Speaker: I don't know. Ah- Interviewer: Hopefully? Speaker: That's- that's ah way down the road so I- I-don't-know I- I- maybe they might, I-don't-know. They'd have to see how legion is first off (microphone ruffling)
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Speaker: Ah yeah we- I- got to see how legion's going to go. Interviewer 7: Yeah, it seems to be doing well though for (inc). Speaker: Ah, it's not ah like I hope it doesn't die because legion is a great- great organization. I can't- I- I- I'm sorry that the veterans are- are- are dying- dying off to- you-know and the associates aren't taking over like they- we'd like to see them do-
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Interviewer: So as an associate member myself, what would you think would be a good course of action to make sure that the legion doesn't um get nixed. Speaker: I- I think any member that joins the legion ah should get involved with the legion in- in some capacity either with ah- ah the different events that we have ah in legion. Ah we have ah an executive that they- they can join.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Ah we have ah an executive that they- they can join. Like not just join for the- the privileges you have for legion, which is- it's fine and dandy ah but I think if you're going to join legion you should part-- participate as a member and- and- and enjoy it.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Interviewer: Is she involved in the legion too? Speaker: No. No- well actually she was. She um- she was on the entertainment con-- ah chair. Like she was- she- yeah that's ah- any entertainment we had in- in the legion like what we have on Friday nights. Our entertainment Friday nights. She was the- they had ah when you were on the executive you were- you were called a director.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
So my wife went under committee. And we helped her get some entertainment into the branch and-what-not. Ah and helped her ah with different functions. But ah other than that my wife hasn't- she's not even a legion member (laughs). Interviewer: (Laughs). Speaker: I'm- I'm the only legion member between the two of us. But we- we come down here and dance on Friday nights sometimes.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Interviewer: So just general live entertainment whenever sort of just- yeah. Speaker: Yeah yeah. Basically yeah. Yeah. But ah not like I've- like I've- th-- this club I've- I've always loved legion. I- that's the only club I belong to. I don't belong to any other club but legion. Interviewer: It's a good club. It's got lots of different diverse activities. Speaker: Yeah, it sure does. You-know and- and it's- it- it's- it helps community a lot. ... Especially for the veterans which is- it was fantastic.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Speaker: I think that's one thing also that ah new members should learn is- to learn what legion really i-- is about. The veterans and ah what they do for the community and-stuff-like-that. They should all- they should know that and then maybe that would probably help them.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
To decide- well yeah, if they really want to get involved with it and ah you-know- as muc-- like ah I'm not doing as much with the legion as I did in the past but ah I'm still a member and I still come around to find out what's going on and ah-
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Speaker: Oh, well I did the ah poppy-drive a few years. Couple of years. But then that's like- kind of like dwindled. Not enough people buying or-something so they stopped going door-to-door. So stopped getting volunteer hours from there. Next year the- the legion-barbeque and garage sale. Interviewer: The legion-barbeque? Which one was that? Speaker: Well, it's a legion garage sale but they also have a barbeque 'cause it's going through lunch so they make some money selling some stuff and selling food so that people aren't hungry as they're browsing.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.
Speaker: Um then this year, there's the legion-bingo. And my friends talking about the Civic-holiday thing. Interviewer: Civic-holiday? Speaker: Yeah, there's a barbeque or-something they do on civ-- on the Civic-holiday.
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War.