Example | Meaning |
It was, it was so nice to be um, in the country. I- I would- I recall my grandpa, he owns property in Craigmont, which isn't far from Combermere. Um, he has a hunting camp on that property, and, like every weekend, he would come pick me and my sister up, my sister's two years younger than me. And ah, we'd spend the whole day with him. |
a shelter, usually in the middle of the wilderness, where hunters live during a hunting trip; may be a temporary structure or more permanent, like a shared cottage |
Short for hydro-electric adj. (power, plant). Also attrib. In Canada also = hydro-electric power supply. Cf. hydropower n.
Example | Meaning |
... when he worked at the- town hall here, being the clerk-treasurer, so first of all, we'd be folding, ah, you-know, bills, it was tax-bills, when it was tax-bill time, for property taxes. And when I was nine years old, ah, my father started us on hydro - billing, because we had the hydro um, utility, ah, Barry's-Bay-hydro - Utility, so my sister and I would do- would type up the buildings on this big m-- building machine. |
Of, or relating to, hydroelectric power. |
Short for hydro-electric adj. (power, plant). Also attrib. In Canada also = hydro-electric power supply. Cf. hydropower n.
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: What do you think is the biggest change you've seen? Speaker: I think the hydro and the- and the water sh-- came into the community about forty-five years ago. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
Yeah, in the olden days it wasn't like it is now, eh? Because there's no hydro there. ... So they had to use the wood stove. And there was no water, w-- they had to carry water for washing the clothes. Had to heat it up on the washboard, eh? |
Hydroelectric power. |
Interviewer: So you didn't- of course you didn't have hydro, so you didn't have any refrigeration. Speaker: No there was no hydro so- yeah, so they used to milk the cows, then they used to separate it. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Interviewer: So tell me a little bit about how the area's changed. What would you say the biggest change has been? Speaker: Oh my gosh. Hydro I guess it- well a lot of places, hydro is a big change. There's a lot of people didn't have hydro, eh? Interviewer: Yeah? So when did you get hydro? Speaker: At the farm there is no hydro. Interviewer: Yeah, but over here. Speaker: Just over here? Well I- when we bought this place the hydro was here, eh? Already, yeah. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: You built this place? Speaker: My father and I, yeah... Yeah, and back then you- you had no power, no hydro. ... Everything was cut by hand. ... That's how it w-- how we did it, and- ad most places there was no hydro the- you were putting the buildings up before the hydro was there and no one had a generator. ... And no one had the power tools that (laughs) would work off a generator. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Did you always have electricity and hydro? Speaker: Yes, we did. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: You were also on a farm? ... Speaker: We did all that- we did all that ourselves too. ... Like my mom- mom and dad, yeah. We never had hydro. Well I shouldn't say- we had hydro, ah, we didn't have a phone for years and television, shit I don't know what year we got a T-V, maybe nineteen-sixty. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
... they approached my dad and, "Dad, you-know Mike-Czerwinski, he's got a- a three-point hydro and he's going to sell it. Do you think we could buy it?" And my- my dad said, "No," and they sort of, "Oh but we- we want to water-ski, and we want to learn to slalom." |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Did you have a least favourite job? Speaker: Ah, emptying slop pails. (laughs) ... In the tourist lodges years ago before the hydro went through. ... Yeah. there was just outside toilets and they had these pails in- in, you-know, the ca-- sleeping cabins. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Interviewer: Did you have a- a fridge once you were, ah- once you weren't living with them, once you moved out, did you have a fridge or- Speaker: Well, after the hydro went through, well then- then w-- well, for a while th- they had a- an old icebox and my dad would pack ice for the winter- |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: We had no neighbours- ... We were ourselves. And we had no hydro - Interviewer: Yeah? Speaker: Oh yeah, we lived with no hydro. We had no telephone, we had a radio that was only put on for the weather or if somebody- if my dad would go to Barry's-Bay and hear that somebody- something happened, well it was only- then it was put on batteries ... |
Hydroelectric power. |
This- that's my homestead there, the picture there. ... That’s the two and a half miles from the road. Ah yeah and ah she stayed here because there was no hydro or-nothing and so then I looked after her, eh? |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
... it was all coming from this mill and sometimes you had to keep the steam pressure up and you get the turbine going properly. ... But eventually they came from- from the steam, they went into- into ah diesel, after that, it was all right. And then hydro came in, and that was that. I don't know what time when the hydro came in, I think it was somewhere in the early fifties, and then Ontario-Hydro came in. And, ah, that's a part of- ah, he was there for- he worked there for quite a while. |
Hydroelectric power. |
And then they would do the sawing and everything else in there, they had a planing mill, and- it was a very very big operation. And, ah, it eventually didn't- they- the companies moved someplace out of that, after that. And ah, they also... before the hydro came in here, they had the, ah- they had their own electricity here in town. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
We have a fight going on with Ontario-Hydro on by the way. ... Yeah, you can read the article in here. The ridiculous charges. I don't know if you're aware of it or not, but hydro is whoah. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
My ah- my mom taught me how to make bread, she taught me so many things ... I can make like if I have to go back to farming and to make like- start off with nothing and if the times got really tough and if there was no hydro and there was a war or devastation I could live off the land. I could- I could- I could do that. I can make buttermilk, I can make butter. |
Hydroelectric power. |
I remember when we got power. I remember the coil oil lamp. 'Cause we got power when we were in nineteen-sixty, we got the hydro. I was three years old. I remember the coil oil lamp, I was so scared. 'Cause it was so dark, there was only the coil oil lamp in the kitchen. |
Hydroelectric power. |
Example | Meaning |
... I would feel more confident, ah, you-know, if things break down, but I've- I've learned a few things along the way, like- you-know, when my hydro goes out quite a bit, so I- I know how to start the generator, even if it's cold, I know how to put the um, I think I put the- you spray the ether on it, I know- I know how to do things- certain little skills like that ... |
Hydroelectric power. |