Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Okay. How did you get involved with the legion? Speaker: I got- I- I reti-- I retr-- I retired and I thought "Gee, what do I do with myself now?" (laughs) So I joined the legion and then I volunteered. Ah well first of all I joined the curling club and I took up curling until I hurt my back and I couldn't. But then when I was there I had my Smart-Serve so when I joined the legion here of course they put me to work in the bar and then ah I joined the legion, went on the executive and ah then they made me chairman of the Bingo and so this is the first year I'm not on the executive for three years so. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Interviewer: Are you involved in the ladies (inc) at all? Speaker: No, no, no. Just the legion, yeah. Interviewer: And you did some of the stuff at the heritage carousel previously I guess? Speaker: Yes I worked there just for one year, yeah. But I really enjoyed it. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Speaker: The ideal spot would've been that old C-N-R railway station. Interviewer: Yeah, but they already made that a museum (inc). Speaker: That's what we should've- yeah. No- not- that's C-P-R. The C-N. Interviewer: Oh. Speaker: Yeah the one behind the legion. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: On Second-Avenue. Interviewer: Did that- what is that now then? Speaker: Ah I think it's something for troubled-youths use. I think so. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Speaker: Yeah. No we probably- if we ever sold it- but I don't know how in the hell's going to buy it like I mean that's a big- that's a big place. Interviewer: And it's really well set up as it is. Like just the divisions of the legion. Speaker: Oh yeah but it's far too big now. It wasn't at one time. But it's far too big now, I mean my gosh. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Speaker: Oh it- well I- I-don't-know I hope not because we get deeper and deeper in debt. Interviewer: Oh. Even with the legion dues? Speaker: Oh yeah but the legion dues don't all stay with us eh. They go to command and yeah. So oh yeah, yeah. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Speaker: But it's ideal for us because it's- for the legion to be there, you-know yeah. Interviewer: I'm surprised the city doesn't subsidize that for you or-anything. Speaker: (blows out) (laughs) They don't give us any breaks. The city, no way. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Speaker: Well no I wouldn't ei-- well there's a big due down at the legion in the day time, you-know. They always have big party there so I- I wouldn't be in any shape to go (laughs). |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Speaker: Yeah, yeah. Did you get um- did you get um a bursary from the legion when you went to school? Interviewer: No I didn't. The um- when I left to go, they application form wasn't out at the time and then I subsequently forgot to grab it whenever I came back. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Speaker: Oh did you get your grandpa? Interviewer: I can't. He um he didn't live in North-Bay for forty years or so. Speaker: Oh he was overseas yeah, yeah. But there must be lot of old cronies at the legion that you can get (laughs). Interviewer: I'm working on that. I've got to- I got to choose a night to go and just be like "Hey grandpa's friend!" |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Yeah um who else would be interesting at the legion? Now I don't know about Eric-Walton. Um who does your dad play with? Joey-Steeles, I know he was born and raised here. He was born in Rutherglen. Um who else (inc)- Simon. What about Simon-McGuire? |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Interviewer: And I'm sure that they're- they're in the age ranges that I need. 'Cause I need to do um a certain number of certain age ranges. Speaker: Oh is that right? ... Yeah you- well you- you want younger ones? Interviewer: Um well from the legion I- probably not. Speaker: There- from the legion is all old like you're- you're talking- Interviewer: Yeah sixty, seventy, and seventy plus or- Speaker: Well tho-- those would be seventy plus. Like your- your grandpa's ah bunch, yeah. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Did you join the Legion right when you got back from overseas or? Speaker: No no I ah I joined the Legion when I was in Borden. Fifty-six. Because ah we lived in Borden- or we lived in Barrie and ah we're too far to drive to the camp for entertainment and you had to be belong to the Legion to get in to it. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
So I joined it in ah fifty-six in Barrie. But then when I went ah back out west, I never followed it up. And then when I come back to Borden, the Legion in Angus said "Come on join, you're a legionary, you can help us out." So I joined again. So my time in the Legion only starts in ah s-- ah sixty-nine- no it's sixty-seven, yeah, sixty-seven it starts. Interviewer 7: Hm. Speaker: But I've enjoyed the Legion. I've had many jobs there. Ran the bingo for years. Ran the fifty-fifty-draw ah for years. I'm a life member now. (laughs) Don't do much around the Legion. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Interviewer: You have beer. Speaker: Eh? Interviewer: You have beer around the Legion. Speaker: Well, (inc) come in and have a social play cards. Interviewer: Oh yeah, you're a euchre in- you play euchre, (inc), and um rum- is it rummy? |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Example | Meaning |
Ah right now I'm working at the training carousel as a volunteer. Ah which I enjoy that 'cause I enjoy kids. Interviewer: (Laughs). Speaker: So, which is nice. Um ah I ki-- I'm a legion member. I like coming down to the legion, I like what legion stands for, that's why I joined the club. I met ah a lot of good people, like your grandfather and ah many other guys and ah- like- in general North-Bay is just a- a great place to live. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
Ah we've had some athletes ah ah that did well and went down south to- to the bigger track meets and-that. I also was a sports-officer. And that contains of ah different sports that we have ah in the legion. Like we ah, for example ah, we have crib tournaments ah we have ah eucher um curling- we used to have curling. And like- just you-know, fun things and this is throughout the branches in our district. |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
And ah, I also was a special-events-chairmen. And that had to do with ah big ah- big ah- ah things. Like the heritage festivals we'd have. Ah, legion ah w-- we would march to that. Legion also would put on the- ah helped with the carnival. We had- w-- we called our club, the Beaver-Club. And ah, it's- it's basically dancing and having fun and ah- the carnival was at one time one week but it ended up to be ah a month- |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |
That's the winter carnival and then we'd have- like we'd call Legion-Week. Ah that would be a week ah of like celebrating ah what legion's about and-what-not. Okay. What it stands for and ah also we'd have a Halloween party. We'd have Saint-Patrick's-Day party. Oh it's basically a lot of fun- all the guy-- everybody gets together, members get together ... |
Any of various national associations of ex-servicemen and (now) ex-servicewomen instituted after the First World War. |